Elena Stepanenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Humorist 2021



Elena Stepanenko - Sovetskaya and Russian grade stage and cinema. In his speeches, a humorist uses simple and understandable stereotypes and creates an image of an average woman: with a displeased and inattentive husband, an eternal desire to lose weight and buy a fur coat. Often quotes Heroin Stepanenko went to the people, the game of artists turned out to be so plausible.

Childhood and youth

Elena was born in Volgograd, the city, which at that time was called Stalingrad. The father of humorous worked as a cook, later workers at the chemical plant, and the mother in the hairdresser. Helena has an elder brother Boris.

Lena grew up in a milk and a decisive girl, which even the older guys respected for these qualities. The courage helped the teenager debut on theatrical amateur scene. Stepanenko easily reincarnated into a liberated girl telling about his love adventures.

After ambitious success, the question of receiving acting is no longer stood before Elena. After school, she studied a year in a music school, after which she went to Gitis, where he entered the faculty of acting mask genres.

Personal life

In earlier youth, Stepanenko was in love with Opera singer Vladen Khristenko, but he did not meet her reciprocity. The first husband of the artist was the famous pianist Alexander Vasilyev. Thanks to the spouse, Elena began to perform with parodies on famous artists.

In 1979, in the theater Stepanenko met with the comic of Evgenia Petrosyan. 6 years after the acquaintance between them, a stormy novel broke out, and Stepanenko left her husband to Petrosyan. For humorist, Elena became the fourth wife. They made joint numbers and were inseparable. Happiness of motherhood Elena Grigorievna did not know in the first or second marriage.

The family of humorists seemed ideal and harmonious press. The spouses did not quarrel, together worked and understood each other. This union brought Elena Stepanenko as family happiness and a new creative rise.

In the summer of 2018, as if the thunder among the clear sky, the news about the divorce of Petrosyan and Stepanenko sounded. Elena Grigorievna decided through the court to achieve a division of joint property, which was estimated at 1.5 billion rubles. According to the press, the pair is owned by 10 apartments in Moscow, a country mansion, as well as an impressive collection of Rareitta.

According to the lawyer Sergey Zhorin, the spouses do not live together since 2003, everyone had their own personal life. Evgeny Petrosyan was going to give the spouse half of the property to avoid scandals and publicity, but Stepanenko refused to be a global agreement and appealed to the court, counting at least 80% of their common property.

The reason for the divorce of the star stars was the personal assistant of humorist Tatyana Bruukhunov. On the relationship between Petrosyan and his assistants only rumors went. In addition, the girl fully took all the financial questions of the artist on themselves. In December 2019, the pair issued official relations.

At the beginning of 2020, Petrosyan and Stepanenko have not yet come to a single solution under the division of property. Information has appeared that Elena Grigorievna supports the daughter of the artist of the Quiz Petrosyan, who hopes that most of the feasible property will remain in the family. A woman with a stepmother supports friendship. It is the quiz and her children will be the heirs of the actress in the future.

Interestingly, at the time of the start of the trial on the divorce of Stepanenko lost weight by 46 kg. The secret of the rapid loss of extra kilograms a woman called a decrease in portions of food. Now, with a height of 168 cm, its weight does not exceed the average values. In an interview, Elena Grigorievna reported that at the same time he did not resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Photos of the actors appear in the accounts of its fans in "Instagram".

The admirers of the talent of the humorist are suspected that the new novel pushed into such major changes in Elena's appearance. According to rumors, Igor Khristenko, the son of the first love of the artist, became its chosen one.


Elena Stepanenko turned on the Moskovsky Theater of the pop in his troupe. Here the actress played roles in performances, and also performed with solo numbers. Soon, the young artist went to the leading position in the theater. Music parodies, bright humorous monologues and unusual images in various scenes attracted the attention of the audience.

From the memorable monologues of that period of Career Stepanenko, humorous scenes "nuclear button", "perfect woman", "Women who sing" and a parody of the Blue Spark program. In these rooms, the artist sang, danced, was reincarnated in different stars of pop. By the way, many rooms of the time for Elena Grigorievna wrote Mikhail Zadornov.

Later Stepanenko moved to the theater miniature, having passed the complex casting. On the stage of this theater Elena participated in all productions. In the late 90s, the artist began to regularly participate in entertainment television shows. The humorist was invited to "Anshlag", "Blue Spark" and "Curve Mirror". There, Elena Stepanenko read the brilliant humorous "Letter Clinton", a funny "excursion" and other monologues.

And then the artist organized its own programs "Show Elena Stepanenko" and "Kyshkin House", style and form representing a television theater miniature, which requires constant labor-intensive training. In the new time, success had the scenes "watch", "Men's men", "Guide in Moscow", "Tupaya and more dumber" and others.

In addition to the speeches on the stage, in the early 80s, Elena Stepanenko was invited to voicing the animated films. She voiced such famous cartoons as "scarecrow-meadow", "not scary", "once in the morning" and "Dora-Dora Tomato".

In the artistic cinema, the artist debuted in the 1990s in the comedy of the "suicide", where he played with Leonid Kuravlev and Vyacheslav innocent. In the same year, the dramatic tape "Mousetrap" was released, shot on the play of Agatha Christie, and Elena Stepanenko for the first time in his career appeared in the non-comedy image of Mrs. Boyle.

Next time, the actress was invited to the cinema only after 10 years. In the comedy "Formula of Happiness", she collaborated with Natalia Andreychenko and Vladimir Zelidin. In recent years, Elena Grigorievna has been regularly involved in the musical fairy tales of the director Alexander Igudina.

In the musicals "Red Cap", "Morozko" and "Golden Fish" with its partners were such famous artists as Mikhail Boyarsky, Andrei Danilko, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolay Baskov, Natasha Koroleva, Dima Bilan and many others.

In 2016, the humorist was at the festival of humor and Satire "Yumorina-2016" in the concert hall "Festival" in Sochi. At this prefabricated humorous concert, Elena Stepanenko read the monologue of the "Newlyweds" and performed the song "Hasiki".

From August 19, 2017, Elena Grigorievna leads the program "Saturday evening," where he acts as a psychologist.

Elena Stepanenko now

Today, a humorist, in addition to the resolution of family drama, continues to perform. Elena Stepanenko Now, as at the beginning of a creative biography, more often appears on the stage solo, and not in a duet. It acts both with old proven and new monologues.

For 2020, large concerts of the artist in St. Petersburg and the Moscow Izmailovsky Park were planned.


  • "Full house"
  • "Blue light"
  • "False mirror"
  • "Elena Stepanenko show"
  • "Kyshkin House"
  • "Saturday evening"

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