Arkady Rykin - biography, photo, personal life, monologues, movies



For the Soviet period of time, a number of magnificent artists appeared on the stage, but the name of Arkady Raykin is a mansion. The humorist turned out to be an outstanding master of humorous monologues, who were not afraid to boldly make fun of human vices, as well as a talented actor and director, and also founded one of the most famous theaters of Moscow - Satirikon.

Arkady was born in Riga in 1911. The father of Artist Isaac Davidovich was a port employee, and the mother of Elizabeth Borisovna was engaged in the economy, since the family was quite large. In addition to Arkashi, the parents grew still the son of Max and two daughters - Bella and Sophia.

With the beginning of the First World War, Rykina moved to Rybinsk, and then settled in St. Petersburg. From the early years, Arkady turned out to be in love with the theater. Another 4-year-old boy Arcasha arranged his own ideas with children in the courtyard, and in North Palmir was addicted to attend the academic theater of drama. To buy tickets, the boy secretly sold notebooks and textbooks, for which he repeatedly received a stick from his father.

Another boy's passion was drawing. At the lessons of fine art, the boy hit the teacher as technique and the depth of thought. Arkady could not determine how profession to choose - painter or actor. And although parents were categorically configured against the theater, the young man still preferred this path.

Arkady Rykin in youth

When Rykin entered the directorial-acting faculty to the Leningrad Institute of Stage Arts, a scandal broke out, and Arkady had to break with his family for a long time and leave the house. After the university, the artist fell into the theater of working young people, later renamed the Theater of the Leninsky Komsomol. Today, Petersburgers know this place as the Festival "Baltic House" theater.


Another student Arkady Raykin began to speak with concerts for children. The guys enthusiastically perceived the artist's numbers with a doll minka, a pottefon, inflatable piglets. The first recognition came to him in 1939, when Raykin won the first contest of pop artists. Rykin presented to the court of spectators dance and mimic rooms "Chaplin" and "Bear" and caused a squall of delights.

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After that, Arkady's success goes to the troupe of the Leningrad theater of the stage and miniature, where he first works with an enclosure, it turns out his own rooms, and then becomes the artistic director of the theater.

Later, Mikhail Zhvanetsky called Arkady Raykin in a brilliant great player who had formed his own team and demanded from colleagues to play and serve, but not score. The artist always took this role and did not endure the threat to the status quo.


After the war, Rykin creates theatrical programs "on the cup of tea", "do not pass by", "frankly". Regular performances of artist on radio and television, audio recordings of monologues and miniatures are popular with the public. Special success is caused by those theatrical numbers of the actor, where Rakein quickly changes the appearance and creates a series of diverse images.

Monologists written by Arkady Isaakovich, and the images created by him for speaking become an amplua, conquer the hearts and conquer the love of the audience. More and more viewers and viewers in the halls remember and with a new meeting there are young artists with ovations. Without lingering in the rank of a novice humorist, Arkady Isaakovich acquires the glory of the maestro genre of scenic reincarnation. One of the most famous miniatures becomes the number "in the Greek Hall".

The talent of the artist was estimated both compatriots and foreign spectators. In 1965, together with the troupe of the Arkady Isaakov created by him, go to tour in England, where troupe concerts also receive warm reviews.

The artist collaborated with other colleagues. For example, being on tour in Odessa, Arkady Raykin met young comedians Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Roman Kartseva, Viktor Ilchenko and Lyudmila Gvozdikov. Together, artists create a number of memorable pop scenes, of which the program "Traffic" was the most famous.

As the contemporaries of Arkady Rykin repeatedly remembered, the humorist was almost the only one who at that difficult time dared to openly show on stage, as the power and permissiveness spoil.

The humorous miniatures differed from the texts of colleagues with a special thin satire and sharpness, but at the same time the humorist always carefully chose the words of the monologues and, compared with colleagues in the genre, showed a truly intelligent and correct humor.

But, despite the exclusive accuracy of Satira Raikina, the party top of the city at the Neva did not appreciate the efforts and creativity of the team. The city where the theater of the stage and miniature did not take the work of a humorist represented by his leadership, and without that strained relationships were uncontrollably spoiled. The artist asked himself at Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev permission to move to Moscow. The permission of the artist received and transported his own troupe to Moscow, where the successor of the Leningrad Theater of the Estrada and the miniature soon became the state theater miniature.

