Ilya Oleynikov - biography, personal life, death, photo, filmography and latest news



Ilya Oleinikova loved and continue to love the audience. Many remember the artist for the humorous project "Town", according to the wonderful and good jokes of this sad clown. But few people know that in the life of Ilya Lvovich was not so many reasons for laughter.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Lvovich Klyaver, such a real name of the artist, was born in July 1947 in Chisinau, in a poor Jewish family. Their accommodation is a smashed old house for 2 rooms with a tiny kitchen. In one of the rooms, the family of Klya workers with two children (Ilya had an older sister), in the second uncle with his family and old people.

Ilya Oleynikov

Father earned a piece of bread for a family of making Shor (side unpackers) for horses. Mom was engaged in children and household. Children had a lot to work, helping parents. The boy could study only in the evening school. But there was not enough forces on it, so he cooled to all sciences, together. But parents managed to attach her son to the world of beautiful. At first Ilya Oleinikov learned the game on the violin, but he could not succeed. But the occupation on the development of the accordion was crowned with success.

The first stage of the young artist is a wooden chair, for which the father with pride threw his child, which should have merged guests. The boy succeeded well. He sang, told poems, picked out the scarlet faces, repeating the memorized phrases from different films.

Ilya Oleynikov in childhood and youth

After that, the guests approvingly trembled young dating for cheeks. In his autobiographical book, Oleinikov recalled that Glory was then conjugate for him with rather painful sensations. Pink cheeks became shiny for several days.

At the age of 18, Ilya Oleynikov gathered unaccomplished belongings and went to Moscow. Without much work, he entered the circus school. He was able to prepare for admission by working in the Chisinau Puppet Theater. As later with a sad humor, an artist admitted, he did not have a different path, except for a hyseride. After all, he had no prospects for sciences. And for artist, literacy is not required.


The creative biography of Ilya Oleinikova began in student years. He worked on the scene of Mosoncert. Monologists and humorous sketches in the execution of the young artist enjoyed continued success. Oleinikov took the text of Semen Altov, Mikhail Mishina and others, but always made something in them.

Having received a diploma of the circus column, Oleinikov went to serve in the army. After demobilization, he returned to his native Chisinau and some time spoke in the pop-up team "smile." But soon returns to Russia, in Leningrad. Here, since 1974, he continues to perform on a scene with humorous monologues. But after 3 years, Ilya Lvovich appears a wonderful partner - Roman Cossacks. Their dialogues and sketches are very familiar with the audience.

Ilya Oleynikov and the Roman Cossacks

The duet is increasingly invited to St. Petersburg theaters. And in the late 1970s, Oleinikov and Cossacks appeared on the screens. The corona phrase of this cheerful couple, which is repeated in many rooms, "the question is, of course, interesting." She becomes a kind of duet signature sign. At the same time, Ilya Oleynikov starred in the cinema. His debuts are the comedies "Thai Voyage Stepanych" and "collective farm intersection".

In 1986, Ilya Oleynikov began searching for a new partner: the Roman Kazakov died. For 4 years, the artist collaborated with several colleagues in the genre, but without much success. Everything has changed after the comedy film "Jokes". At the filming of Oleinikov met with Yuri Stoyanov. This meeting was a fateful: more artists did not part. This creative tandem began to perceive as a whole.

Ilya Oleinikov and Yuri Stoyanov

In 1993, Oleinikov and Stoyanov began their own project called the "town". Transmission instantly turns into one of the most rating. For 19 years of the "town" existence published 284 issues. Double gear was awarded the Teffi award. In 2001, Oleinikov and Stoyanov received the title of folk artists in Russia.

A few years before the death of Ilya Oleynikov put the grand musical called the "Prophet". In this project, he invested a lot of strength, souls and money. The music number of Oleinikov itself was based on the performance.

Ilya Oleynikov

The director of the project was Yanush Yuzfovich, the "Metro" director. To create decorations Ilya Lvovich, the attractions of specialists who worked on the special effects of the painting "Lord of the Rings". Oleinikov himself played false prophet.

But the musical failed. His budget was about 2.5 million dollars. 2 of them agreed to give investors from Belarus. But at the last moment they changed his mind. Ilya Oleynikov sold an apartment and got into considerable debts. The failure of his project, the artist perceived very hard.

Personal life

Despite the external inappropriation, Oleinikov used tremendous success with the opposite sex. It is known that he had two marriages that the actor's friends consider fictitious. But the real love Ilya Lvovich met when he served in the army and returned to Chisinau. During the tour of the pop team, in which a young artist was opposed, he met Irina Oleinikova. Thanks to her, it was in Leningrad.

Ilya Oleynikov and his wife Irina

In this marriage, the only son of the pair of Denis Klyaver was born. Family focus for Ilya Oleinikov was very expensive. Love and consent reigned in their house. Irina Klyaver (after marriage took the surname of her husband, and he for the scenic pseudonym "lent" her name) was a real custodian of a homemade hearth. By profession, Irina was a chemist. It is safe to argue that the personal life of Ilya Oleinikov was happy. Together, the couple lived until the death of the actor.


After failure with the musical Oleinikov plunged into a protracted depression. Native later remembered that it was then that he spoke about early death. In the summer of 2012, the actor was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was forced to undergo a course of chemotherapy. Aggressive treatment weakened the already unhealthy heart. In the autumn of the same year, the actor fell ill with inflammation of the lungs.

The grave of Ilya Oleinikov

Doctors introduced an artist into a state of artificial sleep. But they failed to save the artist. November 11, 2012 it was not. Oleinikov died on the 66th year of life.


  • 1968 - "Trembit"
  • 1988 - "Primorsky Boulevard"
  • 1990 - "Jokes"
  • 1996 - "Carnival night 2"
  • 1999 - "Thin Pie"
  • 2003 - "Collectoz intersection"
  • 2004 - "Foot on the head"
  • 2005 - "Twelve Chairs"
  • 2005 - "Thai Voyage Stepanycha"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2006 - "Spanish Voyage Stepanycha"
  • 2007 - "Bare Law"
  • 2008 - "Hitler Caput!"
  • 2010 - "Union of Industible"
  • 2012 - "Rzhevsky against Napoleon"
  • 2012 - "Mexican Voyage Stepanycha"

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