Jacques-Yves Kusto - biography, personal life, photos, inventions, cause of death and the latest news



Jacques-Yves Kusto - French Ocean Researcher, director of scientific and popular films "Underwater Odyssey", Aqualanga inventor, author of many books about the underwater world. Friends and acquaintances called him captain Kusto. In general, it can be argued that the work of this person for many people opened the Blue Continent.

Jacques-Yves Kusto

Jacques-iv was born in the suburb of Bordeaux, in a small town called St. Andre de Cübzak. His father Daniel was a lawyer known to the whole country as the youngest lawyer who received a doctoral degree. Mom boy, Elizabeth, came from the pharmacist family, but herself was engaged in household and the education of Jacques-Iva and his older brother Pierre-Antoine.

The family constantly lived in Paris, but a lot traveled. During the rest on the sea, the Custo Jr. learned to swim and fell in love with water forever. By the way, the child at the age of 7 was raised incurable diagnosis of chronic enteritis, because of which he remained more than thin.

Jacques-Yves Kusto

After World War I, the family Kusto moved to the United States, where Jacques-Will became interested in mechanics and inventiveness, and also made his first immersion under the water. After returning to Paris, a 13-year-old parenchy built a valid car model, the engine of which worked from the battery, and also began to shoot the world around the world to his own film.

The teenager was interested in such a number of things that he simply had no time for school lessons. Therefore, parents sent the Son in a closed boarding school, which he graduated with honors.

Then there was a naval academy and service in Shanghai. One day he saw in the roadside shop goggles for scuba diving. Having tried them, Jacques-Will understood what was going to devote his life.

Films and books

At the beginning of the 50s, Jacques-Yves Kusto rented the old heavily worker of the British Royal Navy, called His "Calypso" and began research on the ocean. The result of the expedition was the popular science book "in the world of silence", published in 1953. She brought Custo worldwide recognition, and the film, filmed by her, instantly made his legend of documentary genre. The picture "In the world of silence" was awarded the Oscar and Golden Palm Branch Prizes.

Jacqua-Wyva's submarine

Behind the debut film was followed by such ribbons as "Golden Fish" and the "World WITHOUT SUN", and then the series "Underwater Odyssey of the Kusto team" appeared, which went to the screens a total of 20 years. In addition to him, Jacques-IV shot such cycles of films about the oceans, seas, rivers and their inhabitants, like an "oasis in space", "Adventures in North America", "Amazon", "Repeat opening of the world" and many others.

These films enjoyed a great success, as they allowed people to look into such places that were usually unavailable. But not all experts approved the work of Couste. It was repeatedly criticized for pseudoscience and especially for cruel treatment of fish.

Jacques-Yves Kusto on the set

So, his colleague Wolfgang Auer argued that many murders and cruelty over the fish were targeted and made Kusto for high-quality personnel in their films. Sometimes Jacques-Iva were accused of fake frames, for example, the yield of people from Batiscopes to a deep-water cave, where the atmosphere is usually unsuitable for breathing.


At first, Jacques-Yves divered under the water with the help of a mask and tube, but then he, together with his friend, Emil Ganyan developed a device to breathe deep under water. The world's first Aqualung was tested in 1938 and helped not only Cousto, but many scientists know the underwater world better.

Aqualung Jacques-Wya Cousto

Today, probably, the shooting under water does not look like something supernatural, but no one could suggest that Jacques-Wava. It was he who developed a waterproof camera and a lighting device, and later made the first television system capable of shooting video at great depths.

Also, the French researcher belongs the theory that the guinea pigs have phenomenal abilities to echolocation, that is, these animals feel the best way through water expanses. Later, this theory was proven by professional biologists.

Jacques-Yves Kusto at presentations

And thanks to its scientific and popular books and movies, Kusto became the progenitor of a new way of television communication - Divulgationism, that is, the exchange of views between professionals and the audience of ordinary people interested. Today, on this technology, all modern talk shows and other television projects are built, for which it is necessary to thank, again, the French oceanographer.

Personal life

The first time Jacques-Yves Custo married in 1937 in Simone Melchior, the daughter of the legendary French admiral. Simona took part in most of the husband's expeditions, and the Kalypso trash team came up with her gentle nickname "Cinema".

Jacques-Yves Kusto and Simon Melchior

The spouses had two sons - Jean-Michel and Philip, who died in 1979 during the crash of the Katalina aircraft. After this tragedy, the relationship between Jacques-Yves and Simonoy was smashed. They began to live separately, but officially did not divorce.

When Simon Melchior died from cancer in 1991, Coustelling on Francine Triplet, with which he had already lived for more than 10 years and brought up common children - daughter Diana and Pierre's Son.

Jacques-Yves Kusto and Francin Triplet

By the way, due to re-marriage, he finally had a relationship with the eldest son Jean-Michel, and he even forbade the surname of Kusto for his commercial activities.


Jacques-Yves Kusto died on June 25, 1997 from myocardial infarction. The burial of the body of a great scientist was produced at the family plot at the Cemetery of Saint-Andre de Cübzak, where all his ancestors rest. But his research did not stop. The society "Team Costo" is still valid.

Jacqua-Wyva Custo School in St. Petersburg

Interestingly, the memory of Jacques-Iva Kusto is captured not only in France, but also in Russia. For example, one of the secondary schools of St. Petersburg with an in-depth study of French is named after him.


  • 1956 - "In the world of silence"
  • 1958 - "Golden Fish"
  • 1965 - "Peace without the Sun"
  • 1966-1985 - "Underwater Odyssey Command Coco"
  • 1975 - "Travel to the Edge of Light"
  • 1977 - "Oasis in Space"
  • 1981-1982 - "Adventures in North America"
  • 1982-1985 - "Amazon"
  • 1986-1999 - "Re-opening of the world"
  • 1995 - "Legend" Calypso "


  • 1953 - "In the world of silence"
  • 1963 - "Live Sea"
  • 1965 - "Peace without the Sun"
  • 1970 - "Shark: brilliant barbarian seas"
  • 1971 - "Life and Death of Corals"
  • 1972 - "Mighty Lord of the Seas"
  • 1975 - "Dolphins"
  • 1979 - "Life on the edge of the Earth"
  • 1984 - "Journey to Amazon Jacques Kusto"
  • 1985 - "Jacques Kusto: World of Ocean"

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