Vakhtang Kikabidze - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, movies 2021



Vakhtang Kikabidze is a Soviet and Georgian singer and actor who conquered the heart of the public with his sincerity and warmth of the voice. His songs "My Year - My Wealth", "Wires of Love", "Cheto Gudo" are still loved by many listeners, and Mimino's films, "Do not burn!", "Tass is authorized to declare ..." enter the Golden Fund of Soviet Cinema .

Vakhtang was born in Tbilisi in the family, which came from the ancient Georgian noble gods. His father Konstantin Nikolayevich was a journalist, Mother Manan Konstantinovna - a rather famous singer. Unfortunately, at the very beginning of the war, the Kikabidze-Sr. was missing under Kerch, and uncle was engaged in the education of the boy, his mother's brother.

Actor Vakhtang Kikabidze

Vakhtang was surrounded by music from an early age, was often behind the scenes of theaters in which Mom was performed. But then the singing was absolutely not interested. Like study at school: few people know that Kikabidze remained three times for the second year due to problems with mathematics. The main passion of the young Vakhtang was visual art. He was ready to draw his fantasies for hours, only the lack of paper was stopped with which then there was very tight in the country. But the teenager found a way out - he left his paintings on the front of the books, in notebooks and even on free places in the newspapers.

For the first time, a young man went to the microphone in the last school class. He fell to the rehearsal of the amateur ensemble of his friend and is so imbued with what is happening that he quickly learned to play at the impact tools, and later he began to sing.

Vakhtang Kikabidze in youth

After school, Kikabidze has studied at the University of Tbilisi for two years, then defeated two courses in the Tbilisi Institute of Foreign Languages. But both universities he threw because of the burning desire to speak on stage.


In 1959, Vakhtang Kikabidze settled to work in the Tbilisi Philharmonic and began to tour with the team of pop artists. The task of the young singer was to execute the compositions in Georgian, Russian, Italian and English and copy the Maneru of Soviet and foreign stars. It must be said that such a musical parody was obtained from Kikabidze, but then he wanted not to repeat, but to create his own.

He organized the Quartet "Dielo", but soon moved to the Orera team, the name of which is translated into Russian approximately as "la-la-la." There, the artist, as in the school orchestra, sang and played the drums, and often - at the same time. According to Kikabidze, Orera turned out to be the first in the Soviet Union vocal-instrumental ensemble.

At the same time, Via Vakhtang toured a lot around the country, recorded a number of popular hives, such as "Song about Tbilisi", "Huanita", "Love is beautiful", "Native Earth". Total team managed to release 8 plates with the participation of kikabizda, after which he began solo activities.

Of the first independent hits of the singer, it is worth named the songs "The Last Cottage", "Mzeho Mariam" and "Chito Gudo", which entered the Mimino's Soundtrack. The first full-length album was released in 1979 and was called "While the heart sings." Then the "Wish" record followed, on which Kikabidze performed the songs of his friend, composer Alexei Ekyana. But, perhaps, the most popular songs performed by Vakhtang Kikabidze is the philosophical composition "My Year - My Wealth".

In the 80s, the interest in the creativity of Kikabidze was so great that, in addition to the regular appearance of the photo of the artist on the covers of magazines about the cinema, his name was part of the names of the Ural Punk Rock Group. In 1985, a musical team of "Waterfall named after Vakhtang Kikabidze" appeared in Verkhoturia.

In the mid-1990s, Vakhtang Kikabidze moved to the record of albums on magnetic media and CDs - "MY YEARS", "Larisa Ivanovna want", "Letter to a friend", "The Secret of Happiness", Tango of Love. In the early 2000s, the artist recorded a full-format drive "Georgia, My Love", consisting of two plates, which included popular Tbilisi songs. Hits of childhood friends and "grape bone" used special love of listeners. In the 2000s, the first clips on the Kikabidze songs were also started to appear, which were the names of the "Georgian Song", "two loneliness", "disappointed".

The last album, which appeared in 2014, became a disk "I am not a hurry", where the tracks "Silence", "somewhere far there", "I want", "so that the songs sound." An next video appeared on the hit "Wires of Love". At the moment, the video with the songs of Kikabidze is available on Youtube hosting.


Cinematic Career Kikabidze developed simultaneously and parallel to the singing. In 1966, Vakhtanga Kikabidze, speaking on stage with his own ensemble, noticed representatives of a film studio and offered to try themselves into the movies. The musician starred in the comedy "Meeting in the Mountains".

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After the successful debut, Vakhtang starred in the main role of the filmcomy "Do not burn!" George Dannelia. The director could not find an artist for the role of a young adultery of Benjan Glondi. According to the scenario, the hero had a colorful appearance: he had to be dense, red and ruddy. But the aunt of the director advised to try the exact opposite of the vakhtang Kikabidze. For a long time the director was viewed to the musician and ultimately approved Kikabidze to the role.

The film has gained the love of viewers and film critics. For the work of Kikabidze received the prize of an international film festival in Cartagena. With this picture began with many years of cooperation of talented director and actor, which resulted in the legendary film "Mimino", Comedy "Fortuna", cartoon "ku! Kin-Dza-Dza, "in which the artist voiced one of the characters. It is curious that in the movie Cartines, Georgy Deloia Vakhtang appears in the credits under its children's nickname, like the Kikabidze Buba. This emphasizes friendship with the famous director.

