Rinat Akhmetov - biography, photos, personal life, news, Foundation 2021



Rinat Akhmetov is the richest citizen of Ukraine, one of the five Ukrainians entering the top of the world's richest people. The biography of the entrepreneur is sheaven by legends and myths, because the oligarch will hear a non-public man who is alien to secular events and parties.

The billionaire does not expose the state to the state, but has a wide opportunity and connections among the political elite of Ukraine, which has a serious influence. The unprecedented success of Akhmetov in business is often associated with the criminal world, called the King of Donbass and the informal leader of the Donetsk Clan.

Businessman Rinat Akhmetov

Akhmetov Rinat Leonidovich was born on September 21, 1966 in the Shakhtar village "Oktyabrsky", located within the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, in the family of Shakhtar Leonid and Spouse Nyakia, saleswomen in the store. The future oligarch has become a younger son from the parents - he has an elder brother Igor, who went in the footsteps of his father and settled to work at the mine. Being still young, retired, earning a severe lung disease.

The childhood of young Rinat passed in poverty and modesty. Parents, indigenous tatars, lived in a dilapidated house and with difficulty provided children in food. Therefore, the boys were not divided, but serious guys dreaming of a decent life from childhood. Akhmetov received secondary education at the local school No. 63. Teachers remember Rinat as a smart, smeezal, but a hooligan boy. Instead of the exact sciences, the young man preferred classes in sports sections, so worried lessons and often came to school with a broken nose.

Rinat Akhmetov as a child with parents

After graduating from the school, the Biography of Rinat Akhmetova is covered by a secret for seven seals - sources claim that the entrepreneur received a higher economic education in Donetsk State University and worked as a forwarder in Donetsk store No. 41, the director of which was the former President of Shakhtar FCs Alder (Alexander) Bragin on Nickname Alik Greek. Also in unofficial sources there is information that in his youth Rinat Leonidovich was allegedly a professional gambler and first capital earned at the "tour" in the post-Soviet space.


The first information from the official biography of Rinat Akhmetova appeared in the early 90s, when the entrepreneur became a member of the Constituent Assembly of the ARS company, whose competence sphere was made by coal mining and coke production. The abbreviation has been decrypted in the first letters of the names of the founders - Alik (Achmet Bragin), Rinat (Akhmetov), ​​Samson (Yakov Bogdanov). In many ways, the activities of the community have been associated with risks for business and even for the lives of founders - dashing nineties entered into force.

Later, relying on First Capital, Akhmetov founded the Donetsk City Bank and became the most young banker of Ukraine. For several years, the Bank has developed to a serious scale and became a nominal holder of the shares of Donetsk enterprises whose activities were associated with industry.

In 1995, Rinat Akhmetov became the head of the Shakhtar sports club, which went to a businessman in the "legacy" from Bragin, deliberately killed on the football stadium for unidentified motives. The entrepreneur with all responsibility approached the development of a football club.

In 1999, the first football school for the youth was opened, then a network of branches of an educational institution appeared. But the main thing is that Akhmetov has made for the development of football in the country - founded the Kursha sports and training complex, which is still considered the number one base in Europe. Five years later, a five-star Shakhtar Stadium appeared.

Rinat Akhmetov at the Shakhtar stadium

By 2000, the businessman has already founded his own empire called "Capital Management Systems" and in a few years he became the only shareholder of the company.

The assets of SKM Rinat Akhmetov includes more than a hundred industrial enterprises that carry out activities in the metallurgical, energy, telecommunications and banking industries. In addition, there are companies in wholesale and retail trade, supermarkets and gas stations, as well as enterprises related to media business, real estate and insurance.

Due to armed conflict in Donbas, Business Akhmetova faced serious difficulties. The company owned by Holding enterprises in the east of Ukraine were regularly exposed to art principles, as a result of which they had to stop. We are talking about Avdeevsky Coxochimzavoda, the mine "Komsomolets Donbass" and Lugansk TPP. Also, the billionaire lost control over the enterprises located in the Crimea.