A number of sources indicate that Arkady Isaakovich "transported" to Moscow own theater and renamed the theater itself to the miniature state theater. But it is worth noting that after the head of the Leningrad theater with his own troupe moved to the capital, the Leningrad theater of the stage and miniature did not stop functioning, especially since the theater continues to work today.

In Moscow, the artists of the Arkady Rykin Theater, as well as the humorist himself continued to perform the speeches, and in five years the state theater miniature received the sonor's name "Satirikon", which the theater is to this day. Today, the art leader of this theater is the son of Arkady Rykin - Konstantin Rikin.


Career in the film Arkady Rykin was less successful than theatrical, especially at first. Even before the war, the actor starred in the episodes of films "First platoon", "Fiery Years" and "Dr. Kalyuzhny", and in the Drama "Valery Chkalov" created an image of an American journalist.

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More attention as a film actor Raikin began to attract when the screen began to transfer its own ishmaty plots. The popular and spectacular came the novel "We and I met somewhere", interesting musical "Yesterday, today and always" and the comedy story "Magic power of art". But the most famous films of such a genre are the collections of the monologues "People and Mannequins" and "People House".

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Also Arkady Isaakovich participated in the New Year's movies-concerts. The musical was especially noticeable. "When the song does not erect ...", the concert "two hours earlier" and "Fairy Tales of the Russian Forest."

Personal life

A very interesting story of the acquaintance of Arkady Rykin with his only wife Rufer Markov Ioffe, which Laskovo called Roma. For the first time Arkady saw her even a boy when he acted with school amateur at the concert. Later again met the girl on the street, but again did not decide to meet. And only many years later, when Arkady has already ended the university, in student dining rooms, young people once again collided and agreed to go to the movies. After the session, Rykin made a proposal.

Ruth Ioffe and Arkady Raykin

The lovers got married in 1935, and soon the daughter of Catherine appeared in the family, which will be the wife of three famous actors - Mikhail Derzhavin, Yuri Yakovleva and Vladimir Koval. And the son of Arkady and Ruth, Konstantin Raykin, he himself became a famous artist and leads the brainchild of his own father - Satirikon theater.

Arkady Raykin with his wife and children

His wife Arkady Isaakovich lived a soul into a soul without a small 50 years. The actor's relations and wives became an example of both their own for children and for everyone who knew this wonderful couple.


Arkady Raykin almost all his life was a painful person. Another 13 years, the future artist walked greatly on the rink, earning such a terrible angina that the doctors were confident - the boy will not survive. After 10 years, the disease returned, and again the doctors lowered their hands. At that moment was lucky that the father-in-law insisted on the unpopular operation - removal of GRAND. Raykin survived, but forever earned a rheumorphit.

For the past three years, the actor suffered from Parkinson's disease, from which his movements, facial expressions and even speech. Nevertheless, the artist at the very first opportunity visited the native theater and passed the business of the son, whom he loved.

Arkady Isaakovich Rykin died on December 17, 1987 from the effects of rheumloard. On December 20, the actors buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, on the tenth section.

In 2002, the Leningrad theater of the stage and miniature, the artistic director of which 40 years worked Arkady Raykin, assigned the name of the artist. Since 2008, the artist of the Astrada named after Arkady Raykin, the popular stage of the stage and clowns Yuri Galtsev became the artist. On the official website of the theater, along with the posters and the description of the theater, the Biography of Arcadia Raikina also posted. The artist is called the era in the history of the theater.

Tomb Arkady Rykin

Surprisingly, the legendary artist has not yet established a monument in anyone in Moscow, or in St. Petersburg, except for the monument with masks at the Novodevichy cemetery. Although the metropolitan authorities promised to correct this emboss back in 2016.


  • 1939 - "Dr. Kalyuzhny"
  • 1941 - "Valery Chkalov"
  • 1942 - "Concert Front"
  • 1954 - "We met somewhere"
  • 1964 - "When the song does not erect"
  • 1966 - "Fairy Tales of the Russian Forest"
  • 1969 - "Yesterday, today and always"
  • 1970 - "Magic Power of Art"
  • 1974 - "People and mannequins"
  • 1987 - "The World of Your House"

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