Andrei Razin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Producer, Singer, Lasky May 2021



One of the talented producers and managers of the 90s Andrei Razin does not require a special presentation. Even if the spectators suddenly subsidize this name, it is worth putting it together with the name "Affectionate May", and the memory immediately will helpfully promptly, about whom it is spent. Now Showman and singer - a frequent guest of entertainment gear.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Alexandrovich Razin was born in September 1963 in Stavropol. Alexander Vatslavovich Father arrived in the city of Belarusian Grodno. In his youth, he met with the future wife of Valentina Ivanovna Crivorotovoy in the walls of the local university. The broken romance was soon crowned with a marriage, the consequence of which was the birth of the son of Andrei.

A young family did not have time to enjoy happiness to live together: the parents of the producer died in a car accident, which happened in 1964. A year old son remained orphans and got into the Svetlograd orphanage. Children's and youthful years razin passed here in Svetlograd Stavropol Territory. Andrei graduated from the local school and received a specialty Mason.

Soon Komsomol sent a young man to the extreme north. Andrei returned to Stavropol in 1982 and immediately entered the local cultural and educational school, where he studied the year. In 1983, Andrei received an agenda to the army, where he served 2 years in the tank part. In Stavropol returned for a short time. Razin again called the road. This time in Ryazan. There for the first time a congenital talent for entrepreneurship was manifested, and a brilliant creative biography of Andrei Razin began.

Show Business

In Ryazan, an enterprising young man settled in the regional philharmonic, where he took the place of deputy director. Andrei managed to demonstrate the ability to find the right connections, to negotiate with the necessary officials and instantly generate creative ideas. Soon I had the opportunity to step over to a new career step: Andrei Razin went to Siberia, where there was a place in the Chita Committee of Television and Radio. In the absence of profile education, it was possible to become the first assistant director.

The cultural life of Siberia was rich. In Cheta, the Soviet pop star came to tour, with one of whom - Anna Westerns - the young man could immediately find a common language. When the tour of the popular singer ended, Razin left the cheat with the performer, receiving the position of administrator. In this capacity, the young man traveled the dozens of large cities of the Soviet Union, acquired useful ties and the experience in show business.

Why Razin left the singer - there is no reliable information. But for a short time, the young man returned to his native Stavropol, where he settled by the deputy chairman of the collective farm in the famous village of the suspension. This place is known for the fact that the Samoek of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev was born here at that time. It is rumored that the choice of Andrei Razin was not accidental.

Once the deputy chairman of the collective farm, taking money to buy a tractor, went to Moscow. More in the collective farm did not see him or money. As it turned out, the money to the new tractor was invested in the future career of the artist. Andrei found a place in the record company "Record", where he was looking for a search for young talents. The surrounding Andrei Aleksandrovich was represented by the nephew of the Secretary General. The first successful draft time was the group "Mirage", together with which Andrei tried forces as a singer "on warming up".

"Tender May"

The acquired experience with the musical team and the place occupied by the way. One day in the hands of Andrei, a disk with the songs of the little-known pop team "Affectionate May". The soloist was a guy whose fate was similar to the destiny of the very time. And he immediately caught fire the idea to attach strength and skills to promote the project.

Rumor, young "combinator", giving himself a worker of the Ministry of Culture, persuaded the necessary people to carry the group to Moscow. When it happened, Andrei Razin showed truly wonders of advertising art. After writing a million cassette with the songs of the team, the producer found a way to "promote" an unknown team to the stars of the Soviet pop.

The proliferation of cassettes were engaged in conductors of trains, kicked into all the ends of the USSR. For the fee of the composition performed by Yura Shatunov sounded in the same trains throughout the way. In addition to producing, Andrei Razin also acted as a singer.

In 1989, the Debut Single of the Contractor was published on the Melodia label called "Zadky Duckling". Also, the soloist represented the song "Old Forest", "Kaleidoscope", "on the white bedspread of January", "Island for two", for which clips were created. For a while, the director of the project was Vadim Tsyganov, the husband of the famous vocalist Vicky Tsyganova.

Soon there was not a single "corner" in the country, where they would not listen to "affectionate May". The group becomes a cult in the 90s. Stadiums gathered for concerts. For several years, the discography "BLAILY" Razin has been replenished with a mass of hits, and later the albums of the team were published.

And, which is no less interesting, the musical project miraculously could simultaneously perform in Nadym and in Stavropol. The brilliant producer first invented and tried the "cloning" of the collective. Rooking, "clones" were at least two dozen. The sound provided "Plywood". The record of commercial success "Laskovaya May", it seems, does not break today.

In 2019, after the release of the program "Hello, Andrei", which gathered the participants of the popular project, a scandal flared out. Razin accused the TV host in sales, saying that he allegedly paid Yuri Shatunov for participating in the release of 1 million rubles. In addition, from the guest of the transmission, according to Showman, it was necessary to "water the mud" producer.


