Svetlana Ryabova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The profession of Svetlana Ryabova was destined - she was born on the International Day of the Theater, March 27. Now for the actress, the film shooting platform and scenic layouts are equally important. Each role is a child born in flour. But the theater takes live communication, the ability to "rob along with the hall, exchange energy."

Childhood and youth

Svetlana rose in Minsk and since childhood knew that he would become an actress. Mom played in the amateur theater, where daughter resorted after classes in a music school. With a certificate of middle education, Ryabova went to Moscow, in the Schukin school, but failed at the reception exams.

Returning to his hometown, the girl entered the local theatrical institute, and a year later I stormed the "Pike" and just in case, a school-studio MCAT. Accepted EE both universities, Svetlana remained faithful to school.

At the end of study, the young actress fell into the troupe of the Satira Theater. While the temple of art was led by Valentin Plek, the classic performances "School of Zrossy" prevailed in the repertoire of Svetlana, "Taming Skropivaya", "Auditor", "Trigroshta Opera". Alexander Shirvindt saw Ryabov in the images of contemporaries.


In the frame of Svetlana, for the first time appeared in the television film "Fathers and Children" in a secondary role, but even surrounded by Vladimir Konkina, Boris Chemichleva, Tatyana Dogileva.

In the 80s EE, the filmography was replenished every year. Production Drama "Wild Hop", Musical "Do not go, girls, marry", Melodrama "Two on the island of Tears", the comedy "My husband is an aliens" and "Rib Adam" - in all these projects there was work for Svetlana.

Then the cinematic amplua Ryabova was developed. Heroine actresses - romantic and volitional, these are women in search of love who are ready to fight for their own feelings.

The most successful career was the period of the early 90s. Svetlana played a wealthy businesswoman, who arrived from the USA to the character of Alexander Zbruev, in the famous Ribe Dmitry Astrakhan "I have one." The main roles of the Ryabova in the militant "charged death" about the joint operations of the Army of the USSR and the USA, the sensual picture of the "Desire of Love" about the governess, in which the owner falls in love, the melodrama "Your will, Lord!" On the difficult relationship of the journalist and the doctor. The last two films brought an actress Award "Gold Apple - Golden Leaf".

The humorous tape "I do not want to marry!", In which Ryabov was transformed into a policeman. The Prize of the Film Festival "Baltic Pearl" for the best female role of the second plan Svetlana was presented for the film "Summer People". With director Sergey Ursulak, she met on the filming of the spy series "Isaev", in which Daniel fears.

Later, the audience was observed for the favorite artist in the Criminal Drama "Law", the music series "Russian Watering", the military film "Attention, Moscow!".

In the "right to hope", the Heroine Ryabova lives with an unloved husband and only many years later meets a relative soul. But for happiness, it is necessary to compete. In the melodrama "Cow" everything happens on the contrary - the main heroine performed by Svetlana remains abandoned.

Personal life

After arriving in Moscow, Svetlana was constantly surrounded by male attention. But she treated a romantic relationship very seriously, avoided close dating, if he did not feel that it could grow something more than a light flirt.

The first husband Ryabova - Colleague Andrei Barilo. The difference in age (Svetlana is 12 years old) did not interfere with the spouses to live for several years in a happy marriage. The family was born daughters Alexander and Catherine. Of the children only Sasha became interested in the movie - he graduated from the directorial Faculty of Vgika. Katya attract painting and singing.

After a divorce, Barilo had a relationship with actress Alexander Solyankina. Ryabova also arranged a personal life. The new chosen, according to media information, has its own business. The name of the spouse Svetlana Leonidovna keeps in the strictest secrete, the photos of the couple have not appear anywhere.

In the youth, the actress was experiencing overweight. Studying in Schukinsky, she made daily jogging, sitting on a tough diet and eaten dishes, which now will not be solved for anything. Over the years, Ryabova spread. Some viewers who saw her in the TV broadcast of the mid-2010, complained that Svetlana stopped being a beauty from the painting "I have one". Others, on the contrary, supported the woman and expressed admiration for the fact that it agrees naturally and does not resort to plastic surgeons.

Svetlana Ryabova now

In the cinematic biography of the actress is now a long break. While the last painting of Ryabova remains a melodrama "forget-me-not,"

But in the Satira Theater, she is still a star. 2019 - year for the jubilee troupe, the theater was 95 years old. Especially for this date, the premiere was issued - "Ironic pampering" based on the Molierelian "Miscellenus in the nobility" with Fedor Dobronravov in the lead role.

In this theater, do not enjoy the repertoire, but to look at specific persons - such a concentration of celebrities still search. 70 years of one scene is true Vera Vasilyeva. Here Maxim Averin serve, Elena Podikynskaya, Igor Lagutin, Natalia Selezneva and still dozens of artists familiar with various projects.

Svetlana plays in the play of "operating", minimalist representation, where the scenery is limited to a white background and sidewalk tiles. The scene line of her heroine begins and ends the tragedy.

Journalists note that this is not a typical way for Ryabova, which are peculiar and grotesque comedy, and speak admiringly as an actress playing, and about the courage of the director.

Kind of turned a benefit from the play "Bravissimo", where Svetlana turns into an opera singer retired, whose destiny - to act in a nursing home.

In the play Yuri Polyakov "suitcase" Ryabov appears as a loser-actress in the classic situation: the husband returned from a business trip, and my wife - with her lover. Other works of the playwright "Homo Erectus" dubbed "frankly wicked satire on the manners of the powerful, in the peace of cynicism and loss of moral guidelines." The play Svetlana and Andrei Zenin play seemingly intelligent couple (she cultural studies, he was a journalist), entertained swinging.


  • 1984 - "Parting"
  • 1985 - "Wild hops"
  • 1986 - "Two for the island of tears"
  • 1987 - "Higher than all other things"
  • 1988 - "Guessing at the ram's shoulder"
  • 1989 - "My husband - an alien"
  • 1993 - "I don't want to marry!"
  • 1993 - "You have one"
  • 1993 - "Your will, my God!"
  • 1999 - "D. D. Dossier detective Dubrovsky "
  • 2002 - "the Act"
  • 2006 - "Attention, says Moscow!"
  • 2008 - "The Right to Hope"
  • 2011 - "Case of Gastronomom No. 1"
  • 2013 - "Tinkerbell"

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