Natalia Andreichenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, now, films, Mary Poppins, children 2021



In his youth, Natalia Andreichenko was considered one of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema. She left his career in the Union for the sake of happiness in the personal life found in the ocean. And only now, the charming, not amenable to the age "Eternal Mary Poppins" returns to the viewer who has not forgotten.

Childhood and youth

Natalia was born on May 3, 1956 in Moscow. The desire to go to the scene woke up by the girl at a young age after watching the ballet "Sleeping Beauty". It remained up to school graduation. In the 10th grade, Andreichenko practically persuaded to come to the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. At the last moment, the girl changed his mind and headed to the Shchepkinskaya school, where the exams had safely failed. However, to the competition in VGIK, where the course was gained by Sergey Bondarchuk and Irina Skobsev, Natasha prepared thoroughly.

Personal life

In the personal life of the actress was two marriages, from which two children remain. Before creating a family, Natalia started the novels with Karen Shahnazarov and Egor Konchalovsky, and married a composer Maxim Dunaevsky. In 1982, the actress presented the Son Dmitry's wife. However, soon the couple broke up - Andreichenko had a novel with Austrian film director Maximilian Shell, after which the actress became his wife.

In 1989, Natalia gave birth to a daughter Nastasya. At first, the spouses lived for 2 countries, but in the early 90s the artist moved to her husband to the states. The marriage lasted a long 20 years and ended in divorce. The performers with children were not easy. So, Dmitry, already being employees of the Swiss Bank, abused the confidence of the mother and stole $ 1 million from her account. The conflict subsequently came to no, close people came up.

Nastasya received an acting education, in the profession he has not yet implemented himself, raising her daughter. Andreichenko itself did not have a serious relationship. In 2003, the press was abounded by artists and singer Julian's novels, in particular, on the celebration of the 30-year-old anniversary of the artist, on which Natalia was taken by the patroness of Vocalist Nonna Mordyukov.

In 2020, a photo appeared in the network, imprinted artist in a company with a pretty dark-haired young man. Fans of celebrities immediately responded to this news enthusiastic comments.

In 2021, during the air in "Instagram", Andrechenko, responding to subscribers, admitted that her heart is not free. Beloved celebrities whose name she did not open, shares the hobbies of Natalia, is engaged in yoga and very well. In addition, the actress reported that recently often cries - but solely on happiness.

Career in the USSR

During his studies, Natalia made his debut in the drama "from dawn to dawn." Then other projects appeared in the film bias of the artist, but she brought the greatest popularity to the Siberiad Siberiad Soviet Equiphee Andron Konchalovsky. Thanks to the efforts of Duet Andreichenko and Vladimir Samoilov, she became incredibly popular not only from the Soviet viewer, but also abroad. Proof of recognition was the special prize of the Cannes Festival.

Epic film was also a multi-melting melodrama "Courage", telling about construction in Taiga Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In the tape created on the novel of the name of the faith of Ketlin, Natalia played a tonya, the Komsomolnik enthusiastic. The following bright outbreaks in the career - Milodrama "Military Field Romance" and the musical fairy tale "Mary Poppins, goodbye!". For filming in the last project, Natalia has lost weight by 22 kg.

Moving to USA

In 1991, an important event occurred in the biography of Russians - Natalia emigrated to the United States. In the States, Andreichenko graduated from the Hollywood school of actors and counted that Shell will help in promotion. But the work of the immigrant was not offered, and some roles had to abandon ethical considerations. Nevertheless, the talented performer has managed to replenish in the West film a few bright work.

Among them are the film Fyodor Bondarchuk "Quiet Don". This project became international, the heroes of Roman Mikhail Sholokhov played the stars of Hollywood Rupert Everett, Dolphin Forest and others. Andreichenko itself embodied the image of Daria, the wife of Peter Melekhov in the picture. Under the terms of the contract, the roles were read in English - Russian artists had to urgently learn the replicas in someone else's language.