But no matter how successful is the project, it has a property to fade. After the "gentle May" disappeared, a new period began in the biography of Andrei Razin. Showman took up politics. In 1993, the producer became the rector of the Institute of Arts at the University of Stavropol. In 1996, Razin had worked as a trustee Gennady Zyuganov in the presidential election.

Andrei Razin also headed the Stavropol Culture Foundation. In December 1997, he participated in the elections of the Stavropol Regional Duma and tried to get to the State Duma of the Russian Federation as an independent deputy. In July 2008, Razin was appointed Director General of the International Olympic Festival "Sochi-2014". And in 2013 he became a member of the Party "United Russia".

Personal life

Andrei's first marriage was civil, which happened in 80s, in which the son of Ilya Razin was born. It so happened that the boy learned about the existence of the boy in 2003. The heir was the formation of a stylist and opened his own studio in St. Petersburg, and then in Sochi.

Andrei Razin's personal life has changed in April 1988. The artist married Natalia Lebedeva. The marriage existed a year. Spouses divorced, did not have time to create a full-fledged union and give birth to children. Later, Natalia went to Hungary.

The Fain girl became the third spouse, from which the producer met in 1984, but issued a relationship only after a divorce with Natalia.

In the late 90s, Andrei met at Sochi's resort Beauty Maritan, who in 2001 gave birth to Andrei Son Alexander. The young relationships managed to issue only in 2007. The Union of Andrei and Maritans did not hold out long: the artist returned to Fain. Sasha's son lived alternately with his father, then with his mother.

The fact that Andrei Razin's personal life went to a new round, became known in 2013. The 50-year-old producer and politician announced the upcoming marriage in the "Direct Ether" program. The former soloist of the "Laskaya May" group, Natalia Grozovskaya, became Razin, with which Andrei has long supported his close relationship. Natalia has demonstrated the ring present and stated that the wedding will be luxurious.

2017 brought Andrei to Razuin a heavy loss. On March 10, the younger son of the producer Alexander passed away from the heart attack caused by the complication after ARVI. The tragedy occurred while walking a teenager in a classmate company. The girl caused an ambulance. So far, I was waiting for the car, the young man tried to reanimate the accidentally held by the doctor Alexey Koscheev. Two times the heart of Alexander launched, but the body could not cope with the crisis. Later, the young man revealed heart disease, which was not diagnosed earlier and protected asymptomatic. The death of his beloved son began to strike for Andrei Razin, the artist was painfully experienced. The last joint photo with his son appeared on the personal account of the singer in "Instagram".

Under the impression of Andrei's happening friends, whose baby was born in the summer, called the child with the name Alexander and invited Razin to become the godfather of the baby. Andrei was a rashogan act of loved ones.

In August, Razin has expected a joyful event - the wedding of the eldest son Ilya on the girl Elizabeth, with which a long-lasting relationship is associated with a long relationship. The spouse of Producer Natalia Grozovskaya reported to journalists that Andrei Razin hopes for the appearance of grandchildren who will bring to life former joy.

In the autumn 2020, the producer surprised fans with the news that he was going to marry the sixth time. In an interview with Razin admitted that for 2 years it is found with a beloved by Olga, Ukrainian by nationality. Andrei did not hide fiery feelings to the elect, laid out joint photos in "Instagram" and even stated that he was planning the wedding next year. The plans from the producer - the birth of two more children. The artist also noted that with two former wives retained a warm relationship, and they are not against his new marriage union.

Andrei Razin now

For 2021, the producer scheduled a large wedding tour of Russian cities, in which, in addition to him and the Bride of Olga will take part and the artists of the Disco Soyuz. Andrei also wished to return to work with "affectionate mahe" and replace in the team of Yuri Shatunov, with whom the producer had long-time conflict and legal proceedings. To this end, the artist seriously took up, deciding to bring the body into a good form for upcoming concerts.

With the weight gained over a few years of 153 kg (with 173 cm height), the Contractor was able to cope through a tight diet. According to him, the same method adhered to the previously primonna Russian stage Alla Pugachev. Motivation Return to the scene was so strong that the refinement was able to abandon the sweet and alcohol. As a result, for a year and a half (by the summer of 2020), the producer was noticeably lost, 107 kg began to weigh.

The scandals binding producer with representatives of the Russian show business continued. So, in the fall, many years of conflict between Andrei and Leroy Kudryavtseva again aggravated. Razin accused the TV presenter that she had previously used the Musician of the "Laskovaya May" of Sergey Lenyuk for the mercenary purposes, led the lifestyle, far from decent. Also showman expressed anxious about the wife of Lera, Igor Makarov, advising the latter to flee from "Monsters".


  • 1990 - "The Island for Two"
  • 1996 - "Eldorado"
  • 2000 - "You are alone on the whole earth"

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