Gürel - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Gürel in Turkey, in Motherland, consider one of the most beautiful and talented actresses. The girl starred in television films "Where is my daughter?", "Cherry season", "full moon".

The future star was born in February 1987 in the district of Istanbul Silivri in the family of Grechany and Cherkees, the ancestors of which were assieved in Turkey. In the capital, the girl graduated from school and university.

Actress Oze Gürel

But the acquired specialty was not interested in Oz, and the girl decided to try their strength in the acting profession, which was long manila.


Oz, Gürel went to the casting of a new project, which he learned from friends. Unexpectedly a beginner actress of model appearance (the growth of the oze is 170 cm, and the weight is 53 kg) received the first role in the melodrama "Where is my daughter?". So began the creative biography of Gürel. Later, the girl admitted that there was a lot of surprised that they were taken from several hundreds of her contenders. After all, the OZHA did not have experience in movies and the necessary education.

Oze Gürel

The debut in the series was successful. The image of the heroine Zeynep was able to fame. Gürel has been talking about OZDA as a rising star of Turkish cinema.

During a long lasting process, the beginner artist persistently filled the gaps in the scenic skill. Oz, visited various courses, not forgetting carefully to look at more experienced colleagues on the set.

After entering the screens of melodramas on the young actress, new proposals were fell from directors. In 2012, Ozeka appeared in the TV series "Street of the World", where she appeared in the role of Melissa. In the film, we were talking about neighbors who had different characters and the worldview did not interfere with maintaining friendly attitude.

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From 2013 to 2015, Gürel played Adu Savasher in the popular Turkish tide melodrama. The actress appeared on one set with Turkish stars Serena Sarykaya and Chagatay Ulusoy.

In 2014, the actress starred in one of the main roles of the sensational series "Magnificent Century", playing a beloved one of Shehzade. Ozhead appeared only in the last season of the television film. By that time, the series was broadcast already in 50 countries, so the actresses learned outside the homeland.

In Turkey, Gürel saw on the screens in the film projects and in advertising. The girl starred in the rollers for Vodafone, Doritos, Pepsi and Milka.

Actress Oze Gürel

In 2014, the shooting of two projects immediately ended with the participation of Oz. The series "Afra" and the melodramas "Our Honorary". On the screen actress appeared in secondary roles.

In 2015, the "Cherry Season" youth series was released on Turkish screens, in which the star role went. The actress played a cheerful girl. At first, Gürel is in love with a guy named Mete, then another comes to replace this feeling - to the windy architect Ayazu Dinchera, who played by Serkan Ceagla. The film became the best serial of the year, and actors, major roles - the stars of the Fox TV channel.

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The development of relations between this love triangle in May 2016 began to monitor the Russian fans of the series.

Personal life

A Turkish actress is happy to share creative plans and discusses the roles played, but did not open a personal secretion. Personal life of Gürel Oze is closed from prying eyes. Meticulous and curious journalists who stick to questions about the intimate, oz. He said that was occupied by a rapidly developing career. But the Turkish media at the beginning of the Gürel's artistic career managed to find out that before getting to the screens, a young man Obury Obroe was a young man.

Serkan Ceagla and Oz Gürel

At the set of the "Cherry Season", the actress had a relationship with Serkan Chugla. For two years, the couple met secretly, but in 2016 there was a breakdown between the beloved, and the young broke up. Serkan did not keep the first and went to reconciliation. In the spring of 2017, journalists received official confirmation of the Union from the mouth of the actors themselves. Oze and the Sercan live like a husband and wife, but do not plan a wedding yet.

It is known that Gürell reads a lot and is engaged in choreography. In dreams from the actress traveling to distant countries, but because of great employment, the girl cannot afford it.

The main thing in the life of Gürel Oze, except for cinema, is a charity, which actress began to engage in quite a long time, after the tragic death of his sister who died of cancer.

Oze Gürel

The actress supports friendship with colleagues in the workshop - Fatma Toptash, Berk Dzhankat, Nimal Ishiksachane, Dememe Ozdemir. Photo with friends and young man often appear on the personal page of Oz. In "Instagram".

Oze Gürel now

After a biennial break in the chipper of Oz, starred in a number of serials, where he performed the main roles. In 2017, a melodrama "Stars - My Witnesses" came out, where the artist appeared in the image of the girl from a simple family Khaziran Yylmaz, who dreams of the love of the popular singer Aras (Burke Jankat) and a career of vocalist. At one concert, a miracle happens - the girl hits the scene to the idol and sings a duet with him.

Actress Oze Gürel

In a full-length picture of the "History of Organic Love", the OZD managed to implement the image of Pink. In the lyrical melodrama, it was told about the formation of feelings of eight pairs. Another work of the year was the role in the film "First Kiss", where Gürel played with Murat Yyldym. The story of the film was based on a girl who lost his memory. The young man of heroine Ozed is working as a doctor. The power of his own feeling the hero of Murata manages to return the beloved to life.

In the summer of 2017, the broadcast of the "Full moon" series began, in which Oz, reincarnated to the heroine of Pynar called the heroine. Lyrical melodrama with elements of the comedy quickly won the sympathies of the audience. In the autumn, the film became a nominee for the National Prize "Golden Butterfly" in the category Best Romantic Comedy.

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In the film, we were talking about two heroes - the girl called, enthusiastic with culinary art, and a businessman to faith (Jan Yaman), who hires a beauty to a personal chef. Nazlah grasped for such an opportunity because of the decent earnings, thanks to which it could have been accumulated on the opening of his own restaurant. But love intervened in the plans of the heroes. On December 31, 2017, the audience was expected by the last series of television film with an unexpected junction of the plot.

Now the actress is working on a new project "Wolf", the premiere of which is planned for 2018.


  • 2010 - 2011 - "Where is my daughter?"
  • 2012 - "Mira Street"
  • 2014 - "Our Honorary"
  • 2014 - "Magnificent Century"
  • 2014 - "Tide"
  • 2014 - 2015 - "Cherry Season"
  • 2017 - "Stars - My Witnesses"
  • 2017 - "Full Moon"
  • 2017 - "History of Organic Love"
  • 2017 - "First Kiss"

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