Oprah Winfrey - biography, personal life, photo, news, interview with Prince Harry and Megan Plant 2021



Opra Winfri is a famous American TV presenter, actress, producer, public figure, first black female billionaire. The legend of the screen regularly falls in the lists of the most influential stars of Forbes magazine and put a record for the number of hits in a similar list of Time magazine.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the TV presenter is ORPA, in honor of the biblical heroine. But the midwife, who took birth January 29, 1954 at her mother's messed up one letter: so the girl became Oprah. Winfrey itself refutes this hearing and says that he changed his name, because his friends were difficult to pronounce him.

Mother gave birth to Oprah at 18 and soon left for Milwaukee to work the maid. The girl stayed with his grandmother, which later called the only mother. Families as such a future star was not - parents lived separately from each other.

6 years celebrity spent in rural wilderness. In early childhood - Opre was not also 3 years old - the grandmother began to learn the girl to read and write. Those lessons TV presenter considers a valuable gift. Winfrey was brought up in rigor, she was punished for disobedience.

At the age of 6, the mother took Oprah in Milwaukee Ghetto. This period of life star recalls as the hardest. To dispel the longing, the girl began to perform in poetic contests. When Winfri turned 8 years old, her father was invited to himself. The girl stole money from the mother and escaped, but he lived only a year with dad, after which he returned back.

The childhood of the oprach was heavy, and the fault was not a poverty or the social position of parents, but the betrayal of loved ones and psychological trauma - at 9 years old, the girl raped a cousin. Poverty and humiliation did not most effect on its moral state. In 12 years, Winfrey returned to school, but in a year, without handing out bullying, escaped from the ghetto.

Oprah fell into the shelter for difficult teenagers - the mother refused her, but his father took the daughter to himself. In the 14th girl got pregnant, but the child died shortly after birth.

Father made the daughter to resume their studies. The future star studied oratory skill. At the age of 16, she won the competition and received a chance to enroll in the University of Tennessee. There Winfrey studied public relations: judging by his future career, years of training were not in vain.


Career on television began in 1971 from the Miss Black America contest. Then Winfri offered work on the CBS TV channel. She became the first black employee who helps a commentator of the news. The girl was too sentimental for such a job - about the tornado or earthquake told a trembling voice. After 9 months, she was fired from the TV channel.

In 1976, Oprah started working at WJZ-TV channel - first news announcer, then presenter of the morning show, "says Baltimore." channel ratings went up. Winfrey then offered a job leading the project, whose rating was in the last row. She agreed and signed. A month later came to her success - the transfer of beating the record for hits.

In 1985, Oprah was offered to star in the movie "The Color Purple", another name for the tape - "The Color Purple." For supporting actress actress nominated for two prestigious awards: "Golden Globe" and "Oscar". The following year, in the film "Native Son" played the mother of the protagonist. Then there were several TV series, but the project, which made her the richest woman, has become the talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

The program was released in 1986 and was broadcast in 138 cities. In the first two years of profits from the project will exceed $ 125 million. Oprah became the highest paid TV presenter. In 1993, her show was recognized as the most popular in America and even broadcast in 64 countries.

Guests were prominent politicians, businessmen, actors, musicians. During the existence of the project was filmed almost 5000 episodes. In 1993, Winfrey interviewed the King of Pop Michael Jackson - the show took the 4th place among the programs that have attracted the greatest number of spectators in the history of television. Another memorable episode was the release of Tom Cruise, in which the actor "was mad", allowing yourself to emotional stories about love and other antics.

In 2009, the presenter invited into the studio Whitney Houston. That release was a special - one on one woman sitting in the studio without an audience. The singer at that time behind was mangled personal life, drugs, alcohol, and always accompanied by her anxiety. In 2012, the singer found dead in a bathtub at a Beverly Hills in Los Angeles.

Also in the "Oprah Winfrey Show" series of programs come under the general title "Master Class from the stars", where celebrities share their own secrets of success.

The authoritative American magazine TV Guide into gear in the top 50 of America's greatest programs. The project lasted until 2011, and then Winfrey decided to close it. She's come to grips with its own channel OWN and deeds media company engaged in the production of television projects and documentaries.

