Mikhail Bulgakov - biography, personal life, photos, books, cause of death and the latest news



Mikhail Bulgakov is a Russian writer and playwright, the author of many works that are today considered the classics of Russian literature. It is enough to name such novels as "Master and Margarita", "White Guard" and the Tale of "Devilia", "Dog's Heart", "Notes on Cuffs." Many books and plays Bulgakov were fused.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail was born in Kiev in the family of Professor-Bogosla Athanasius Ivanovich and his wife Varvara Mikhailovna, which was engaged in the upbringing of seven children. Misha was the most eldest child and, if possible, helped parents to manage with the economy. From the rest of the children of Bulgakov, Nikolai received, who became a biologist, Ivan, famous for emigration as a musician balala retreat, and Barbar, who turned out to be a prototype of Elena Turbine in the White Guard novel.

Writer Mikhail Bulgakov

After graduating from the gymnasium, Mikhail Bulgakov enters the university for the medical faculty. His choice was connected exclusively with a mercantile desire - both units of the future writer were doctors and earned very well. For a boy who has grown in a large family, this nuance was fundamental.

Mikhail Bulgakov in his youth

During World War II, Mikhail Afanasyevich served in the front-line zone as a doctor, after which his doctor in Vyazma, later - in Kiev, as a venereologist. In early 20s, he moved to Moscow and begins literary activities, first as a fagothonist, later - like playwright and theatrical director of Mkat and the central theater of working young people.


The first published book Mikhail Bulgakov was the story of "Chichikov's adventures", written in a satirical manner. It was followed by partially autobiographical "Notes on Cuffs", the Social Drama "Deviliad" and the first major work of the writer - the novel "White Guard". Surprisingly, the first Roman Bulgakov criticized on all sides: local censorship called him an anti-communist, and the foreign press responded as too loyal just to the Soviet power.

Mikhail Bulgakov - biography, personal life, photos, books, cause of death and the latest news 19703_3

Mikhail Afanasyevich told Mikhail Afanasyevich about the beginning of his medical activity in the collection of the stories of the Note of the Young Doctor, which is still read with great interest. Especially highlighted the story of "Morphy". With medicine, both of the most famous books of the author is connected - "Dog's Heart", although in reality it is a thin satire on modern Bulgakov reality. Then the fantastic story "Fat Eggs" was also written.

Writer Mikhail Bulgakov

By 1930, Mikhail Afanasyevich ceased to print. For example, "Dog's heart" was first published only in 1987, "Life of Mr. De Moliere" and "Theater Roman" - in 1965. And the strongest and incredibly large-scale novel "Master and Margarita", which Bulgakov wrote from 1929 to the very death, first saw the light only in the late 60s and that - in abbreviated form.

Mikhail Bulgakov - biography, personal life, photos, books, cause of death and the latest news 19703_5

In March 1930, the writer who lost the soil under his feet send a letter to the government, in which he asks to solve his fate - or resolve emigrate, or give the opportunity to work. As a result, Iosif Stalin called him personally and said that he would be allowed to put performances. But the publication of Bulgakov's books in his life did not resume.


Back in 1925, Mikhail Bulgakov's plays were put on the stage of Moscow theaters - "Zoyikina Apartment", "Turbine Days" on the novel "White Guard", "Run", "Bagrous Island". A year later, the Ministry wanted to prohibit the production of "turbine days" as an "anti-Soviet piece", but it was decided not to do this, since the performance really liked Stalin, who visited him 14 times.

Mikhail Bulgakov and theater actors

Soon the plays of the Bulgakov was still removed from the repertoire of all theaters of the country and only in 1930, after the personal intervention of the leader, Mikhail Afanasyevich was restored as a playwright and director.

He puts Gogol's "Dead Souls" and the Dickens "Pickwick Club", but its author's plays "Alexander Pushkin", "Bliss", "Ivan Vasilyevich" and others during the lifetime of the playwright never went into the world.

Mikhail Bulgakov - biography, personal life, photos, books, cause of death and the latest news 19703_7

The only exception was the play "Kabala Svyatosh", delivered by the play of Bulgakov "Moliere" in 1936 after a five-year turn of failures. The premiere passed with enormous success, but the troupe managed to give only 7 shows, after which the play was forbidden. After that, Mikhail Afanasyevich dismisses from the theater and in the future earns a living as a translator.

Personal life

The first wife of the Great Writer was Tatyana Lapta. Their wedding was more than the poor - the bride did not even have Fata, and they were then quite modest. By the way, it was Tatyana who became a prototype for Anna Kirillovna from the story of "Morphy".

Mikhail Bulgakov and Tatyana Lappa

In 1925, Bulgakov met with the love of Bolarskaya, originating from the old kind of princes. She was fond of literature and completely understood Mikhail Afanasyevich as a creator. The writer immediately divorces LAPPE and marries Belozerskaya.

Mikhail Bulgakov and Love Bolarskaya

And in 1932 he meets Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, nee Nuremberg. A man throws the second spouse and leads the third to the crown. By the way, Elena was removed in the most famous novel in the image of Margarita. With the Third Woman, Bulgakov lived before the end of his life, and it was she who put the titanic efforts to subsequently the work of her beloved person were published. Mikhail's children were born with any of his wives.

Mikhail Bulgakov and Elena Shilovskaya

There is a fun arithmetic-mystical situation with Bulgakov's spouses. Each of them had three official marriage, as he himself. Moreover, for the first wife, Tatiana Mikhail was the first spouse, for the second love - the second, and for the third Elena, respectively, the third. So mysticism at Bulgakov is present not only in books, but also in life.


In 1939, the writer worked on the play "Batum" about Joseph Stalin, in the hope that such a work would not be banned. The play was already preparing for the formulation when an indication came to stop rehearsals. After that, Bulgakov began his health sharply deteriorating - he began to lose sight, made himself a congenital kidney disease.

Mikhail Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Afanasyevich returned to the use of morphine to remove pain symptoms. From the winter of 1940, the playwright stopped getting up from bed, and on March 10, the Great Writer did not. Mikhail Bulgakov was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery, and on his grave at the insistence of the spouse, a stone was laid, which was previously installed on the grave of Nikolai Gogol.


  • 1922 - "Chichikov's adventure"
  • 1923 - "Note of the Young Doctor"
  • 1923 - "Deviliad"
  • 1923 - "Notes on Cuffs"
  • 1924 - "White Guard"
  • 1924 - "Fat Eggs"
  • 1925 - "Dog Heart"
  • 1925 - Zoykina Apartment
  • 1928 - "Run"
  • 1929 - "Secret Friend"
  • 1929 - "Kabala Svyatosh"
  • 1929-1940 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1933 - "Life of Mr. De Moliere"
  • 1936 - "Ivan Vasilyevich"
  • 1937 - "Theater Roman"

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