Lika Star - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Today, the name of the singer Lika Star is somewhat subsided, but not so long ago she was a mega-popular person in the domestic show business. After all, the Lika Star is the first DJ girl. Lika also became a singer for whom the most expensive video clips were shot.

Lika Star, whose name is Lick Olegovna Pavlova, was born in September 1973 in the Baltic States. Childhood and youth passed in Vilnius. And the amazing name of his daughter gave the father who adored the creativity of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and knew the biography of the writer. Remembering that the lounge classic was called the face of Mysina, Oleg Pavlov gave the same name to the girl.

Singer Lika Star.

It was Pope, Oleg Vladimirovich Pavlov, had a huge impact on his daughter. Father was a bright and talented man. A graduate of Vgika, who graduated from the Director of the Faculty, Pavlov did not work in a specialty, but chose journalism for himself. By performing the task of the newspaper Izvestia, in which she worked in the late 1960s, Pavlov went on a business trip to the city of Vilnius, where he met the beautiful Lithuanian Aldon-Yuzu Tunkavikut and stayed there to live there.

Lika Pavlova justified the hopes of the dad. The girl grew an extraordinary, bright child. Parents chose a linguistic school for her daughter with the study of French, after the end of which dreamed of seeing a faunch in the ranks of MGIMO students. But fate ordered otherwise.

Lika Star in youth

The two largest hobbies, between which the girl was broken, were sports and music. In the first face reached a lot of heights. The title "Master of Sports for Swimming" to Pavlova came in adolescence. But at the age of 14, the future star threw the sport and focused on music. At the age of 15, after the death of the beloved father, the girl left the house.


Having become acquainted with DJ Vladimir Lonarov (DJ Lantern), Lika Star "caught fire" by work per console. Lika liked the duties of DJ so much that the girl very quickly mastered the profession and found out subtleties. Pavlova refuted the existing template that this is a job for guys, and proved it with its own example, becoming the first DJ girl in Russia.

In Moscow, the Lick Star got acquainted with the future producer Sergey Obukhov. He liked the vocals and the scenic image of the young singer, and Obukhov took the "unwind" girl. At the very beginning of the 90s, in collaboration with the producer of Lick Star, it was able to release the first single called BBB Taxi. The song instantly turned into a hit, immediately followed by a few more. The compositions collected together were formed in the debut album "Lika Rap".

The popularity of the new singer grew like on yeast. Making a bet on shocking, the girl with the help of producer quickly turned into a star. With model parameters of appearance (the growth of the singer is 173 cm), the Lika turned out to be the first of the Russian colebriti, dare to play in a naked form for the Russian publication "Playiboy". The effect was comparable to a bomb broken in a crowded place.

The bright event of 1994 was the appearance of an unusual-frank clip for the song "Let rain be held". The video took off a beginner and many unknown director Fyodor Bondarchuk. The clip came to the TV channel "MTV", where he was broadcast for the crescent. At the same time, the singer decided on his own pseudonym and began to officially call himself the Lika Star. The musical composition entered the singer's second studio album, which was called the "Fallen Angel". There were also the tracks "Thirst for new illusions", "somewhere there ...", "smell", "Little tramp".

The story of the Star Star rose rapidly and brightly, can be judged by the appearance of the singer at the Christmas meetings of Alla Pugacheva. According to the Lika, Priaudonna invited the girl in his own theater, promising to take number 1 in the country. But, again, with the words of Lika Star, the singer abandoned such a honor, because he considered himself the first number in the country. And also the girl did not want to turn into a puppet in the hands of Alla Borisovna.

Scandalous articles in yellow editions dedicated to the singer with the Baltic roots followed one after another. The girl was presented by monstrous "sins", most of whom did not commit the Lick. Perhaps it was part of the advertising strategy of producer or the singer itself.

In 1995, the creative biography of Lika Star made a steep turn. After the birth of the singer's son, I decided to interrupt the speeches for a while and dedicate the time to the baby. While a tour of the Album "Fallen Angel" was held in support of the album. Huge funds were invested in it, and the producer demanded reinforced work and a dense work schedule. Contradictions ended with a rapid clarification of relationships. Won the Lika Star, which was sent to the sale of 5 thousand disks.

