Galina Petrova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Galina Petrov - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema. She became famous in adulthood, films with her participation were so popular that now the artist almost everyone knows in the face. She got the characteristic heroines that were mostly remembered to the viewer.

Childhood and youth

Galina was born in the town of Kirishi Leningrad region. When the future actress turned 3 years old, mother left the family. Father and daughter moved to Tambov to relatives and married another woman there. The upbringing of Gali was basically a grandmother, although the stepmother treated the girl is not bad. Another thing is that in the family of Petrov was not taken to express feelings with words, encourage and support each other. In addition, the Father often reminded his daughter that she was not born in beauty. From this Galina grew by very coward and commissioned.

In high school classes, the girl decided to fight low self-esteem. Galina was recorded in the school drama and unexpectedly found a matter that internally captured. Galya firmly decided to become an actress and after receiving a certificate went to Moscow, where she filed documents to all theatrical universities. But educational institutions refused Petrova. She had to return to Tambov and get a dressing suit to the Tambov Drama Theater.

Later, purposeful Petrova again went to Moscow. With the second attempt to young applicant, guitis conquered. Five years Future celebrity studied at the course of Andrei Popova.

Personal life

His spouse, theatrical director and playwright Oleg Osipov, Galina Petrova knew since the times of Tambov youth. Later, the woman confessed to her husband that was in love with the older classes in him, but because of stiffness and shyness did not decide to say about feelings.

As a result, when Galina has already become going on the scene of the "Contemporary", Oleg took the first step. The relationship of the pair could not be called smooth: young people quarreled and parted, put up and quarreled again.

However, on the return of Osipov, everything changed from the army. The man made a beloved sentence that she took. Today Galina is happy with Oleg for many years.

Soon after marriage, the spouses were born daughter Natalia. On the second child, Petrov decided only 14 years later. So the family appeared in the family. Galina Leonidovna calls the family of exemplary. The actress says:

"I am the brain and moral center of our family. Children with me are advised by all human and global issues. They are advised, and seem to discuss together, but I understand that everyone is waiting for me to take the latter decision. "

In May 2017, the actress visited the transfer of "my hero." Tatyana Ustinova's writer invites you to a wide variety of guests - actors, directors, singers, TV presenters, athletes, and even politicians. She did not bypass and Galina Petrov.

The celebrity told about the family, personal life, childhood, as well as plans for the future. According to Galina Leonidovna, when she turned 3 years old, parents decided to divorce, and the court ruled that the girl should live with his father. Divorce actress and today often remembers.

Then, with the actor, Valery Garkalin, she participated in the transfer "Family album", after which new rumors began to appear in the network around this pair. The media killed the news that they had long been together and even live under the same roof. At the same time, they indicated that Galina for the sake of a new novel left the family, and Valery, who promised after the loss of his wife, never to bind himself to the bonds of marriage, broke the word. At the same time, the couple did not just twist the novel, but allegedly artists got married.

For a long time, the actors did not comment on this message until in 2020 Petrov did not visit the studio of the "Fate of Man" program with Boris Korchevnikov and did not respond to his questions. The presenter noted that such conversations go long ago. To debunk the speculation of the yellow press, Petrova answered simply: "Well, got married and married. It is not necessary to just pay attention to it. "

At the same time, in the transfer of Petrov, she told her only strong friendship with Garkalin, and one day she even saved a man's life. Somehow after the filming, they together went down the stairs, Valery stumbled and, so as not to fall, grabbed the scarf of the artist. At the same time, she grabbed the other end of the scarf and pulled at himself, thus not allowing the actor to fall from steep steps, otherwise he could get not one fracture.


At the end of the 1st year of Petrova began to play in the Moscow Drama Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky, and after the end of the university, he entered the troupe of the "contemporary", where one of the leading actresses remains.

Hardworking actress began the theatrical path from passing and secondary roles. Petrova quickly became a famous actress, playing several characters that audience liked.

The sophisticated theatrical viewer of the "contemporary" began to walk exactly "in Galina Petrov" to enjoy the talented game actress.

