Sergey Mavrodi - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Sergey Mavrodi is a Russian entrepreneur, the founder of the Joint-Stock Company MMM, which is considered the largest Russian financial pyramid in history. In the second half of the 2000s, Sergey Panteleevich became interested in literature, and wrote scenarios for films.

Sergey was born in Moscow in 1955 in the family of Panthery Andreevich, who worked as an electrician and Valentina Fedorovna - an economist of the enterprise. The newborn diagnosed the congenital heart disease and parents prepared that the boy would not live to adulthood.

Businessman Sergey Mavrodi.

In the school years, Sergey demonstrated the phenomenal memory capabilities. The boy quickly and unmistakably remember the information. Mavrodi was more inclined to accurate sciences and repeatedly defeated the Olympics in physics and mathematics.

In parallel with the Mid-Educational School, Sergey graduated from the children's art school named after V. A. Serov on the Prechistenka, and also achieved success in Sambo, becoming the champion of Moscow in the absolute weight category, although only 60 kilograms weighed at that time.

Sergey Mavrodi in youth

Sergei Mavrodi dreamed of entering the famous "Baumovka", but failed at the entrance exams, so he went to study at the Faculty of "Applied Mathematics" in the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. At the lectures, the young man rarely appeared, as he quickly cooled to study, and later was expelled.

Financial Pyramid "MMM"

On the wave of fashion Soviet entrepreneurship, Sergei Mavrodi opened the Cooperative "MMM" in 1989, which included dozens of commercial structures. Sergey Mavrodi, Brother Vyacheslav and Brother's spouse - Olga Melnikova became the founders of the company. The name of the cooperative includes the first letters the names of the founders. The most profitable and most famous of the firms was the Joint-Stock Company MMM, which turned out to be the largest Russian financial pyramid in history. 15 million people were involved in the activities of the company.

Sergey Mavrodi - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death 19851_3

In the early 1990s, the "MMM" securities began to enter the market, and in just six months the cost of each promotion increased 127 times! It was invisible until the result of the profit due to the grand amount of advertising. It's funny, but my own company Mavrodi ruled exclusively by phone.

Soon Sergey was arrested on suspicion of non-payment of taxes, but after two months released. Wanting to avoid such a situation in the future, Mavrodi became a deputy of the State Duma, never hiding that he was in politics solely for the sake of deputy inviolability. After winning the elections, the businessman did not appear at a meeting of the Duma, but at the same time Mavrodi did not use the financial benefits and benefits of parliamentarians. Sergey did not receive a deputy salary, did not use the office, apartment and cottage.

Sergey Mavrodi in the State Duma

In 1996, the unanimous decision of other deputies Sergey Mavrodi lost his mandate, after which the investigation against the entrepreneur resumed. Only now the accusation was made not just in concealment of taxes, but also in fraud. "MMM" was recognized as bankrupt, and the president fell into the state and even international wanted list.

But even Interpol was unable to stop the purposeful Mavrodi, who, hiding from all, created the new Financial Pyramid "Stock Generation" on the Internet and designed it as a gaming game. Now Europeans and Americans suffered from the activities of the entrepreneur. After promulgation of the crime, the entrepreneur hid 8 years. In the future, Mavrodi confessed that he had its own security service, at least not inferior to those who were looking for Sergey.

Sergey Mavrodi.

After the arrest of Mavrodi, the criminal case was 610 volumes, and the damage caused to depositors was estimated at $ 110 million. But independent experts consider this figure extremely understated. The damage was at least a billion and even amounted to several tens of billions of dollars.

After the last period, Sergey Panteleevich created a new pyramid "MMM-2011", and then "MMM-2012", which quickly went bankrupt.

Books and films

To take itself with something, being in conclusion, Sergey Mavrodi began writing a novel who was published without editing called "Son of Lucifer". Also published a collection of "Temptation", which is a continuation of the novel, as well as the second part - "Temptation 2".

Businessman Sergey Mavrodi.

In the same years, the works of "prison diaries" and "Cake", as well as collection of poems were written.

Mauro's multiple books were filmed movies. So, the entrepreneur redoned the story of the story "Pirogramma", in which he described his own biography. The role of Sergey himself in the picture was played by actor Alexey Serebryakov. In 2014, a thriller "River" came to the screens, and in Canada, the horror movie "Mary" also took Mavrodi's story.

At the end of 2015, Internet showing the Zombie series started, to which Sergey Mavrodi wrote a script and music.

Sergey Mavrodi with his book

On behalf of Sergei Mavrodi, there is only one official website, in which the entrepreneur places video conversion to users. From his own page, Mavrodi warns contributors about the existence of MMM sites, which open scammers who do not have any relations to him.

Personal life

In 1993, Sergey Mavrodi married the fashion model Elena Pavlyuchenko, the winner of several beauty contests of a different scale.

Sergey Mavrodi.

According to the testimony of friends, Sergey and Helena had an unconventional understanding of family life: the spouses lived in different apartments and came to each other only for a joint pastime.

Already being in prison, Sergey insisted on a divorce, because I did not want to spoil my wife's personal life. Later, the entrepreneur found out that Elena is pregnant and in 2006 gave birth to a daughter, which Mavrodi himself never saw.

last years of life

Sergey Mavrodi led a secluded lifestyle. An entrepreneur communicating with people preferred fishing or reading books. Sergey deliberately settled away from civilization and was not interested in news. The photo of Mavrodi did not fall into the media, as the entrepreneur did not strive for publicity.

Sergey Mavrodi - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death 19851_9

Even at the time of the heyday, the "Mmm" life of the entrepreneur was not pretty. Sergey accounted for the minimum number of furniture necessary for human existence.

The star of financial genius or just a furist again flashed on the horizon in 2014, when Mavrodi launched a pyramid based on virtual currency, while 74% of Russians officially recognized Maurodi a criminal and only 17% - talent. The entrepreneur promised to depositors one hundred percent payback. But following the company "MMM", which officially closed only in 2015, the activities of the Pyramid of Bitcoins were also suspended.

In 2016, Sergey Mavrodi became famous for the next scam: the entrepreneur posted on African Internet resources a message about the financial collapse and suggested the inhabitants of South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria to invest money in MMM. The familiar scheme worked.

Sergey Mavrodi - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death 19851_10

The popularity of the Channel of Mavrodi on the Yottube video swollen overwhelmed and attendance became the first on the southern continent, overtaking in the indicators even "Facebook". As a result, the Russian businessman's own savings entrusted 10 million depositors, who were also deceived. By the end of the year in South Africa, the Pyramid ceased to exist, and in 2017, the same fate waited for Nigerians. Angry citizens arranged rallies, but the government could not help anything.

In 2017, Sergey Mavrodi launched a new series "Antimir", and in 2018, Sergey Mavrodi promised to nominate his own candidate in the presidential election, which did not happen.

State assessment

The state of Sergey Mavrodi in the first months of the "MMM" existence reached several million rubles (by 1998, this amount was rearranged to a mark of 100 million dodvalvatory rubles). On the state of affairs in recent years, Mavrodi preferred not to spread.


On March 26, 2018, the media reported on the death of Sergei Mavrodi. According to the latest information, Sergey Panteleevich died in the morning from an extensive heart attack. He became bad right at the bus stop, where the passers-by called "ambulance".

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