Elena Tsyplakov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Children, In Youth, Age, Filmography 2021



A fragile big-eyed girl, Elena Tspakov, the audience first saw on the screens in the 70s and immediately loved. She looked in harmoniously in different images, regularly rapidly filmography with new pictures. But life difficulties have changed the star, and faith in God helped to review the views on the world and gain a new calling - the service for the benefit of others.

Childhood and youth

Elena Oktyabryna was born in November 1958 in Leningrad. The girl grew in the family of creative people - her parents were graphic artists. The childhood of the future actress turned out to be overshadowed by native problems.

Twice a year, the star was forced to ride a wellness boarding board, because the father had developed an open form of tuberculosis. These times became difficult - a strict nanny worked in the institution, and Lena was stubborn and independent. She was repeatedly punished for pranks, which only harden the character.

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When the girl returned home, life was established. She studied perfectly, highlighting chemistry and mathematics for himself, was engaged in sports. Already then, the active and unreasonable chickeck had a talent for creativity, followed only to send energy to the right track.

Once in their noisy and cheerful home, a family friend looked around, the artist Nikolai Yudin. And along with him, his wife came, a graduate of the theater university Dinar Asanova. She helped to light a new star, whose cinematic biography soon began.

The 15-year-old girl made his debut in the painting "not hurts the head of Dyatla", released in 1975. The image of the first beautiful class of Irina Fedorova brought a young performer fame. The directions fell asleep with new proposals, and she gladly took them.

Even before graduation, young Lena managed to replenish the filmography of several sensational projects. The final before entering Gitis was the picture asanova "key without the right to transfer." The actress played a schoolgirl again, and the very similar to her, - thoughtful and serious, looking at the world with adult eyes.

In the metropolitan university Tzaplakova came from the first attempt. With her track record, it turned out to be simpler, but the study was harder. During this period, the girl continued to shoot. Spectators gladly looked melodrama Pavel Lyubimov "School Waltz" with her participation. The heroine of Lena Zosa Knushevitsky also looked like her: the same independent and uncompromising character, the same stubbornness and unwillingness to follow the generally accepted standards of behavior.

Then there were two more bright paintings with the celebrity - "in the zone of special attention" and "hatred". The teachers were unhappy with the stormy acting student activities, and relationships with them were increasingly gone. She decided to go to the acting faculty of Vgika, enrolling immediately to the 3rd rate, and then mastered the profession of the director, continuing to remove.

Theater and films

The actress of Natalia Wilkina and Yuri Solomina, who played her parents in the School Waltse, was in the troupe of the small theater theater. She served there for 6 years, but was forced to leave to relieve the graduate work for the Directory Faculty.

In parallel with the stage Tsaplakova continued to engage in the screen career. In 1979, the premiere of the adventure film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers" took place, after which, without that recognizable actress, he woke up incredibly famous. The audience were delighted with her Katty and dreamed of getting a photo of the performer, but she was not like the role of frivolous "cutie".

The directions were solidar with the public and began to offer similar images to the artist. But Dinara Asanova, the "godfather" of Elena in the world of cinema, again called the girl on the dramatic role, which she performed in the film "Nikudushna".

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The popularity of the artist continued to grow, she even managed to play in a cult "guest from the future", but in 1985 there was an unexpected - being on another continent, the celebrity picked up African malaria, the disease gave heavy complications. As a result of treatment, once a fragile girl gained a lot in weight. In the painting "Midshipmen, ahead!" The audience saw her already sipped, which became a shock for them.

Since decent roles were now suggested rarely, the actress "hit" in the director. On the screens, it appeared not so often, but always bright, leaving a trace in the hearts of the audience. In the melodrame "I can hug you?" I left in 2017, the actress played the mother of heroine Catherine Redfish and Grandma Maya Gorban. And the daughter and granddaughter deliver a lot of unrest: one is experiencing stress from the failure of the entrance exams to the institute, the other falls into a dangerous love triangle.

Later, the artist starred in a detective drama "Step into the abyss," where her character had a biblical name Salome. The relative of the main character, the family matriarch, turned out to be the only man who did not reject his bride who did not fit into the established rules. Director Dmitry Averin noted that to get in Caste Elena October, a happy occasion.

Among other memorable heroines of the artist - Nina from the series "Rural Detective". The project was repeatedly launched, and she returned to his role every time.


The directorial debut of the stars took place in 1988 - the short film "Citizen Running" came to the screens. The debut turned out to be more than successful. In Elena, October was recognized as a colleague of famous cinematographers, and Karen Shahnazarov invited her to his creative union "Start".

