Marianna Maksimovskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news, programs 2021



Marianna Aleksandrovna Maksimovskaya is a Russian television journalist and TV presenter, who gained fame as the author and leading information and analytical program "Week".

Marianna was born in Moscow in an intelligent family. Mother was a specialist in philology, his father worked as an engineer. The girl was called in honor of the two grandmothers - Mary and Anna. Parents combined these names and ordered the daughter of Marianna. Maksimovskaya was an active child - he was engaged in sports, he was part of the school editorial board, which published a student wallpaper. Also, the girl helped homeless animals - cats and dogs.

After school, Marianna Maksimovskaya decided to master journalism and entered the relevant faculty in Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Initially, the girl was enrolled on the department of journalism of printed publications, but Marianna was able to translate to the television direction, which he graduated in 1993.


The television biography of Marianna Maksimovskaya begins, being a 4th year student. The first place of the girl was the first channel news service. The responsibilities of Marianna on this TV channel, as later on "NTV", where the journalist moved after the end of the university, were associated with the search for news. At NTV Maksimovskaya for the first time began to appear on the screen as a correspondent of the programs "Today" and "Results".

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Having shifted himself on the on-site filming, Marianna received an offer to become the leading program "Today." At first, the girl was involved only in the morning releases, but then became a permanent leading and daytime gear. Also Maksimovskaya could be seen in the analytical program "Hero of the Day", which Marianna led alternately with Andrei Norkin.

After changing the leadership "NTV", the TV presenter leaves this channel and some time leads news on "TNT", "TVS" and "TV-6". But in 2003, he creates its own analytical program "Week with Mariana Maksimovskaya" on the independent channel "Ren-TV".

The rating of this program was huge. According to estimates, the audience of the "weeks" was more than the audience of the audience of all the other combined channel programs. In 2007, Marianna became a member of the Academy of Russian Television. In a year, the Union of Journalists of Russia handed the Maksimov Prize "Golden Feather of Russia".

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With the participation of Marianna Maksimovskaya on the Ren-TV TV channel in 2012, 2013 and 2014, the transmission of "Conversation with Dmitry Medvedev" was recorded.

But at the end of 2014, Maksimovskaya left Ren-TV and focused on leadership. The TVURDER became the vice-president of the Mikhail and Partner Communication Consulting Group of Companies and Helps the leaders of the Russian and International Business to form a corporate reputation, to establish internal and external communications.

It should also be noted that Marianna is in the hundreds of the most influential women of the country according to the magazine "Sponak", which put a journalist, TV presenter and analyst at the 19th place in the ranking.

Marianna Maksimovskaya

In 2015, Maksimovskaya received an increase and took the position of vice-president of the Mikhail Group of Companies and Partners. In the same year, Marianna received the "Telegrand" award in the nomination "For the contribution to the development of information broadcasting". A year later, I founded the Holding "Novak" and took the post of vice president there.

Personal life

Marianna Maksimovskaya many years happy in marriage. The husband of Vasily Borisov by education is also a journalist, but recently is engaged in media exchange and producing. The bridegroom made a proposal of the chief of choice, for which Marianna did not answer any "no", nor "yes."

In 1991, Marianna and Vasily had a first daughter Alexander. The girl went in the footsteps of the parents and also graduated from the Journalistic Faculty of Moscow State University. True, unlike dad and mom, Sasha is not interested in politics, Borisov, the youngest wants to just help people become better and confident in themselves.

Marianna Maksimovskaya with her husband

In 2012, the second daughter of Eugene, which under the sister for 21 years was born in spouses.

From social networks Marianna Maksimovskaya prefers "Facebook", where there is its own comments on the events occurring in Russia. In 2015, Maksimovskaya, after the spouse, mastered the "instagram". The first model for his own page TV presenter made a younger daughter Zhenya, who is surprisingly similar to Mom.

Marianna Maksimovskaya now

In 2017, the media appeared information on the appointment of Marianna Maksimovskaya to the post of senior vice-president PJSC Sberbank, but the message was refuted by the Bank's governing staff. The Board explained that Maksimovskaya Samimovskaya did not consider the proposal on cooperation, since it is occupied by the current project.

In October, the TV host and businesswoman made a report at the World Forum held in Sochi. In addition to the Maksimovskaya, this honor was awarded media with world names - Nick Vuychich, Alexey Teacher, Irina Slutskaya.

TV presenter and businesswoman Marianna Maksimovskaya

Now in Moscow, the ceremony of awarding the leaders of the rating "100 best top managers of the year" was held. The event took place in the Helikon-Opera Hall. Marianna Maksimovskaya and Professor MGIMO Yuri Kobaladze, who regularly reminded guests about the main trend of time - modern technologies became leading in the evening. During the ceremony, TV presenter has repeatedly mentioned Herman Gref, who, according to Maksimovskaya, would certainly be given to the Council to hold the next ceremony already in the company of the robot.

IT-director of "ABC Tsyusa", IT-director of the Azbuchi Vcsus, the Director of MTS Ruslan Ibragimov, Director with Relations with the Yandex authorities, Marina Amelina, Financial Director of Gazprom Neft Alexei Urusov and others. The celebration was held in a warm setting, as the awarded managers have long been familiar with each other and with the organizers of the event.


  • 1991 - "TSN"
  • 1993 - "Today" and "Results" on NTV
  • 2000 - "Hero of the Day" on NTV
  • 2001 - "Today on TNT"
  • 2001 - "Today on TV-6", "Now"
  • 2002 - "News" on TVS
  • 2003 - "Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya" on Ren-TV

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