Gong - what is it, treatment, symptoms, diet, origin and other celebrity with gout


Gout is a disease associated with the inflammation of the joints, in which people face sharp pain. The case in the salts of uric acid, which is delayed in tissues and form crystals affecting the defeat of the joints.

The disease is often diagnosed in age patients, most of all men are subject to it. However, as in the case of any other disease, there are exceptions: the gout can hit young people. More information about the symptoms of illness, its methods of treatment and celebrities faced with the gout - in the editorial material 24cm.

Risk and symptoms

As already known, most often to the risk of risk of gout belongs to mature age. However, there are other, which can affect the appearance of the disease. One of them is existence of excess weight.

In addition, the risk of gout is affected by drinking alcohol, receiving diuretic agents, as well as increased blood pressure.

Doctors note that most often the gout occurs in people with genetic predisposition to the disease. If someone from relatives was recorded this ailment, it was possible that he would manifest itself in the future.

Also, risk factors include diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, ischemic heart disease, chronic renal failure, some diseases of blood and the use of harmful products.

To the zones of damage to the gage include the joints of the fingers, elbows, brushes, knees and feet. Most often suffer from foot joints, especially the thumb.

Among the symptoms of the disease, experts allocate:

  • redness of the affected joint;
  • edema;
  • acute pain that increases;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • general malaise;
  • overheat;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • pain, reinforcing at night;
  • A significant limitation of the mobility of the joints.


If a person discovered the symptoms of gout, first of all he should refer to specialists. Only a qualified doctor will be able to determine the stage of the disease on time and appoint effective treatment. In no case cannot be engaged in self-treatment.

First of all, the doctor will appoint a number of analyzes that will help determine the stage of the disease, and will also ask the patient about his lifestyle, nutrition, prepared drugs.

Among the analyzes that have to be surrendered, there are:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Studies of synovial fluid;
  • study of uric acid level;
  • Ultrasound joints and kidney;
  • MRI joints and kidneys.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully heal the gout. However, with timely handling, the doctor can be prevented by the following seizures and facilitate the patient's condition.

The treatment itself includes compliance with a strict diet, and with exacerbation: physiotherapy, massages, exercises, painkillers, as well as means that normalize the blood content of uric acid. In particularly difficult cases, only surgery will save.

During the treatment of gout both men and women, a diet is paid special attention to. Fully from the diet of the patient is excluded fried and oily food, alcohol, strong tea and coffee. Also, canned food, legumes, mushrooms, chocolate, sornery, spinach, smoked, raspberries and sweets with bold cream are also being banned.

Celebrities faced with gout

Gout as a disease is known since deep antiquity. The first diagnosis put Hippocrates in the V century BC. In different years, the great and famous people suffered from her that the disease was even called "the disease of the aristocrats and geniuses."

Among celebrities faced with gout:

1. Alexander Macedonian - historians reported that the commander consumed a lot of wine and meat, which was the cause of the development of the disease.

2. Ludwig van Beethoven - the composer suffered from strong headaches, problems with the digestive system and gouty inflammation. Before his death, he had an ankle swelling.

3. Charlie Chaplin - the artist experienced problems with his feet, so almost always appeared in public with a cane.

4. Benjamin Franklin - one of the Founders of the United States suffered from frequent artician seizures of secondary gouty arthritis against the background of psoriasis.

5. Julia Odeodova - Singer for 8 years fought with the gout and systemic Red Volcanka, as a result, died in 2019 from infection of blood and heart failure.

Interestingly, the diseases of the joints are also attributed to Alla Pugacheva, Vladimir Menshov, Anton Makarsky, Anastasia Volochkova, Alena Shishkova, Jared Summer and a number of other celebrities. However, such statements have not yet received confirmation.

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