Apollo Mikeikov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, poems, Russian poet, books



The poet Apollo Mikov is a representative of the ancient noble name, whose rod presented the domestic culture of many talented people. In addition to poetry, he worked on translations and controlled the content of printed products.

Childhood and youth

Apollo appeared on June 4, 1821 in Moscow in the noble family Evgenia and Nikolai Maikov. The boy's father was painting, and the mother, writer and poetess, headed the literary salon.

The intelligent family spent a lot of time in Moscow and the Moscow region, and from the 1834th settled in St. Petersburg - the capital of the Russian Empire. In childhood, Apollon was engaged in her mother, who studied his son Russian and French, and later handed over the child to the hands of professionals: the editor of Vladimir Solonitsyn's editor and the critics writer Ivan Goncharov.

By the age of 16, Mikov mastered the gymnasic program and entered the Julfak of St. Petersburg University. In the university, the young man mastered the Roman and Greek story, and it had an impact on his early works - at the beginning of the path the Creator was compared with antique poets, and Apollo himself mentioned in verses of the Olympic gods, Nymph and Satirov.


In his youth, Apollo wanted to go in the footsteps of his father and engaged in painting, but then began to lose sight and became interested in poetry as a mother. The first lines came out from under his pen at the end of the 1830s, and in 1842 the debut collection of poems was printed, for which Emperor Nicholas I paid a generous fee into a thousand rubles.

For these funds, the young Russian poet went to Europe, St.childe, France, Austria, Saxony. In Paris, Apollo with the younger brother Valerian, a few months visited lectures in the college de France and Sorbonne.

Returning to his homeland 2 years later, Mikov expressed impressions of the journey in the collection "Essays Rome". For a genuine passion for Antiquity Apollo considered a pagan, although he grew up in an Orthodox family and adhered to Christianity. However, subsequently, the poet proved it in late works.

In St. Petersburg, the writer has prepared a candidate thesis on the right of the ancient Slavs and settled in the Rumyantsev Museum under the Ministry of Finance. Since 1845, the poet also intensively replenished the creative biography: wrote poems, dramas, ballads, published in print editions. If liberal sentiments were traced in the first works, then in later Apollo switched to conservatism. A considerable role in this was played by the fact that many poet comrades were sent from the capital for revolutionary moods.

In the mid-1850 T-shirts wrote a lot about nature, villages, the history of Russia. The poem of that time "Spring", "Swallow", "mediocre several families" and a number of others are recognized as the textbook. Many works of the poet are laid on the music of Peter Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and other composers and became the classics of Russian romances. But the love of Apollo did not write that "everyone do not let with his nose to himself in his heart."

Gradually, Mikes Doros to the position of censor and was erected into valid Stat advisors, and also engaged in translations. So, the Creator shifted into Russian, the works of Henry Heine, Johann Goethe, Adam Mitskevich and translated in verses "Word about the regiment of Igor" - this work is recognized as outstanding.

In the 1874th, the writer was part of the scientist of the Ministry of Sports Committee, then the Russian Literary Society and other departments, collaborated with the publications "New Word" and "Theater Gazeta". After the 1880s, Apollo focused on writing essays and reviews on books, editing his own essays for collections and new works almost did not write. The most famous poem of that period was the text about the Orthodox Easter festival "Christ Rissed!".

Personal life

With the future wife, Anna Stemmer Apollo met in 1847. 5 years later, a stormy novel, they tied the personal life of marriage as a wedding, and a year after the wedding, the spouse gave birth to the poet of the firstborn Nikolai. Through time, three more children appeared in the Mikey family: the daughter of Faith, who died at 11 years old, the sons of Vladimir and Apollo.

In 1876, Appolot Nikolayevich moved to the cottage near the station of the Siberian St. Petersburg province, where he lived until his death. In the 1890th poet with numerous relatives made a memorable photo on the porch of the house, which has been preserved until now.


At the end of February 1897, Apollo came out to take a walk easily dressed and very cold. Lowering about a week in serious condition, the poet died at the age of 75. The cause of the death of Maikova was the inflammation of the lungs. His grave is located on the territory of the Resurrection Novodevichi Monastery, where Nikolai Nekrasov, Fyodor Tyutchev, Sergey Botkin and other famous people are buried.


  • 1842 - "Pooh Apollo Majkova"
  • 1845 - "Two Fate"
  • 1846 - "Masha"
  • 1847 - "Essays Rome"
  • 1851 - Savonarola
  • 1851 - "Three deaths"
  • 1853 - "Clermont Cathedral"
  • 1854-1888 - "Century and Peoples"
  • 1858-1859 - "Neapolitan album"
  • 1858-1872 - "Novogreic songs"
  • 1863 - "Death Lucia"
  • 1867 - "Wanderer"
  • 1872 - "Two Worlds"
  • 1878 - "Princess ***"
  • 1893 - Complete Works

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