Sergey Belov - biography, photo, personal life of basketball player, "Up Movement"



Considering how much attention was paid to the development of sports during the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it is not surprising that among its population so many champions and record holders. So, in 1967, Sergey Belov, who performed for the Uralmash basketball club, won European and world champion title. A total of five bronze medals, three silver and eight gold at the athlete.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Alexandrovich Belov was born in an intelligent family, in the village of Nashchekovo (Tomsk region) on January 23, 1944. Parents Alexander Aleksandrovich and Valery Ippolitna originally from St. Petersburg. Considering the heavy military-political situation in Russia in the first half of the twentieth century, both of them remained as orphans in childhood, therefore Grandparents Sergey Alexandrovich lost back long before birth. The father of the future basketball player worked as an engineer in Leschoz, and the mother taught biology.

Sergey Belov with Olympic Medal

In the early years of the Great Patriotic War, the White Family left St. Petersburg to the Tomsk region, where the son was born. Soon his father was mobilized, and the pregnant son Valery Ippolitne remained alone in the village house in Nachchekovo, which they temporarily allocated.

Considering that Alexander Alexandrovich loved the sport and even won the Championship title of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) on skiing races, he acquired to sports for sports almost from infancy. At first, Sergey played football with the guys in the courtyard of the house, at ten, the boy was signed up in a circle of acrobatics, and a year later, began to athlete athletics training. At the same time, the boy became interested in football, speaking in the team goalkeeper, and basketball entered the circle of his interests much later. Thanks to such a wide range of sports interests, Sergey became a member of all school competitions.

Sergey Belov in youth

BelOVA was only 12 years old when he met George Iosifovich Racely, who trained a basketball team. Although this sport did not really like Sergey, he still signed up in the section. Regular training turned out to be so effective that 14-year-old Belov has already played with student teams. After graduation, Sergey took the final decision to associate his life with basketball.

Nevertheless, having moved to Moscow, the young man decided to continue their education and followed the footsteps of the Father, enrolling in the State University of Forest. After lectures, Sergey played basketball, speaking at the University's national team at Student Competitions. The high sporting results shown by the young man, the labored and accurate throws provided it in the youth, and later and adult team team of the Moscow region.


When Beloov turned 20 years old, he went to play for Uralmash, which operated under the Ural plant of heavy engineering in Yekaterinburg. And at twenty-three years, the young man has become a member of the Soviet Union national team. At the same time, on the matchs of the European Championship and the world, Sergey earned gold medals and the first titles.

Basketball player Sergey Belov

Soon the athlete moved to Moscow to play for CSKA. During these 12 years, the club won 11 times in the National Championship, and in 1973 he became the owner of the Cup of the Soviet Union and the European Champions Cup. By that time, 33-year-old Sergey became not only an excellent player, but also entered the ranks of the coaching composition.

An important achievement in the biography of Sergey Alexandrovich Belov was the title of the Olympic champion of 1972. The basketball player also has three bronze medals with the Olympiads. At the 1980 Olympic Games, which were held in Moscow, Sergey had an honor to ignite the Olympic Fire.

Sergey Belov in the USSR national team

After the end of the Olympics in 1980, Sergey was seriously focused on the coaching club, where he also played CSKA himself. In the 1989-1990 season, the Basketball Club under the leadership of Sergei Belov won in the USSR Championship. In 1991, the International Basketball Association amounted to the ranking of the best players of the whole world, where Sergey took the first place. The weighty contribution of Belov in the development of basketball is also confirmed by the fact that it first among Europeans honored to enter the Basketball Hall of the Namesmith Name of Names in the United States.

Coach Sergey Belov

And on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Belov left the Motherland and moved to Italy, where the Basketball Club of the first league "Cassino" was trained. Having lived for three years in emigration, the famous basketball player returned to Moscow, where he headed the Russian basketball federation, and in parallel he trained the Russian Basketball team.

Sergey Alexandrovich became the main coaching merit in the world championship in 1994, where Russia gave way to the gold team from the United States. Three years later, the Russian national team led by Sergey Belov received bronze medals at the European Championship, which was held in Spain, and next year at the World Championships, the team took second place.

In 55, Sergey Alexandrovich left the post coach of the Russian Basketball team coach and began to train a professional male basketball club from Perm "Ural-Great". The head coach of the PBC "Ural-Great" Belov won the Russian Championship in 2001 and 2002, twice the team ranked second in the championship - in 2000 and 2003. In 2001, Ural-Great with Sergey Alexandrovich, headed by the North European Basketball League.

In 2009, Sergei Alexandrovich was preparing the student national team to speak at the Universiade, held in Belgrade, where the guys took second place. For the contribution to the development of sports, Sergey Alexandrovich received the title of Honored Master of Sports and Coach of the Soviet Union.

Personal life

The personal life of the famous athlete was not so successful as his career. In his youth, a basketball player married Natalia Sergeyevna Zemskaya, who in March 1969 gave birth to Sergey Daughter. When the girl was eight years old, parents divorced. At the same time, Belov married to Lydia Ivanovna Khahulina, who in marriage took the surname of the spouse. In June of the same year, the son was born Alexander. In 1996, the basketball player divorced the second wife and did not enter into marriage.

Death of Sergey Belov

On December 3, 2013, at the age of 69, Sergey Alexandrovich Belov died in Perm. The cause of the death of a talented athlete was the disease of the cardiovascular system, typical of its age.

In 2017, directed by Anton Megherdichev removed the sports art drama "Movement up". The film is based on the same book that describes the life and fate of the great Russian athlete Sergei Belov.

Sergey Alexandrovich's role in the film Played actor Kirill Zaitsev. For maximum similarity with the prototype of a young man, they grated for filming, achieving similarity with the photo of Sergey Alexandrovich in his youth.

The plot of the film tells about the sensational victory of the Russian national team over the American team at the Olympics in 1972. In just three seconds before the final, Ivan Ershko gave Aleksandru Belov, who made a decisive throw, which led the team to victory. And six years later, the young and successful basketball player Alexander Belov was waiting for death from severe illness - the sarcoma of the heart.

Awards and achievements

  • 1967 - Gold Medal at the World Cup
  • 1967 - Gold Medal at the European Championship
  • 1968 - Bronze Medal at the Olympic Games
  • 1969 - Gold Medal at the European Championship
  • 1970 - Bronze Medal at the World Cup
  • 1970 - Gold Medal at the Universiade
  • 1971 - Gold Medal at the European Championship
  • 1972 - Gold Medal at the Olympic Games
  • 1973 - Bronze Medal at the European Championship
  • 1974 - Gold Medal at the World Cup
  • 1975 - Silver Medal at the European Championship
  • 1976 - Bronze medal at the Olympic Games
  • 1977 - Silver Medal at the European Championship
  • 1978 - Silver Medal at the World Cup
  • 1979 - Gold Medal at the European Championship
  • 1980 - Bronze Medal at the Olympic Games

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