In 1996, the artist began to record the next album "more than love." As an idea of ​​producers, the release of the disk was preceded by the All-Russian Advertising Campaign. A year later, the premiere of the video clip at the hit "Lonely Moon", in which the roles played the editor-in-chief of the "Om" magazine "Om" Igor Grigoriev, Gosh Kutsenko, Masha Cigal, Ivan Salmaks, TV presenter of TV-6 Tanya Smekiv.

In 1998, the star managed to open his own studio, calling it "AS Studio", and herself was produced by producing novice performers.

The new portion of the "fresh" scandals, which again carried out the top of the old on top of popularity. In addition to rumors about romantic communications with Ilya Lagutenko, the singer and producer added twigs to the fire, appearing with two DJs - groove and Mutabor - in the scandalous show "Naked True". Here, the heroes of the program shared with the countries of the insisters of the invarki of the country's show business.

After the committed Lick's scandal, the Star for a long time left in the UK. Here, in London, the girl began to cooperate with the musicians of the group "Apollo 440".

In 2001, the artist pleased the fans with the new album "I", the premiere of which took place on the radio "Station 2000". The song "Paday" sounded on the air. The collection also included the tracks "I Tay", "on fire", "Wind", "Ibiza".

In 2003, Lika Star reminded himself in his homeland, becoming a participant in the project "the last hero". In 2007, the artist once again appeared on the Russian television screen in the video clip on the "Cratty Matim" composition, where he starred along with Vengerov & Fedorov.

Personal life

At the age of 14, Lika Pavlova met Vladimir Fontarev. Then Vladimir was an uplink disco. A couple had a novel. Fanovarev and helped you to make the first steps in the DJ profession. But relations ended with painful parting.

Lika Star and Angelo Sich

Personal life Lika Star received a new impetus after a meeting with businessman Alexei Mamontov. Far from the world show business Male for a while became a reliable support for a 22-year-old girl. In 1995, Leika gave birth to first-mention of Artemia. But after the Mammoth was drawn into the gangster disassembly, which at that time happened often, Pavlov, grabbing a little son, was forced to hide from her husband's enemies. It was a difficult period in the life of the singer. Then Mama Liki died.

After the Black Lacon Strip, the Star was again in the Zenith of Glory and in Favoro at Alla Pugacheva. But after rumors about the romantic connection of the singer, with the then still son-in-law, Vladimir Presnyakov, the Lika disappeared from the domestic show business. They say the sunset of the career happened at the order of Alla Borisovna.

Today Lika Star lives in Sardinia. The husband of the former singer is Angelo's entrepreneur. A couple had two children. In 2004 - the daughter of Allegrina, and in 2011 - the son of Mark.

On April 20, 2016, the Lick Star reminded himself. In the program "Alone with all", the actress admitted Julia to the Losspiece and viewers, which at the beginning of the career survived the novel with Fedor Bondarchuk. According to Lika, the girl then frankly told about this spouse director. At the same time, the star of the 90s argues that the guilt before Svetlana Bondarchuk and Christina does not feel. Like, the face was a free woman. Therefore, wines for novels "on the side" lies exclusively on men.

On behalf of the Little Star in the Instagram network there is an official group, viewing a photo and video of which is available only for account subscribers.

Lika Star now

In October 2017, the star of the 90s appeared among the guests invited to the program "Saturday evening", whose TV weights were Maxim Galkin and Julia Menshov. In addition to the Lika Star, Ksenia Strege, Valery Syutkin, Yuri Grymov, Yuri Nikolaev, Sergey Minaev, Natasha Koroleva, Aziza, Combination and A'Seudio Groups.

Now the artist is engaged in tourist business. The creative potential of the face is implemented, the cumpening in Russian Italian hits.


  • 1993 - "Lika Rap"
  • 1994 - "Fallen Angel"
  • 1996 - "More than love"
  • 2001 - "I" (NOKS version)

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