The following year, the inspired by the success of Tsaplakova took off his second project - the drama "Clemen Paradise". After viewing it, many film critics expressed surprise that a woman was the director. The film received a prestigious prize at the festival in Spanish San Sebastian.

Then another tape of celebrities came to the screens - "I hope you." She is about how a person in difficult life circumstances seeks to return its dignity. The basis for the plot was the memories of life in the boarding school, but many reproached the director for excessive cruelty.

In the new century, the audience and fans of Tspachkova continued to follow her creativity. The first series, filmed by the celebrity, became "family secrets" about a deadly sick banker, whose children begin the war for the inheritance.

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Multiserious projects cinematographer refers to the same positive as to the films, considering it by the way the dialogue with the audience, which can make a lesson for themselves after viewing. The proof of this is a story of a girlfriend-lawyer who has noticed that after the premiere of "family secrets", the number of broken-separated affairs associated with the property delegation has decreased.

In 2014, the audience saw the series "While Stanitsa sleeps", a joint project of the director and her two colleagues - Beta Nedich and Alexander Mokhov. The celebrity found the picture unique if only because she was interested to know how people in reality would solve such problems when sin is just taken on the soul.

Elena Oktyabryna not only removed its next project, but also played a major role in it. He got the name "birth certificate" and united on the site of talented performers - Ilya Noscova, Maxim Radugin and Danil Dunaev.

A year after the release of the series, in 2018 the actress took the post of chief director of the Moscow Regional Drama Theater and Comedy, located in Noginsk.


After all life tests that she had to go through, Tsaplakova consciously came to religion at 36 years. She decided that all her diseases arose because of sin, because in the past, the woman allowed himself bad actions and abused alcohol. The actress began to pray daily, and many problems went away.

The spiritual mother of Elena October, Sophia became the head of the Sofia Center, located in the Dnieper, which she repeatedly responded in an interview. But in the press several times there were crushing articles about the activities of the organization, for example, representatives of Dialogue argued that in fact the actress consists in the sect. She considers such notes to be slanderous.

The religiosity of the performer, according to her, helped her cope with complications of diabetes. She was chained to a disabled chair, but with the help of prayers and healing braids won a parable and even refused insulin injections.

Communication with God helps celebrities not only in everyday life, but also in the director. She starts every shooting day from prayer and brings with me icons to the set. An example of cinematographer is positive for actors - many throw smoking and squander.

Artist's faith is reflected in its projects. She put the play "Mother of Jesus", who received recognition of the public. After each Tzaplakova show and its like-minded people distributed spiritual books for free.

Personal life

For the first time, the celebrity was married in his youth for his colleague Gennady, which then also served in the Small Theater. Witnesses agreed to become Boris Galkin and Irina Pechechennikov. But the couple soon realized that their joint life was a mistake. Divorce followed less than a year after marriage.

Then Elena became the lady of the heart Vitaly Solmin. The end of the novel put she herself when he learned that the chief child would soon be born. Another change in personal life followed in 1984. A young woman met a man far from the world of art. Dentist Sergey Lipets turned out to be older actress for 20 years, but the age difference did not interfere with the happy life of the couple.

After the transferred operation, the actress could not have children, which frankly told in the program "The Fate of Man". She was ready to accept the heirs of his beloved from former wives, but the relationship between them did not work out. This became one of the causes of separation.

The performer was seriously thought about to give a vow of celibacy, but suddenly met her love. In 2005, she married Pavel Shcherbakov, and after 3 years, they married Peter and Paul's Moscow temple. A couple of redundant case - a man lesing a star to work, and later became her faithful friend and a reliable satellite of life. The chosen is the daughter of Julia from past relationships, the performer of the soul does not make it.

Elena Tsychakov Now

Now the star continues his career in the cinema. At the beginning of 2021, the premiere of the 5th season of the series "Irckak" was held with her participation. The performer fell to play Joan Rudakov. Also, the audience saw her in the Drama "untouvented", in which she made and as director.

Marina Konyashkin played the main role in the project. Her heroine in the past was a successful business woman, but he went to prison because of the false accusation of murder.


  • 1974 - "Dattla's head does not hurt"
  • 1978 - "School Waltz"
  • 1978 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer"
  • 1980 - "Adam marries Eve"
  • 1980 - "What are our years!"
  • 1983 - "We are from jazz"
  • 1984 - "Happy, Zhenka!"
  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, forward!"
  • 1990 - "Sukina Children"
  • 1998 - "To whom I have to - everyone forgiveness"
  • 2017 - "Birth Certificate"
  • 2019-2020 - "Rural Detective"
  • 2021 - "Unlightened"

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