Arkady Mamontov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Arkady Mamontov - Russian journalist and documentary director. TV viewers know the journalist for a number of documentary films that educate viewers about social or historical moments, expose conspiracies and military and sometimes worn frankly scandalous. Arkady Mamontov relieves films on completely different topics: a journalist focuses on both social and economic problems and on spyware conspiracies, the analysis of the situation with Ukraine, the description of the strength of Russian weapons, as well as on biblical plots, biographies of holy and famous personalities.

Arkady Mamontov was born on May 26, 1962 in the family of television drivers. His father worked as an operator on television, a director's mother, and then director of documentary studios.

Journalist Arkady Mamontov

Childhood and youth Mamontov passed in his native Novosibirsk. In school, he knew that his further fate would be associated with cinema. Arkady wanted to act in VGIK, but failed at the entrance exams.

He was called in the army. He served in 1980-1982. In the distant Trans-Baikalia in strategic rocket troops. After the demobilization of Arkady Mamontov decided that he would do journalism. On the journalism of Moscow State University, he came from the first time, in 1988 he was perfectly protected and received a "red diploma". All his future life is associated with journalism.

Television and journalism

After the University of Mammoths worked as a special arch of the TV-News television agency, the news agency "News". In 1991, he first went to the "hot point". The next three years was Stringer (a free journalist), illuminating the events in Tajikistan, Moldova, Armenia and other conflict zones. The results of his work were relevant and acute reports.

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In 1994, Arkady Mamontov began to cooperate with the NTV television channel. From the same year, he works on the program "Special Correspondent", which broadcast "NTV". The period from 1994 to 2000 was a harvest for armed conflicts. Mammoth was in the epicenter of hostilities in Dagestan and Chechnya.

In 2000, the journalist moved to the TV channel "Russia", where it works today. He is one of the permanent authors of the rating program "Special Correspondent".

Arkady Mamontov is one of the few correspondents present in the salvation of the atomic submarine "Kursk". He received permission personally from Admiral V. I. Kuroedov, and his report from the place of tragic events was one of the most memorable. He visited Abkhazia, Beslan, Iraq. His works are marked by orders and medals.

Arkady Mamontov

Arkady Mamontov is a talented documentary. His stories are ambiguous, they have a lot of fans and opponents. In 2003, he removed the film "White Clothes", in which raised the topic of the withdrawal of donor organs in one of the Moscow hospitals. The film got a great resonance, in the same year post-mortem transplantation was prohibited at the legislative level. Three years later, January 21, 2006, a new sensation. Mammoths removed a report called "Spies", in which he told about the secret English intelligence instrument disguised as a regular stone. Then the Russian, foreign journalists were criticized his work, openly called her false.

The first director's work of Arkady Mamontov became the film "Base", shot in 2009. In it, Arkady Mamontov showed the American manas base located in Kyrgyzstan. Then there were documentary tapes "The reverse side. Children "," Yugoslavia. The period of decay "," Maidan "," Putin, Russia and the West ".

In the film "Putin, Russia, West", published in January 2012, the journalist again raised the topic of "spy stone". In an interview, the former head of the Office of the British Prime Minister stated that the reportage found the special services of his country by surprise and recognized the existence of a secret device.

In April 2012, the "Russia-1" documentary was published on the channel "Provocators". In it, Arkady Mammoth investigated the activities of the Pussy Riot group and tried to show the audience that all the shares were carefully planned. Their goal is to insult believers, sow troubles in society. And again on the journalist and the director, accusations of bias, bias, biased lighting events fell. There were no indifferent to the filmed and mounted mammoth material.

All his films affect sharp topics, so they call as many emotions immediately after viewing. Also, Arkady Mammonts more than once turned to biblical plots, for example, in the films "Belt of the Virgin" and "Sodom".

Personal life

About the personal life of Arkady Mamontov does not tell. It is known that he is married, he has two children.

Journalist Arkady Mamontov

Colleagues consider Arkady good, admire him hardly and cannot say anything wrong about it. He is a positive and cheerful man, but the work comes with all seriousness. Arkady Mammoths madly loves his profession and, as he says, tries to be honest and consistent in it, as it should be a professional.

Arkady Mammoths now

Today is the number of films, in the filming of which the famous documentary takes part, only grows. Arkady Mamontov removes and helps in the shooting of a number of paintings, but also produces ready-made films on the air in their own "author's program of Arkady Mamontov". Movies can also be found on the official website of the transfer.

For example, in 2015, the premieres of only four films took place: "Oligarch" about the Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky, "Burn" about tragic events during the confrontation between supporters and enemy enemies in Odessa 2 May 2014, "Victorious" about life and exploits of the Great Martyr George The victorious and the Golden Taurus on the scale of the corruption of Russian officials.

In 2016, Arkady Mamontov entered the film crew of eight films. In the same year, Athos film appeared. Climbing "about the famous place of pilgrimage of the Holy Mountain Athos, who is removed from the point of view of Russian pilgrims.

The following films of the transmission were devoted to the military and technical relics of Russia: "Preobraens" about the Preobrazhensky regiment of the Russian imperial guard, "The Plane of the President" about what the President of the Russian Federation and the Picture of Retribution Weapons are flying on Iskander missile systems deployed in Kaliningrad region, who, by rumors, there is a team to shoot without coordination with the center in the event of any attack on Moscow.

Part of this year's films is devoted to ecology, social problems, health problems and other close directly to the viewers of themes. The film "Palm Coast" spoke about the damage to health, which causes palm oil and other substitutes of natural products. Tape "Poisonous business" - about how the territory of Russia is polluted and large manufacturers play in this. "Black realtors", as follows from the name, disassembled in detail the problem of black realtors, showed terrible consequences and described ways to combat this phenomenon.

Also, Arkady Mamontov released the film "Fourth Power", dedicated to journalists who are struggling with injustice with their own investigations and materials.

In 2017, the journalist repeated his own record and again lit up in eight films. Two continuations of the topical materials last year have come to the air: "Poisonous business 2" and "Palm shores. Part 2 ". Also appeared another film about the military power of the country" Triumph Prometheus "- about the Russian missile and anti-aircraft complex C-500" Prometheus ". The premiere of the film "Black Pharmacy" about the group of criminals who travertged the men's population of Russia, the movies "Monk", "Odessa. Three years, "" His people "," Ukraine. Operation "Mazepa".

Arkady Mamontov

Since October 2017, Arkady Mamontov took the post of TV host the new author's program "Footprints of the Empire" on the TV channel "Savior".


  • 2000 - "Special Correspondent"
  • 2001 - "The reverse side. Children"
  • 2003 - "White clothes"
  • 2004 - "Traffic"
  • 2006 - "Spies"
  • 2006 - "Western"
  • 2007 - "Velvet. RU »
  • 2009 - "Base"
  • 2010 - "Rechnik"
  • 2012- "Putin, Russia and the West"
  • 2012 - "provocateurs"
  • 2014 - "Bandera: Balays are not heroes"
  • 2014 - "Sodomy in Europe. Who is to blame and what to do?"
  • 2016 - "Athos. Climb
  • 2016 - "Palm Coast"
  • 2017 - "Footage of the Empire"

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