A Russian woman was starred and in a small role in the popular TV series "Dr. Quin: Female doctor." In this project, Natalia had to reincarnate in the lady of the XIX century, Russian Princess Nizamov. Later in the Instagram account of the celebrity, a post with photographs from the project site appeared.

In the painting of 1995 "Aurora: Operation" Interception "" directed by Paul Livina Andreichenko, the main role of the French criminal began to revenge the special services for the death of the Father. Seductive vampire actress played in mystical tape "Undead", working together with Casper Wang Din, Kim Kattroll and other celebrities. In general, the artist career in the West is difficult to call successful. In an interview, Natalia confessed that Shell specially blocked her the road to Hollywood.

Return to Russia

In the late 90s, Andreichenko decided to return to his homeland and continued to work in Russian cinema. The actress of this period was a special popularity of this period, "Give me the Moonlight" Dmitry Astrakhan. The performer was a wonderful duet with Nikolai Eremenko - younger, playing his hero's wife. Fabul this film recalled the early work of Natalia - Kinoproject "Sorry".

In 2008, the Muscovite filmography was replenished at once with 3 ribbons. Alexander Klovin and Andreichenko played parents of a difficult teenager in the social drama "Life of Local." In the picture "On the roof of the world", the celebrity appeared in the image of a kinodyer that makes the novice artist hiding the lover's corpse. In the black comedy "very Russian detective", ridiculeting the stereotypes of cinema, she got an unexpected role of the monastery of the monastery. In addition to working in the movie, the actress appeared in the Russian and Ukrainian television shows.

In October 2011, Natalia became the co-host Dmitry Nagiyev in the realistic show "Mom in Law". However, shooting in Hollywood forced the celebrity to leave the project in a month since the start. Also, Muscovite sat in the chair the jury of the talent show "Ukraine does not believe in tears." Several times the actress became a guest of the Boris Korchevnikov program "The Fate of Man".

Spiritual practices

In early 2010, Natalia decided to radically change life. Refusing to acting, she moved to Mexico, where raw food began to practice, fond of yoga. In 2012, when the whole world expects the "end of the world" predicted by Mayan calendar, the performer came to the pyramids in Tulum and survived the "update". According to Andreychenko, she lost consciousness by 1.5 hours, and after "born again."

On the banks of the Caribbean Sea, the artist founded the center of spiritual practices. Here, Russian woman teaches toltec wisdoms. In addition, promotes vegetarianism, does not use sharp, fat and salty, does not drink coffee, makes the exercise complexes and with growth in 170 cm weighs 60 kg. At Stagram Account Andreichenko regularly postpone posts in which it tells how to make life better, lighter and kinder. Also, the Russian woman pleases the photo fans in swimsuits and open dresses.

Natalia Andreychenko now

In 2021, the actress was engaged in the shooting of the series "Heirs" (another name - "Two sisters") with the participation of Yulia Peresilde, Daniel Insurance, Sergey Frolova. Director Vlad Furman called a great successful consent of Natalia Eduardovna on shooting in the project. In parallel with this, Andreichenko announced the way out of his own travel show. Within the framework of the Program, the Artist wished to acquaint viewers with the small cities of the USA and Mexico.

Creating issues did not always go smoothly. Russian woman wanted to show the audience the most intimate places of the continent, but not in all the "sacral" locations was allowed to shoot. So, in early January, the artist during filming was detained by the staff of the Mexican police, as Andreichenko did an illegal video on the ruins of the ancient city of Maya in Ushmale.


  • 1978 - "Siberiad"
  • 1980 - "Horses on the crossing do not change"
  • 1980 - "Ladies invite cavaliers"
  • 1983 - "Military Field Roman"
  • 1983 - "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • 1986 - "Sorry"
  • 1986 - "Peter Great"
  • 1989 - "Lady McBet Mtsensky County"
  • 1998 - "Undead"
  • 2000 - "Formula of Happiness"
  • 2001 - "Give me moonlight"
  • 2005 - "My big Greek wedding"
  • 2009 - "Life loan"
  • 2008 - "On the roof of the world"
  • 2021 - "Heirs"

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