Victoria Romanenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The bright star of the Victoria Romanenko actress broke out from the first days of her appearance on Russian screens. The performer was able to demonstrate a bright talent and temperament than attracted the attention of directors and television viewers. Subsequent works allowed her to take her own niche in the domestic cinema.

Childhood and youth

Victoria is a radical Muscovite. She was born in July 1988 in the family, where no one is associated with the world of art, but it did not prevent her in early age to dream and build plans. And I wanted the Vike one - to become a famous actress.

At school age, the girl was an activist of self-conceiving and participated in school events with pleasure. In addition, Romanenko attended the class of theatrical circle, where even more strengthened in the desire to become an artist.

In addition to theater, the girl did not forget the sport. Under the discipline "Figure skating" Victoria received the title of Master of Sports, but at the age of 15 left the section.

At the end of the school, Victoria Romanenko, from the first attempt, entered the Mikhail Shchepkin School of the Mikhail Schepkin. The girl was accepted on the course Viktor Korshunov, under whose leadership turned into a real theatrical, and then a cinematic star.

Personal life

Victoria Romanenko's personal life was in the center of attention after the news arises in the media about the alleged novel with the Star Colleague according to the "contemporary" Leonid Yarmolnik. The network has photos of a pair captured on vacation. It is rumored that the staff were made in early 2014 in Courchevel. Information did not receive confirmation from actors and remained at the level of assumptions.

The first husband and father of the older son of Peter became a musician - Cellist Boris Andrianov. The child was born in 2015. Relations between spouses did not work out, but they broke up with friends. Now the father actively participates in the education of the Son.

At the end of October 2018, it became known that Victoria Romanenko became a mom for the second time. The boy called Ivan. His father became a colleague of the artist Arthur Waha. Romanenko told about him in an interview.

Vanya's parents got acquainted in St. Petersburg, where Arthur lives, during the tour "Contemporary". The difference in age between lovers is 24 years old. Nevertheless, artists are going to legalize their relationship. Despite the fact that Victoria holds most of the time today in the city on Neva, it continues to cooperate with the Moscow theater.

Family leisure places of family - India and Thailand. There, the actors went after the birth of the son of Ivan. Pictures of relatives Victoria places on a personal page in "Instagram". Here, the performer lays out frames in a swimsuit made on the sea coast. Figure Romanenko causes admiration for fans: she managed to quickly restore the form after second genera. Today, with a height of 168 cm, the weight of the celebrity does not exceed 58 kg.

Theater and films

On the stage, Victoria Romanenko debuted still at student age. In 2008, having received a diploma "Slice", the young actress was adopted in the Toroupe of the "Contemporary" theater. In the same year, theatrians saw her in the new edition of the "Three Sisters" formulation. Soon the young and talented artist entrusted new star roles. She played in the performances of "Dzinriki", "Cherry Garden" and "Gentleman".

A wide audience learned about Victoria Romanenko after going to the screens of films and TV shows with her participation. The first picture of Arkady Cordon "House on the Embankment" was becoming the first. At that time, the girl was still a student. It is noteworthy that the debut role turned out to be the main one.

Real fame to Romanenko came after the broadcast in 2009 of the sensational project Vladimir Khotinenko "Pop". This picture is devoted to the Missionary Priests, who performed during the Great Patriotic War, a serious mission on the revival of Orthodoxy in the North-West of Russia. The film was shot under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate and Patriarch Alexy II.

After a number of episodes in the "boiling point" and "teacher in law. Continued »Cinematic Career Victoria received a continuation: she starred in the dramatic series" Atonement ". This is the drama of Alexander Pokhina, telling about the events of the first post-war year. Romanenko got a complex and controversial image of the daughter, who brings to his own mother and hates her. Along the plot, the girl changes and rethinks his own actions.

To play such a transformation organically, Victoria had to delve into the psychology of the heroine. This difficult role, who made a lot of effort from the actresses, turned out to be a real breakthrough in a creative biography. Together with the role of Masha in the Pop drama, she turned out to be a business card for Victoria Romanenko. Rinal Mughametov, Andrei Panin, Tatyana Yakovenko, Ekaterina Volkova also appeared.

In the same year, the actress adopted an offer to play in the Comedy "Kalachi" about the Cossack family, the son of which falls into the presidential regiment. In the film of Nurbek Egen, where Romanenko appeared as a girl on the nickname, she managed to create an easy and organic image.

In 2012, the actress pleased fans with new works, including the appearance in the film of Georgian cinematographers "Icon", as well as in the Russian melodramatic TV shows "True Love" and "Divorce".

In 2013, a talented Muscovite cooperates with the director Nurbek Egen. She appeared on the screens in his mine project. No less interesting work for Victoria was the screen version of the three works of Russian classics in the film "Kubrin" with Mikhail Porechenkov in the lead role. Romanenko reincarnated into the heroine Malvin in terms of "duel".

The main role of the artist received a "fatal legacy" in the detective, where we were talking about the young man Vladik (Ilya Korosko), who actually turned out to be the heir of the millionth state. Victoria Romanenko got the role of a girlfriend of the main character, teacher named Tonya.

In 2014, the actress starred in the lyrical comedy "Peter-Moscow", where the guide was played, in the spy film "where the homeland begins," where the image of the KGB agent under cover was followed.

In 2015, Vika appeared in the rating series "Orlova and Alexandrov" in the episodic role of the actress of churches and in the criminal film "Pennsylvania", where the image of the character of hope was embodied.

In 2017, the shooting of the work of Alexei Tolstoy "Walking on the flour" was completed, where the actress appeared in the role of Matrain. Showing the picture telling about the life of Bulavin sisters (Julia Snikir, Anna Chipovskaya), which took place against the background of the First World and Civil Wars, started at the end of November on the air of the NTV channel.

One of the main events of the fall of 2018 is the show "Svetlana" retrame, in which Victoria Romanenko appeared in the form of the daughter of the leader of Joseph Stalin - Svetlana Allyluve. Together with her, Sergei Koltakov appeared in the frame of the Father of the Main Heroine, Sergey Kolos in the image of Brother Vasily, and Sergey Losev fulfilled Nikita Khrushchev.

Victoria Romanenko now

Despite such significant events in personal life, the actress does not forget to replenish its filmography. In 2019, she appeared in the acting ensemble of the film "Diplomat". In 2020, the series "Prospect Defense" will be displayed with Romanenko.


  • 2007 - "House on the Embankment"
  • 2008 - "Own True"
  • 2009 - Pop
  • 2009 - "Life is settled"
  • 2011 - "Atonement"
  • 2013 - "Fatal Inheritance"
  • 2013 - "Kuprin"
  • 2014 - "You will have a child"
  • 2014 - "Where is the Motherland begins"
  • 2014 - "Peter-Moscow"
  • 2015 - "Pennsylvania"
  • 2015 - "Orlova and Alexandrov"
  • 2017 - "Defense Avenue"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2018 - "Svetlana"
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"

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