Ivan Solovyov - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and last news 2021



Young actor Ivan Nikolaevich Solovyov, whose star rises rapidly in recent years, was born in February 1988 in Kaliningrad. Among his relatives there are no people art. Mom worked on a construction site as a pro, making up the estimates and providing a building process, the father collected furniture. Nothing foreshadowed the appearance in the family of Solovyovy artist. Nevertheless, it was about this profession Vanya dreamed from early childhood.

Full Ivan Soloviev

The boy pulled to art for 6 years. He accidentally heard the game of an unknown girl on the piano. Ivan was so fascinated that he shared with her mother with his huge desire to learn to play the same way. Mom listened to his son and took a music school.

Fortunately, the class in which Ivan Solovyova was recorded, turned out to be musically theatrical. And the boy not only mastered the musical instrument, but also began to comprehend the basics of actor skills. The game in amateur performances so fascinated him that soon Vanya knew exactly where to learn after school.

Ivan Solovyov in his youth

In the high school classes, Ivan Solovyov began to seriously prepare for admission to the theater university. For this, he signed up in the theater Studio "Stop". She is known that in his time there were talented countrymen Ivan Artem Tkachenko, Olga and Tatiana Arntgolts.

In 2005, Ivan Solovyov arrived in the capital and from the first attempt to visit VGIK. Commission The young man conquered his natural charm and musicality. The mentor of the future artist was Vladimir grammar.


Demonstrate the acting skill Ivan Solovyov was already in student years. The diploma performances "Three sisters", "the last" and "Notes of Larionov" showed that the guy has a definitely talent. In all named productions, Vanya was involved in the main roles.

Ivan Soloviev

But most of the whole young artist was remembered after the premiere of the literary play of Julia Zhrynova "Third". It was told about the poets of the Silver Age. Solovyova got the images of Boris Pasternak and Sergey Yesenin. The statement was so successful that several years went on the old Arbat.


The cinematic biography of Ivan Solovyov also started in student years. The actor debuted in the 8-serial detective "deal". Here he got a tiny role. But they soon followed the projects in which Solovyov was offered to play more noticeable roles. An example can serve as a 12-serial melodrama "Hate".

Ivan Solovyov in the film

Immediately after graduating from the university in 2009, Ivan Solovyov's film engineer continued to be rapid development. Neuchant Emelya from the musical fairy tale "Adventures in the Thif of the Threeth Kingdom", Devrazhny Pavel Koshkin in the criminal series "Lynx", charming Nikita from the melodrama on everyday life of the residents of the communal apartment "Our neighbors". In all the named films, Ivan Solovyov played very different heroes, demonstrating the skill of reincarnation.

A very bright and characteristic role was given to the young artist in Drama Nicholas got the "split". This is a historic tape of a serious and little illuminated period of the country's history - a split of the Orthodox Church in the XVII century. Ivan Solovyov appeared in the image of Tsarevich Fyodor Alekseevich, with whom he coped to more than worthy. The actor once again demonstrated that he was a wagon and can cope with work in various genres.

Ivan Solovyov in the film

Then a number of popular TV series followed, who gladly looked at the audience of Russia and the countries of the former CIS. In the "method of Laurea" Ivan Solovyov played masters of Tatu Oleg Brykin. In the ishless youth tapes "Gamers" and "on the wings" he got the role of risen teenagers. And in the military molodrama "Goodbye, the boys", the audience sincerely worried about his hero of cadet Yura Kholoda.

From the last popular TV series, where Ivan Solovyov played and who were loved by the audience, it is possible to note the melodramas "The Equation of Love", "bad blood" and "ask in the autumn".

Ivan Solovyov in the film

In 2016, the tape came to the screens, which the spectators met warmly. This is a Troprophime Trophimova project project. He is about the difficulties of the new young generation. About those problems faced by adult children. On the misunderstanding of parents and the shortage of their love. Ivan Solovyov appeared among the main characters of this series.

Personal life

The career of the young actor is developing rapidly. His employment in the theater and on the filming area is huge. Nevertheless, in social networks they write that the personal life of Ivan Solovyov is quite arranged. 28-year-old artist is married. This, perhaps, is exhausted all information about it. Ivan prefers to bypass all talk about personal, considering that the audience is the main thing - this is his skill.


  • 2008 - "Hangs"
  • 2008 - "Hate"
  • 2008 - "I'll be back"
  • 2009 - "Boomerang from the past"
  • 2010 - "Adventures in the Thif of the Kingdom"
  • 2010 - "Lynx"
  • 2010 - "Route Mercy"
  • 2011 - "Gamers"
  • 2011 - "Dar"
  • 2011 - "split"
  • 2012-2014 - "Ment in Law"
  • 2013 - "Streets of streets"
  • 2016 - "Talion Principle"
  • 2017 - "Witnesses"
  • 2017 - "The one who is not sleeping"

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