Oleg Taktarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Fighter, Actor 2021



Oleg Taktarov is a multifaceted and interesting person. He is a former MMA fighter, a champion of sports tournaments for sambo and competitions in the framework of mixed martial arts. His merits in sports were marked by a large number of awards. Meanwhile, Taktarov always dreamed of trying himself as an actor. And he succeeded! Today, Oleg Taktarova is invited to act in films and serials. Pictures with his participation are doomed to success.

Childhood and youth

Oleg was born in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Arzamas-16, which later renamed Sarov. The father of the boy - Marieca by nationality, was a serviceman, in his youth achieved a high category on boxing. Seeing that the son reads adventure records for all day and dwells in their own dreams, but can not stand up for himself in confrontations with classmates, the parent took Oleg to the sports section. There, Taktarov studied Sambo under the leadership of the experienced coach Vitaly Mikhailov.

Soon the instructor saw the potential in the guy and made a prophetic remark that he was able to become a world champion. Such faith in the ability of the ward did not allow Oleg to quit the sport, although the boy wanted to be an actor. And in 1990, a young man passed the standards on the masters of sports.

Personal life

Oleg Taktarov managed to go three times under the crown and acquiring three sons. Moreover, the athlete has never been in a hurry, and the first time married when he was already famous and financially secured. The first spouse called Milena, and with her an athlete and the actor lived for 5 years. Son Sergey was born in the family, but the marriage soon collapsed.

The second wife is American named Kathleen, who helped a man to get out of the psychological crisis after one defeat in the ring. The girl had supported support, they had a novel ended with the wedding and the birth of the son of Kiton. But Oleg and Kathlein characters did not suit each other - both calm, but sometimes impulsive and hot-tempered. I did not like the athlete and the profession of spouse - Kathleen worked as the head of the strict regime prison and was not going to leave from there.

A few years later, the actor married again. This time the Russian girl Mary, who boring Oleg of the Third Son Nikita became the chief of the third son. The press appeared reports that the personal life did not work out: the marriage existed only for 5 years, and Tatarov began to meet with the businesswoman named Eugene. But it turned out that these are conjectures of journalists, since Eugene Trojnik is the mother-in-law athlete with which Taktarov and saw often together.

Athlete more than once was accused of alcoholism. One day, Taktarov challenged the Russian fighter of a mixed style Sergey Kharitonov, to which he reacted quite violently:

"Man inadequate things says. This is all alcohol. I'm not saying that he is the wrong athlete. He succeeded. But alcohol does inadequate things with a man. I won't go to battle. I repeat: either hands need to tie, or something to be interested to watch this fight. "

Oleg himself said that he was rarely drinking. But it believes that a small amount of alcohol is useful for the nervous system.

Oleg Taktarov is an active Internet user. The athlete often posts on the personal pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter" photos and video recordings from local and international competitions. The fighter holds seminars in the cities of the country, including in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, which also reports to account pages.


After 3 years of Tatakov at the next tournament on the fighting style "White Dragon" in Riga received the title of world champion in mixed martial arts among lovers, after which a young man noticed American scouts and invited to participate in professional battles.

Having moved to the USA, Oleg Taktarov began to act in mixed martial arts and was widely known as one of the most relaxed and balanced athletes. Oleg Fights went under the pseudonym "Russian Bear", especially since according to external parameters (height - 183 cm, weight - 95 kg) corresponded to this nickname.

The MMA organization only made the first steps in the fighting of mixed martial arts, and the competitions took place between athletes of one style. Oleg chose the sambo category. The first fights of the Taktarov did not bring fame to the young man, but the UFC-6 tournament ended for a wrestling of the victory over the American David Tank Abbot and the championship title. In 1997, Taktarov went to the ring in the first sparring of Pride, where the rival Russian became Canadian Gary Goodridge. From 2001 to 2007, Taktarov did not participate in competitions, but then returned for several tournaments. In particular, he spent a fight with Renzo Grassi, who ended with a defeat: Tactarov missed his head in his head and fell from his feet, after which he got a crushing punch in his face from the opponent. The referee counted knockout.

In total, Oleg spent 24 fights, of which he lost only 5. Won Oleg and the demonstration boxing match against Dolph Lundgrena, which was held within the frame of the King Ring. The demonstration victory has become a sign achievement in the sports biography of Taktarov.

In 2003, a survey was conducted among the UFC fans, which determined the most popular athletes in the history of martial arts. Oleg on the results of the voting fell into the best dozen, where he was the only participant from the post-Soviet space.

In addition to the sports career of the fighter, Tatakov tried himself in the role of Commentators M-1 - Russia vs Europe, but this experience failed to the athlete. Also in 2009, Oleg organized the "Men's Games" show, whose participants, according to the plan, became the former fighters who claimed the second chance of his career. After completion of shooting, the athletes went to California to participate in the tournament of professionals. The transmission has never reached the Russian channels, but in two years the fans could observe a world-famous fighter in the program of the first channel "Special Task" as a TV presenter.

In 2012, being already in Russia, Oleg Taktarov received the position of head of the federation of mixed martial arts, where it worked for five years.

In October, the scandal in the sports environment broke out. The head of the Russian Union MMA Fedor Emelyanenko accused Taktarov in the illegal holding of the "Championship and Championship of the Federation of MMA Russia", which was held in Lyubertsy. One of the points of the prosecution was a performance at the tournament of children of younger school age. Emelianenko's statement hit the prosecutor's office.

Oleg Taktarov, in turn, explained that the battles were held for adult fighters, and the children competed without blows. Tactarov believes that everything is the fact that not the Union of MMA, which has the official accreditation of the Maxport, and the MMA federation controlled by him, operating independently, was chosen by the International IMMAF Federation for the qualifying round in Russia when preparing for the world championship in Bahrain.