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In addition to the films of Delia, the actor filmography was replenished with new images in films of other directors. At the end of the 60s, Kikabidze appeared on the screen in the music paintings "Moscow in notes", "Orera", "Full ahead!", Where the role of the drummer and singer appeared in a familiar for himself. In 1971, Vakhtang applied the comedy image of the Duchanis visitor to the film "Khatabala" about the Tbilisi merchant, who wanted to promote their own daughter to marry. In the same year, Kikabidze reincarnated in Moore employee in a detective tape "I, the investigator." The criminal tape enjoyed success among the Soviet spectators, in the first year of rental it was viewed by 25 million people.

There is an artist in the film and such filmts such as the musical "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter", the fun fantasy "Duma in the Caucasus", the romantic comedy "Olga and Konstantin", the children's film "Morning without marks". And, of course, it was incredibly popular with a spy detective "TASS is authorized to declare ...", in which other big stars of domestic cinema were also shot - Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Yuri Solomin, Irina Alföhrov, Ivar Kalnynsh. In the 2000s, Kikabidze appeared on television scans not often.

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At the beginning of the century, the "Fortuna" comedy was published with the participation of the Mattheld of Georgian pop, and the next picture appeared only after 8 years. The actor starred in the dramatic series "Queen" about the fate of Nina Provincial (Julia Galkina), which came to conquer the capital. Vakhtang Kikabidze in the series reincarnated in the influential magnate Irakli Dadiani. In 2012, together with Nani Bregvadze, the artist played in the film "Love with an emphasis". A year later, he received a major role in the Ded 005 multi-seater film, where she appeared in the form of an elderly Georgian doctor, who, together with the KGB officer, retired (Sergey Shakurov), organizes a secret operation of assistance to Chekist's grandson (Andris Bulis) in love story.

It is impossible to leave without attention and two directorial works of Vakhtang Kikabidze - a comedy in four novels "Be healthy, dear!" And the collection of short films "Men and all others", also shot in the comedy genre. Both paintings, by the way, put on the author's scenario Vakhtang Konstantinovich, were noted by award-winning international film festivals.

Personal life

Vakhtang Kikabidze always attracted the attention of women, but the artist remained faithful to the only spouse. Back in 1965, Vakhtang married the exchange-ballerina of the Tbilisi Academic Opera House Irina Kebadze. Since then, the personal life of the singer and actor did not undergo changes.

Vakhtang Kikabidze with wife

In this union, they had the son of Konstantin, who was named after the missing grandfather. Interestingly, the Son implemented children's passion for Vakhtang Konstantinovich and became a professional artist. Now he lives and creates in the Canadian city of Toronto.

Also, Marina Sagaraz was brought up in the family - the daughter of Irina from the first marriage with the actor Gararam Sagaradze. Marina also became an actress, and now teaching in the theater university. Children presented Kikabidze three grandchildren.

Vakhtang Kikabidze with family

Vakhtang Kikabidze is an honorary citizen of Tbilisi. In Georgia, he was honored to have his own "star" on the square in front of the Tbilisi Philharmonic building. Also, his name can be found on the "Star Square" in Moscow.

Vakhtang Kikabidze now

Even now, despite his old age, the artist continues to tour and give solo concerts not only in herself in Georgia, but also abroad. He traveled with concerts of five continents and was accepted everywhere. In the summer of 2017, Vakhtang Kikabidze visited the Music festival of Limes Vaikule in Jurmala "Randevu", visited the "Heat" festival in Baku. The artist's concert route passed through the Duchy of Monte Carlo, where Kikabidze pleased fans - former compatriots - famous hits.

2017 was the date of two anniversaries at once in the creative biography of Vakhtang Kikabidze. The film "Mimino" celebrated the 40th anniversary of the premiere. On the eve of the significant date, Elena Podlov and Vakhtang Kikabidze saw in Armenia. Both were invited to the wedding of the local oligarch.

Vakhtang Kikabidze

In December, the 55th anniversary of the Oriera vocal-instrumental ensemble, the Soloist, was the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the vocal-instrumental ensemble. The concert program was called "My Georgia here."

2018 is another anniversary, this time the 80th anniversary of the most Matra, Georgian and Soviet pop, to which Vakhtang Kikabidze began to prepare in advance. It is assumed that the concerts will be held in Kutaisi, Batumi and Tbilisi, who will arrive from around the world. It is planned that the vocal program will be 2 hours 45 minutes.


  • 1966 - "Meeting in the Mountains"
  • 1969 - "Do not burn!"
  • 1971 - "Khatabala"
  • 1972 - "I, the investigator"
  • 1974 - "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter"
  • 1977 - Mimino
  • 1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare ..."
  • 1984 - "Olga and Konstantin"
  • 2000 - "Fortune"
  • 2008 - "Queen"
  • 2012 - "Love with an accent"
  • 2013 - "Grandfall 005"


  • 1981 - "Wish
  • 1981 - "While the heart sings"
  • 1994 - "My Year"
  • 1996 - "Larisa Ivanovna want"
  • 1997 - "Letter to a friend"
  • 1997 - "The Secret of Happiness"
  • 1999 - "Tango of Love"
  • 2003 - "Georgia, my love"
  • 2006 - "Dancing, Shmannians, hugs"
  • 2007 - "I'm not a hurry life"

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