Rinat Akhmetov

In 2014, Rinat Akhmetov opposed the forces that came to power in the Donbas. Akhmetov called for work enterprises to stop the conveyors at a certain time by agreement, thereby expressing disagreement with the policies of the DPR power. The initiative of the entrepreneur was assessed by the head of the Office of Arsen Avakov. Later Rinat Akhmetov stated the need to meet the Kiev leadership and the leaders of the DPR.

Along with the criticism of the Donbass government, Rinat Akhmetov created the Humanitarian Headquarters "Let's help" to help the victims of compatriots victims during military operations. Information on the shares of the Foundation staff was posted on the official website.

Soon the program initiated by Akhmetov - "No Lampowan!", Within which the adoption of Donbass children who lost their parents were asked. Daily on the pages of the Internet resource appeared new photos of the small residents of Donbass, by the will of the fate of the orphans. Now the Foundation continues to work on the delivery of humanitarian goods to the territory of Donbass.

Businessman Rinat Akhmetov

In addition to difficult relationships with militia, Rinat Akhmetov was criticized by the Ukrainian society. In 2016, during the celebration of Euromaidan, the office of Rinat Akhmetov, located in the center of Kiev, was subjected to a hooligan attack along with Sberbank and Alfa-Bank of Russia. Ukrainians shouted the accusations against the leaders of these structures, calling them guilty of financial destructuring of Ukrainian society.


In addition to the business, the billionaire Rinat Akhmetov has been continuously connected with politics in Ukraine for 20 years, despite the fact that he considers himself apolitical. According to unofficial information, Rinat became the support of Viktor Yanukovych in the struggle of the latter for the post of Governor of the Donetsk region, from which the former president of Ukraine came out the winner.

In 2001, Akhmetov finally decided to enter the political arena of the country, which was considered as the market managed by the government. Then, thanks to the support of Akhmetova, Yanukovych as a representative of the Donetsk "Elite" became the Prime Minister of Ukraine, and the businessman officially entered the part of the regions and participated in the parliamentary elections.

Viktor Yanukovych and Rinat Akhmetov

In BP Rinat Akhmetov entered the Committee on Economic Policy and developed active activities in parliament. It is believed that the entrepreneur was the initiator of the decision of the decision, according to which the Goskomreve was sold to private companies for debts energy generating Ukrainian enterprises. Most of them got into the Holding of SCM.

Since 2012, Akhmetov pulled away from the policies of Ukraine and did not run into parliament. At the same time, it remained a "sponsor" of the political process in the country, regularly financing the parties and unframeing politicians, whom he wants to see the country's helm.

Personal life

Personal life Rinat Akhmetov is less interesting than a career. The oligarch married the first love of Lily Smirnova, with which he lives in a legitimate marriage from the second half of the 80s. Wife gave birth to Rinatou Two children - Damira and Almir, who learn and constantly live in the UK.

Rinat Akhmetov with his wife

The only passion of Akhmetov, in addition to the business, was the sport. Billionaire is fond of boxing and football. Also in Ukraine, the oligarch has the title of Honorary Philanthrop. Back in 2005, the entrepreneur founded the "Development of Ukraine" charitable foundation, which annually invest $ 10 million from its own funds.

Rinat Akhmetov with sons

The charity Akhmetova is aimed at a number of areas that relate to health, education, culture and address assistance to people. Also, the Rinat Leonidovich Foundation develops the project "Heat Family".


The state of Rinat Akhmetov in 2016 was estimated at $ 2.3 billion. This amount allows the entrepreneur to continue to take a leading place among the richest Ukrainians, and this is despite the fact that it has decreased by $ 4.5 billion compared with last year.

Rinat Akhmetov

In the world ranking of the richest people, Akhmetov takes 771th place out of 1800, although in 2015 he was on the 2016 position.

Rinat Akhmetov now

In 2017, Rinat Akhmetov's business survived the next attacks by Ukrainian radicals. At the beginning of the year, the Yenakiyevsky Metallurgical Plant and PJSC "Krasnodonugol" was arranged by rail blocade, despite the fact that enterprises regularly pay taxes in the budget of Ukraine. The management decided that the staff of the factories would go to the 70% vacation paid. The consequences of the blockade did not make themselves waiting: due to coal interruptions in some areas, an emergency mode was introduced due to failures in the heating system.

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