The main desire of Oleg Taktarov was always to be filmed into the cinema, and only in Hollywood. And after the young man became a famous fighter in the ring, the dream was realized.

First, Oleg was invited to the fantastic fighter "Total Force" and a thriller "President's plane". Then followed the criminal drama "15 minutes of glory", the action "Red Snake", fantasy "RollerBar", an action "Spy". In all these films, the actor played a leaving from Russia - or agent, or a criminal.

The adventure picture of the "Treasure of Nation", the Thriller "Bad Guys 2" and the Criminal Drama "Police Miami: Department of Mravov" were popular. Later, Taktarov, together with Adrian Brody, appeared in the fantastic militant "Predators", and with Sylvester Stallone worked in the comedy militant "get me if you can".

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Separate attention in the filmography of the actor deserves the picture "Right to the murder", which was removed in 2008. In this project, Taktarov starred with the stars of world values ​​- Robert De Niro and Al Pacino.

Having succeeded in Waped Hollywood, Oleg began to accept invitations from Russia. In the filmography of the actor began to appear paintings by Russian production - Saga about the oligarchs "Hunting of the Ranish", the film version of Gogol "Viya", the comedy "Ticket for Vegas", Fyshmagoria "Generation P", the criminal drama "Let's do it quickly." The most significant work for Taktarova in the Russian film was in the militants "Maltese Cross" and "Keeper".

The actor works in Russia and in the United States. He starred in such American films as "corrupted" and "renewal of the fraternity", and at home was involved in the film "Painting by Oil". With the participation of the fighter on television screens, the series "Fights" and "Former Wife" took place.

In 2014, the actor became a participant in the "big races" show. He entered the team "Above Rainbow". Russia's honor in competitions defended other celebrities, among them Denis Dorokhov, Dmitry Koldun, Alexey Lysenkov.

In 2016, Oleg Taktarov was at the peak of a professional acting and starred in a number of diverse paintings. He was entrusted to play the main role - the bodyguard of the novel in the Thriller "Young", where the Hero of Taktarov had to defend the Son of the former Chief of Andrei (Andrei Bagirov). Also this year, filming films "dead by 99%" and "Shelest", where the tactarov "lit up".

In 2017, with the participation of an athlete, a show of the American militant "Oxygen" on the struggle of mankind with a merciless virus and monsters, which he gave rise to. In the film, Taktarov got an episodic role.

Oleg Taktarov now

Now Oleg Taktarov is actively engaged in his career in the film industry. In 2019, the film "Desperate" came to the screens, where he performed one of the main roles - the criminal authority of Charon, who heads the gang of criminals. The plot is spinning around two women - Rita and Olga, who involuntarily become witnesses of the murder and fall into the whirlpool of trouble.

In addition, in 2019, the actor lit up in two pictures. This is a detective "call hero" and the romantic drama "to the ambulance".

And 2020 for Oleg Taktarov was marked by the output of the painting "Predators", in which he fulfilled the role of Vienna. In the same year, the release of the series "Legend" is planned dedicated to the battles. Along with Oleg in the picture Roman Kurskin is involved.

It is known that now the actor is busy in several projects that viewers will be able to see in 2021. These are such as "Konk-Gorbok", "Techinar", "surviving", "I am alive ...".

Although Tactarov finished his sports career, he does not stay away from the high-profile events that occur in the world of sports. In April, the tactical and Alexander Emelyanenko warmed up the overalls of social networks. The attitude of the MMA veteran to the Caucasus was becoming the attitude of MMA to the Caucasus, for which Emelyanenko-Jr..

"I sent the video here, where Taktarov unfriendly responds to the Caucasian people. What can I say? Tactarov, you are a prostitute. They also met, fed, slept, attention was given. You've left satisfied from here, "Alexander wrote in" Instagram ".

Oleg, in turn, posted a fragment from the film "Rambo" on the personal page and signed it:

"Today, one former fighter died. Died in my eyes. Perhaps he was very asked to write it, perhaps. But now all the same. He died".

In November, Oleg commented on Youtube-channel "Russian Estonian", the UFC Champion Habiba Nurmagomedov and American Justin Geyji, named His stave:

"It is clear that the fight of Habib and Geyji was negotiable. It is obvious. But, for me, this is normal. If you have the opportunity, if you worked well, the money earned money - even better. I am pleased that the man has completed her pain or choking. That is, this is such a message to young people - they say, here you see, a good person, did not beat in the parter, did pain, more fight, less cruelty. "

Also Taktarov ridiculed Tyson Mike. According to Oleg, the video training of the boxer, which are not stopped by the fans, are fake, created by mounting.


  • 1997 - "Total Force"
  • 2004 - "Treasure of the Nation"
  • 2005 - "Hunt for the Island"
  • 2008 - "Maltese Cross"
  • 2009 - "Keeper"
  • 2010 - "Fights. Death Test »
  • 2010 - "Predators"
  • 2013 - "Former wife"
  • 2015 - "temporarily unavailable"
  • 2016 - "Oil Painting"
  • 2016 - "Young"
  • 2017 - "Oxygen"
  • 2018 - "Swing"
  • 2018 - "The island of doomed"
  • 2018 - "Thief Hunt"
  • 2018 - "Last test"
  • 2018 - "Ambulance"
  • 2019 - "Hero on Call"
  • 2019 - "See you soon"
  • 2019 - "Desperate"
  • 2020 - "Predators"


  • 1990 - Master of Sports of the USSR for Sambo
  • 1995 - World Mixed Martial Arts Champion

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