In the creative piggy bank, Galina Leonidovna is not one dozen roles in performances, which were held in the theater of Anton Chekhov and MHT named after A. P. Chekhov, but most of all she played at the Moscow State Theater "Contemporary". He participated in the production "forever living", "the taste of cherry", "more expensive pearls and zlata", "echelon". In early 2000, she tried on the image of Olga in the "Three Sisters" play, Elisia in Celestine and Warrior in Mamapapashinsobaka.


If, on the theater scene, Galina Petrov quickly became in demand, then in cinema everything was not so rosy. Actress began to be filmed immediately after Gitis, but the roles were not the most important. Although a large number of kinocartin is known to the audience - the melodrama "Rescuer", the detective "The investigation is conducted by experts. A midday thief ", the romantic film" Umbrella for newlyweds ", comedy" Where is the Nofette? ".

The main roles of the actress in the first half of the creative path are considered to be Komra Glushko in the Soviet-Polish adventure comedy "Deja Vu" and the wife of Tunin's actor in the tragicomedy Leonid Filatov "Sukina Kids". By the way, in "Deja Nu" Petrov replaced the brilliant Inna Churikov and coped with the task great. The creative biography of Petrova is associated with this film.

Galina continued to star and in the 90s. Film crimits are distinguished from that period tragicomedy "Eagle and Rushka", the drama "Thief", the comedy "Life and the extraordinary adventures of Ivan Chongin's soldier". Peak Career Nastig Petrov already in the twentieth century. In the filmography of the actress, the 2nd and 3rd parts of the NEXT criminal film appeared, the women's TV series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", Fantasy "Young Wolfhound", the youth series "Ranetki", Military Drama "Line Marta".

The series gradually become the main projects in the career of the actress. The shooting in the sealing ribbons, Galina treated with self-dedication peculiar to it, performed the role at a high level. Petrov believes that in any genre there are masters, but such a professional can be done by attaching efforts.

The main success was brought by actress Light romantic comedies "Think as a woman", "man in me", "big girls" and "between us, girls." Also Galina Petrov was filmed in biographical dramas about the famous women "Lyudmila Gurchenko", "Orlova and Aleksandrov" about the actress of love of Orlova, "Red Queen" about the Soviet mannequin Regina Zbarskaya. The following films came to the screen with the participation of Petrova were the series "Voronins" and melodrama "My favorite mother-in-law". These roles remembered the audience.

In 2007, the film "Former" came out. The actress became interested in the role of a woman who positioned itself as secular art, educated and intelligent. According to the story of Heroine Galina Petrova constantly encroaches his son's personal space, trying to participate in his life, assuring that only mom is able to give the right tips. This heroine liked TV viewers. Galina Petrov confidently coped, talentedly by completing the tasks that were put by the creators of the film.

In 2016, "my favorite mother-in-law" appeared on the screens, "Intim not to offer", "Gardenobra" and "Furious relatives" with the participation of Petrova. In 2017, the actress was starred in the films "Force Major" and "Shamelessness". A year later, she was invited to play the expert-criminalist Zinaida Pavlovna in the television series "Dinosaurs" and Iraida Stepanovna in the 2nd part "Between us, girls." And in 2019, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with a picture of "Pure Moscow murders - 2", where she appeared in the form of Lily Pavlovna.

Galina Petrova now

Now the acting career Petrova is not so fast going up as before, but this does not mean that they forgot. Films with celebrity are still revised by fans of Galina Leonidovna's creativity, and its roles are recognized as bright and characteristic.

In April 2020, the program "The Fate of Man" was published on the screens with Boris Korchevnikov, where, in addition to details about personal life, Petrov told a lot about the work, where he began, with which injustices came across and how hard it was to overcome complexes concerning appearance. She also told about the tragic case that happened to his mother, who later became the cause of her soon.


  • 1989 - "Deja Vu"
  • 1991 - "Infinity"
  • 1994 - "Life and the extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin"
  • 2002 - Next 2
  • 2006 - "Big Girls"
  • 2010 - "Such an ordinary life"
  • 2012 - "Last Case of Casanov"
  • 2015 - "Red Queen"
  • 2016 - "Voronins"
  • 2017 - "The Consequence of Love"
  • 2018 - "Night shift"
  • 2019 - "Pure Moscow Murder - 2"

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