Tila Tequila - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Porn Actress 2021



https://www.instagram.com/p/bb8xzusf4ub/ (real name - Thjen Nguyen Tha Than) - American singer, actress, model and leading Vietnamese origin. She was called an online icon, and once Tila and the title "Queen of MySpace" was honored. Bright takeoff, millions of fans - all this disappeared after graduating from a rating show, whose participant was at one time an artist.

Childhood and youth

Tila was born in Singapore in the family of emigrants from Vietnam and became the third, the youngest, child of the parents. By the time of the birth of the youngest daughter, her elder brother Daniel and Sister Terry had already grown up. Tila Mixed Nationality: Her ancestors were not only Vietnamese, but also the French.

In 1982, the family moved to the United States and settled in Houston, Texas. Emigrants lived in a closed Buddhist commune and left from there only after 7 years.

Back in adolescence, the girl was manifested by rebellious behavior. At 13, Tila went to nightclubs along with a local gang. Then appeared the pseudonym Tila Tequila due to the fact that the girl was allergic to alcohol.

At the age of 16, the future star ran out of the house and in passing cars got to New York. When the police found Tila, the girl had to spend six months in a special closed boarding school for teenagers with problems in behavior.

In his youth Tila Tequila moved to California, where he met the agent of Playboy magazine. The manager captured a miniature physique (now the weight of Tiles reaches 44 kg with an increase of 149 cm) and the Asian beauty of the girl.

In April 2002, the photos of Tequila, on which she appeared naked, appeared in the printed edition, and soon Tila became the first Asian girl of the month. Later, the model was in a swimsuit or underwear on the covers of magazines such as Maxim, Import TUNER and STUFF. At the same time, "Maxim" doubled Tekel into the rating "100 of the sexiest women of the year."

Personal life

Starting his career in Los Angeles, Tila could not not pay attention to the attention of the opposite sex. A little known porn star and a TV presenter in the early 2000s began to notice in the society of the Hollywood actor Jared Summer. The couple repeatedly got into the lenses of the camera paparazzi, but the long-term novel did not follow.

The participation of Tequila Tiles in the romantic bisexual show "Shot of Love" was not deception. In addition to the close relationship with the guys William Baker and Se Shon Merriman, the name of Asian tied with Courtney Semen, the daughter of Yahoo! Terry Semen.

In 2009, Tila was engaged with the heir of Johnson & Johnson Casey Johnson, but in just a month later they found a dead girlfriend. Diabetes became the cause of death. This event has so much influenced tequila that the girl herself went to the rehabilitation center, as he was afraid for his health and did not exclude that he could try to commit suicide.

From the crisis, Tila came out the updated - increased bust, which did not suit it before the plastics. The girl hurried to demonstrate the public changes in the figure: on the red carpet of one of the music premiums, she appeared in a frank dress, which did not hide the scars under the breast.

In 2013, Tila met with the musician Thomas Pakhton Waitel, with whom she broke after the young man began financial problems. Already after breaking the relationship, the girl learned that she was pregnant from the boyfriend. In November 2014, Tila Tequila gave birth to daughter Isabelle Monroe Nguyen.

The actress on the body is a dozen tattoo, the first of which she took another 15th age. The girl struck the image of the scorpion, its own sign of the zodiac. Tila Tequila threw smoking in 2005, although he did not part with cigarettes from 13 years.

Tila continues to surprise the users of Twitter. After the birth of the daughter, she joined the movement of Flat Earth, whose representatives are confident that the Earth has a flat form, and the stars and the rest of the planet rotate around it. Later, the actress proclaimed himself by aliens. In 2016, a woman dared to seriously ask for money from fans to a new home.

In 2017, to remind themselves, Tila Tequila told about cases of sexual harassment, persecution by agents and drug use. The woman resumsed that prostitution in her life was a reality.

Artist's ratings after a number of such statements began to fall, and on the page in the social network subscribers have repeatedly left comments on a proposal to undergo a course of drug addiction.

In 2018, Tila reported changes in personal life. She got married, but the husband's name chose to hide from the public. And a month after the first statement, the woman admitted that she was pregnant with a second child.

Films and Tele Show

Tilla Tequila has great popularity to appear in the reality show of Ted New Jent "survivors", in which the participants put extreme and dangerous stunts for the rock star. The girl was not limited to only one show.

Tekel could be seen in the dance program "Dance without pants", she also entered a dozen strangers in the entertainment show "Intuition" and became a guest in the program "War at home".