Heroes transmission and colleagues say that Winfrey has a unique gift to feel the interlocutor and adjusted to the desired wave, not hiding emotions. A hypersensitivity - a professional style of Oprah, what distinguishes her among thousands of broadcasters. In the kitty star has interviews with celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Eckhart Tolle, and others.

In 2016, Winfrey Filmography gained another two paintings, which aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network channel. In a dramatic television series "Greenleaf" Oprah made a producer and played the role of Mavis Macready. In the same year came the series "Queen of the sugar plantations."

In 2017, Oprah Winfrey played the role of Mrs. Ie family fantasy based on the book "Crack in Time" by American writer Madeleine L'Engl.

As Winfrey journalist revealed the release of periodical. The last number in the printed form was released in December 2020. Star decided to convert the magazine O: The Oprah Magazine on Digital version.

On Apple TV + launched the Oprah show home. Guests were a person, one way or another connected with the coronavirus. Actor Idris Elba appeared on the first draft. He described how the disease occurs and that he took during the crisis. Communication took place via video.

Against the background of a pandemic in the media rumors that Winfrey due to sex scandal, she is under house arrest. TV presenter protested and explained confinement regime of isolation.

Personal life

Oprah Winfrey lives with Stedmanom Graham. Children they have - after pregnancy that happened in his youth, the TV could no longer be a mother. Oprah is not going to formalize the relationship, and her common-law husband darling in this fully supported. Too many responsibilities appears in the marriage, I'm sure a couple, lasted more than 30 years.

Media have published sensational about the "secret son" Oprah Winfrey - Calvin Mitchell. But the TV presenter has dispelled rumors and said that in the 90's Calvin helped her mother move into a normal apartment, find a job, and the boy got a job in a private school.

TV presenter says, that girls from Leadership School, founded by her in South Africa, and began her daughters.

Oprah is officially called account "Instagrame", where you can see the photos of the star.

In early 2017, Oprah Winfrey has released the first own composition - cookbook, "Food, health and happiness: Recipes" at the highest level "for excellent dining and a better life." Originally it was planned that Oprah would write his own biography and tell their success story, but later changed the concept of TV presenter.

Following the book "Sunday wisdom: Insights that changes lives." The collection includes Winfrey talks with prominent personalities of our time.

From the fullness of Oprah fights constantly. With the growth of 169 cm TV presenter in the most "difficult" days of gaining up to 108 kg. In his youth, it does not hurt, but in 50 years the star thought about health. Fitness trainer Bob Greene was a TV presenter for an individual nutrition and exercise plan for weight loss, as a result of which the weight stood at 68 kg. To maintain the harmony of Winfrey menu now ruled sweet, flour and alcohol.

Leading actively involved in charity work.

Oprah Winfrey is now

Frank interview given leading Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle. In March 2021 a scandal broke out in the UK royal family a year ago - the couple abandoned their palace duties - was continued.

The couple kept the title of Duke of Sussex, the other titles and powers were removed. Speech on TV named Megan response to humiliate her, and wife steps of Buckingham Palace. In an interview with Oprah former actress told to join the king's life, marriage, motherhood and charity. Compromising in Markle found in all members of a noble family.


"I had no idea that being itself can make me so rich. If I had known, I would have done it much earlier. "" Go ahead. And fall. Below the world looks different, "" The best thing you can do -.. Give a man a sense of his own importance "" You will be able to achieve any purpose, unless you want to work, "" Luck is random, but the ability to take advantage of them. ".


  • 1971 - "Miss Black America"
  • 1976 - "says Baltimore"
  • 1985 - "Film Flowers"
  • 1986 - "Native Son"
  • 1986-2011 - "The Oprah Winfrey Show"
  • 1997 - "Broken Heart"
  • 1994-1998 - "Ellen"
  • 1994 - "American Girl"
  • 1998 - "Favorite"
  • 1999 - "Our friend Martin"
  • 2006 - "Charlotte's Web"
  • 2007 - "BiMuvi: Honey plot"
  • 2009 - "The Princess and the Frog"
  • 2013 - "Butler"
  • 2014 - Selma
  • 2016 - "Greenleaf"
  • 2016 - "Queen of the sugar plantations"
  • 2017 - "break time"

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