Vitaly Abdulov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, Lena Tretyakova, Films, "Instagram", "Soldiers" 2021



Vitaly Abdulova's face is familiar with Russian TV viewers. The artist is rightfully considered the master of secondary roles, because even short appearance on the screens cause emotions and memorized for a long time.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Zinurovich Abdulov was born in March 1970 in a small Udmurt town of glazes. But soon after the birth of the younger son, the parents returned to Irkutsk, where their senior heir Sergey was once born. There were early years of biographies of the future actor.

The child Vitaly became interested in sports, choosing the type that "corresponded" to the growth is basketball. In adulthood, the performer has reached a height of 192 centimeters, and its weight approached 94 kg. In the school years, Abdulov played in the national team of Irkutsk and won victory, but later this passion passed.

After the release, Vitaly entered the local energy building technique and received a specialty "Builder's technique". For some time he worked in Yakutia and did not need anything, but it was killed, "Perestroika", there was no work, and the guy was taken to the army. He served in the secret part of air defense troops in Siberia.

Returning to the native edges, Abdulov began looking for a place under the sun. Who the young man just did not work: a construction worker, a sanitary in a local hospital, administrator and even a guard in a cafe. But he did not feel anywhere in his place.

About the career in the cinema, the performer was already thoughtful in adulthood - in 25 years. After a long discussion, his girl suggested trying forces when entering the local theater school, and if it turns out, then go to the Russian capital immediately. But in the end, he graduated from an educational institution in Irkutsk and only then got the opportunity to move to Moscow.

It was a happy confluence of circumstances. Once in one of the reporting performances, the famous theater teacher from the capital Olga Firsov also saw the game of a beginner artist and called him with him. Vitaly looked at things without thought and soon he had already stormed the third course of guitis at once. But Mark Zakharov, Master Flood, refused to Siberian. The first failure did not stop the man, and he became a student of the Studio MCAT. On the course Evgenia Kamenkovich Abdulov learned the secrets of the acting profession until 2004.


The cinematic biography of the star started in 2001, when he was still a student. These were predominantly episodic roles in TV shows that did not bring the actor of popularity, but allowed to get experience. Due to high growth, military gauge and large features of Vitaly often appeared on screens in the directions of guards and police officers.

The first wave of popularity came to the artist in 2004 after the premiere of the rating series "Soldiers". There, Abdulov came in handy army experience, because he got the role of an old Essayev. Even before the filter, the performer warned cinematographers that he wants to show the service in the troops as it is, without lies. At the site, Vitaly improvised a lot, and the scenes with him were laughter, but after installation, many of them cut out or changed than the actor remained dissatisfied.

Not less memorable was the appearance of a star in the series "Cadet", where he played the mayor's assistant. In an interview with the artist confessed that the character was sympathetic to him, because he is building a career in politics without turning the moral trait. But the role was so small that Abdulov rarely visited the site and did not even have a pass.

But in the series "Ranetki" Vitaly embodied one of the central characters and became the favorite of the audience. He appeared on the screens in the form of physical education teacher Viktor Mikhailovich, who is in love with his student Elena Kulemin. According to the actor, he did not immediately agreed to participate in the project, because he considered him unpromising, but the producer and director persuaded to try. It became a new twist in his career.

After the completion of filming in "Ranetki", the Contractor joined the acting of the series "Margosha" with Maria Berseneva in the lead role. He played Peter Rodionseva. The next sensational project with the participation of the star was the sports drama "Molodezhka", there he fell away from the representative of the sports company Pavel Dubinin.

In 2017, the actor received the role of a second plan in the criminal film "Lesnik. Its land "on how Leonid's defender Leonid has to confront the state and criminal structures. In the future, the artist continued to replenish the filmography, appearing in Russian national projects, and even appeared in the Ukrainian TV series "Phantom", but only in the episode.

Personal life

For the first time Abdulov married while studying at the theater school. The wife supported him in the choice of acting profession, but over time the feelings were faded. In an interview to the "Interlocutor", the Contractor admitted that the marriage was broken because of them with his wife's terrible mistake, but stressed: it was not treason.

Later, the star had a novel with a woman who gave him the daughter of Alice. But the proposals of the hand and heart from Vitaly never followed, so they soon broke up. The artist continued to maintain a warm relationship with the heir, the photo with which publishes on the Instagram account page.

Being famous, Abdulov preferred to not advertise information about his personal life, but it only rooted the interest of fans. The actor played the feelings so convincingly to his partner on "Ranets" - Singer Lena Tretyakova that rumors appeared in the press about their novel.

The stars were in no hurry to refute the speculation, and the project creators decided that it would help to raise the ratings. Therefore, a video appeared in the network soon, in which the performer carefully feeds the Tretyakov pancakes. After years, the actors still admitted that it was a good PR-move.

The media then published the news that the actor meets with Ksenia Baskakova. The couple was filmed together at one of the resorts, but the official comments on the possible novel did not follow.

After that, Vitaly was even repeatedly attributed to relationships with different women, but in an interview he called himself a bachelor. The artist is confident that it is ready for marriage, but he wants to see a good and loving woman next to him, who will become a custodian of a family hearth.

In 2019, the star fans again waited for unexpected news. The press reported that the actors were hospitalized with damage to the soft fabrics of the face. A few versions of what happened immediately appeared on the network. Some sources argued that Abdulov became a victim of beating when he decided to disperse the testing, others reported on the indecent behavior of the artist himself. Allegedly he provided obsessive marks of the attention of the neighbor, which was forced to call the police.

The performer did not go into the details of the incident and reassured fans, assuring them that he was in order and feels well.

Several months passed, and Vitaly again attracted attention to themselves. The actor appealed to the studio of the program "In fact" with a request to find out whether the girl really called him an extramarital daughter, it is. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that the artist almost became a sacrifice of a fraudulent.

Vitaly Abdulov Now

In 2021, Abdulov remains a favorite of the public. Now, in parallel with the main profession, the performer works leading at the festive events and conducts acting courses, helping the applicants to enter theatrical universities.


  • 2001 - "Citizen Head"
  • 2002 - "Shukshinsky stories"
  • 2003 - "Antikiller-2"
  • 2004 - "Bourne Superiority"
  • 2004 - "Soldiers"
  • 2005 - "First after God"
  • 2006-2007 - "Cadet"
  • 2008-2010 - "Ranetki"
  • 2010 - "Margosha 3"
  • 2013 - "Trail"
  • 2015 - "Youth"
  • 2015 - "Sea Devils"
  • 2017 - "Forester. Own land "
  • 2018 - "Reverse Side of Love"
  • 2018 - "Deadly Training"
  • 2019 - "Phantom"
  • 2020 - "Moscow does not happen"

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