An even greater attention of Tila attracted to his own person when she was the main hero of a realistic show "Shot of Love", where she fought 16 men of traditional sexual orientation and 16 women lesbians for her love. The program was conceived as a bisexual version of the "bachelor" with an Asian beauty in the role of the main acting person. The transmission was created for the MTV channel.

The winner of the show, the guy named Bobby Bandhart, said that after the end of the filming, not only did not see Tille, but never spoke with his beloved by phone. A year later, the 2nd season was launched, and this time the girl Christ Morgan defeated, who herself on the air show stated that she did not intend to fight in real life for the love of chosen.

In addition to the appearance in various shows, the girl tried himself and as an actress. For the first time, Tila appeared in the episode of the comedy multiplication film "Robotsip" in 2001. She voiced the minor character of a fantastic comedy. The animated series about chicken-cyborg and superhero living with a crazy professor in the same house was broadcast for nine seasons.

In 2007, the actress was involved in the episode of the Comedy "Chuck and Larry: Fire Wedding" about two friends - Widower Larry and Chuck Bachelor (Adam Sandler and Kevin James), which for insurance depict a homosexual pair.

The pretense comes too far, and the connection of men falls on the first bands of the newspapers of the provincial town, where they live. Tequila reincarnated in the film in a smiling girl from the restaurant.

A year later, the tequila sisters were followed by the twins and wiki sister, participants of the TV show "Double Slasn". The girls were looking for a couple among 12 men and 12 women. Among the TV shows, in which Tila continued, the show of Howard Stern, the famous American TV presenter.

Together with Jennifer Aniston, the star porn films took part in the recording of the comedian program Zack Galifianakis "between two ferns" for Funny or Die.

In 2010, the work of the artist in the comedy TV series "Brad, who carries my father". He is a straightforward and tactless chapter of the family of Ede Hudson (William Shetner), with the not only of his own children, but also neighbors in the district.

In the Criminal Drama "Kidals" of 2012, Tila Tequila appeared before the audience in the form of dazzling beauty. In the filmography of the television, this project and today remains the most bright.

In 2016, the artist reappeared on the screen, this time in the short-cast melodrame "24/7", where he performed a major role.


In 20 years, Tila decided on a musical career and began to look for a group to which he could join and gain experience. As a result, the girl gathered the team of Beyond Betty Jean, in which she sang and wrote songs. The group existed not long. Then Tequila became part of the jealous pop pop team, but soon left and from there and began the solo career.

The first single was called I Love U and sold well, although he did not get into the hit parades. He followed the song Stripper Friends, which, despite the released video, remained unnoticed. Soon the Studio The Sunday Team released the debut album Tila Tequis Sex, which was involved in the scandal.

And not at all because of the rapid content, but due to the fact that the company issued a disc without the permission of the singer. There were long court proceedings that Tequila lost, and the plate became affordable to sales.

In 2010, the singer decided to change the image and the scenic name. Her second album Welcome to the Darkside came out from the artist Miss Tila on his own Little Miss Trendsetter label and contained only 3 songs. The most noticeable composition was a Caver version of Hit Yoko. It and John Lennon Walking On Thin Ice.

In August of the same year, the singer performed at the Gathering Of The Juggalos festival, which was held in Illinois. As soon as the girl appeared on stage, as an angry crowd was immediately attacked. In Tila, they threw the first came to the objects than shot down her from the legs. The protection of the artist did not have time to help on time. Tequila described the horror, experienced at the party, in the Instagram account.

In 2015, after a long break, the woman returned to the musical career and released the song Driank Dialaring. In general, Tila Tequila style is a mixture of pop music, electronic dance motives and R & B.

Tila tequila now

Today, news about the biography of Tila Tequila is infrequently falling in the media: the interest of the public to the work of the artist is not so strong, as in the first decade of the 21st century. Exaltist Unless the former fans remember. And even shocking statements and deeds are not capable of changing the situation.

So, in 2020, the former porn star surprised the public with a statement about his involvement in the deaths of several young colleagues. The artist stated that it prays about the death of young girls participating in the filming of pornocartine.


  • 2007 - "Chuck and Larry: Fire Wedding"
  • 2011 - "Brad, who carries my father"
  • 2012 - "Kidals"
  • 2016 - "24/7"


  • 2007 - I LOVE U
  • 2007 - Stripper Friends
  • 2007 - Sex.
  • 2008 - Paralyze.
  • 2010 - I Love My Dj
  • 2010 - Welcome to the Darkside
  • 2011 - You Can Dance
  • 2015 - DRUNK DIALING

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