Tatyana Chernigovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, lectures, books, children, brain, speeches, "Yutyub" 2021



"In order to understand how the world works, it is necessary to learn how the brain is arranged," Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya, the world famous scientist and professor of the Department of Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, is sure.

Childhood and youth

Chernigovsky was born in February 1947 in St. Petersburg in an intelligent family, where both parents are scientists. A permanent example of serving science, which was demonstrated by the father and mother, as well as the fact that Tanya studied in the only school in the USSR, where teaching went in English, determined the future of his daughter.

At the end of the school, Tatiana entered the university named after A. A. Zhdanov (today, SPbSU, choosing the Faculty of British Philology. Here the student studied at the Department of Experimental Fonetics.

Chernihiv claimed that she did not plan and predicted his own future. Often came impulsively, as it is called - in the call of the soul. Therefore, having received a humanitarian education, even in his youth went into biology.

The science

In 1977, Tatyana Vladimirovna defended his thesis, and in 1993 - Doctoral. The topic sounds like this: "The evolution of linguistic and cognitive functions: physiological and neurolinguistic aspects." Chernigovsky - twice doctor of science - biological and philological. Until the end of the 90s, she worked at the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. There is also the title of professor. The subject of study is extremely thin and complicated, if short, then this is a human brain.

In 2000, at the initiative and insistence of Tatiana Vladimirovna, the first specialization called "psycholinguistics" was opened at the Department of General Linguistics of SPbSU. According to this program, they prepared the first Russian masters.

Chernihiv's professional biography includes close and fruitful cooperation with a number of institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and with foreign universities. Repeatedly Tatiana Vladimirovna was invited as a lecturer to the largest US and Europe universities.

A lecture "How to teach the brain to learn?" Was particularly popular. With this material, Chernihiv appeared on the ether of the program "Rules of Life", in the Lecture "Direct Speech" and participated in a number of scientific and educational festivals.

Objects studied by Tatiana Vladimirovna, extremely complex. The interests of the professor include the origin of the language, its development and pathology, the theory of evolution and artificial intelligence. More than 250 scientific articles and monographs are written on this curious topic. Not only content, but also the name of the book "Cheshire smile Cat Schrödinger: language and consciousness". Work is printed both in Russian and in foreign publications.

Tatyana Vladimirovna is the state scholarship of the President of Russia and Fulbright (International Exchange Program). In addition, it is written by the head of the St. Petersburg school of psycholinguistics. In January 2010, the presidential decree, which Chernigovsky was awarded the title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation".

In April 2016, the viewers were able to hear the curious arguments of Tatiana Vladimirovna in the popular program of Vladimir Posner. The subject of a conversation is a brain device. In a conversation with TV presenter, Chernigov touched a number of exciting questions: how does the human mind function, will it ever be able to thoroughly explain the science, as the brain and personality interact, which is the superiority over the computer.

In 2017, Neurolingwist received regular recognition. RAS nominated Tatyana Vladimirovna for a gold medal for outstanding achievements in the field of propaganda of scientific knowledge. In the same year, Chernigovskaya became the laureate of the gold medal in the nomination "Science of Life".

The 2020th caused many publications of various experts on the consequences of a coronavirus infection pandemic. I did not exception and professor who at the end of the summer gave an interview with Fontanka. Chernihiv predprinted global changes with which everyone can cope. But more flexible people, on the contrary, will be able to better show natural abilities.

Over the years of scientific activities, Tatyana Vladimirovna traveled with the performances of Polmir, once even read the lectures to Dalai Lama. It is not surprising that such a successful specialist addressed attention and criticized. Usually Chernihiv scolded for unambiguous conclusions and applications. A scientist does not like to clarify other theories with which I disagree.

Personal life

Tatyana Vladimirovna dedicated to the monograph to upbringing bilinguals, the rehabilitation of children with speech disorders and the development of cognitive skills in boys and girls, but nothing is known about their own siblos of the Chernihiv press. Journalists do not know if Professor has a husband and heirs.

Neyrolynguist loves to relax in the forest or on the ocean coast. Here Tatyana Vladimirovna falls into the environment where the woman is comfortable. Chernihiv with a smile recognizes himself to some expensive snob and astretis. For example, reads books only in paper, and not electronic version. A teacher likes to keep them in the hands, feel under the fingers texture of pages and "inhale" the unique "book" fragrance.

The personal life of Chernihiv is, to all of the above, listening to classical music and visiting the theater. The source of pleasure professor considers ordinary human joys, such as delicious food and good wine. And Tatyana Vladimirovna is sure that the native epoch is a scientist - the past XIX century.

Tatyana Chernigovskaya now

Chernihiv reads courses "Psycholinguistics", "Neyrolynguistics" and "Cognitive processes and brain" for students and graduate students of the Philological and Medical Faculty of SPbSU and the Faculty of Free Arts and Sciences. In parallel, the teacher is now a member of several editorial boards of scientific journals and organizations, among which the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission.

At the beginning of the spring of 2021, the Russian Gazeta reported that the organization "Professional Innovation Professional Innovation" organization interviewed teachers of various profile institutions and found that Tatiana Vladimirovna is the most influential woman in Russia in the field of education. Chernigovaya thanked fans on page in "Instagram".

A scientist is happy to share working photos from conferences and other events, gives advice and shares his thoughts about God and life with subscribers on the social network. Tatyana Vladimirovna's video track is sometimes lays out on Yutubeub, among which users allocate "consciousness and brain."

Awards and achievements

  • 1977 - defended his dissertation
  • 1993 - defended the doctoral dissertation "Evolution of language and cognitive functions: physiological and neurolinguistic aspects"
  • 2000 - At the initiative and insistence of Tatiana Chernigov, the first specialization called "psycholinguistics" was opened at the Department of General Linguistics
  • 2006 - elected by a foreign member of the group of philosophy and philology section of the Humanitarian and Social Sciences of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences
  • 2010 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Tatiana Vladimirovna Chernigovskaya was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation"
  • 2017 - Laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of propaganda of scientific knowledge in the nomination "Life Science"

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