Alexander Sechhev - biography, personal life, photo, news, lost weight, actor, now, age, films 2021



Alexander Sechov is an actor known to the campaign figure, and after and radical weight loss. In his account, countlessly played in the theater and movie roles, as well as participation in advertising.

Childhood and youth

Sechchev was born in the Tver region in April 1969. Elena brought them up with her older sister Elena. The woman worked as a doctor, so the boy was grew in the family, far from art. In school years it was already clear that an artist would certainly grow out of the guy. Alexander became famous among the peers with his sense of humor and the ability to show pantomimes.

After graduating from school, and then services in the Space Forces Sechhev briefly returned to his hometown. The young man settled in the local drama man and quickly became a leading actor. One day his game on the stage saw teachers of the Moscow Theater School named after Boris Schukin and immediately offered to go to Moscow and continue to grind skill in the famous university. Alexandra, breathing scene, no need to ask for twice. In the same year he entered the "Pike", where he fell on the course of Evgenia Simonov, who, after death, changed Valentina Nikolaenko.


The cinematic biography of Sechechva started in 1999 in the Russian-French drama "Sky in diamonds". The actor was debuted in one of the main roles, and Nikolai Fomenko, Alla Sigalova and Angelica Varum became his colleagues along the set.

The Polish film "First Million" (2000) became a springboard in his acting biography. Recommendation to take Alexander for this role gave the Kshyshtof Zanussi himself. After this picture, the artist began to regularly receive proposals to play in the cinema.

He received even more attention to his own person after filming in advertising beer "Three fathers". In 2000, a man was named advertising from the year. But Alexander himself, this kind of glory was not happy. In an interview, Sechov complained that after the release of the advertising video, the director had hurried to call the glorified actor in films. Every year he participated in 6-10 projects, but these roles were passing and the same type.

Indeed, in the actor's piggy bank a large number of characters with a negative image: drunkards, corrupt officials and policemen. Nevertheless, these roles made from Alexander Stars. Among the most striking acting works, Sechekhev - the roles in the paintings of "Soldiers", "Election Day" and "Hunt for the Island".

Alexander Sechhev - biography, personal life, photo, news, lost weight, actor, now, age, films 2021 19684_1

The characters from the artist go beside colorful, especially since Alexander not only plays well, but also knows how to sing. In the comedy "collective farm" (2004), where Sechov embodied the image of the Florafilm director, with a singing from the Zekov, he performed one of the most popular Soviet children's songs "Forest deer".

During filming in a military detective "Liquidation" (2007), the weight of the actor reached 200 kg. This did not prevent him from creating the image of the Emika Jew, quotes from the dialogues of which turned into the winged phrases.

In 2018, the artist filmography was replenished with another picture. Alexander became a member of the project "Reserve". This film, the producer of which is Sergey Bezrukov, is based on the story of Sergey Dovlatov, but the work has been transferred to modernity. Sai sake got rid of the hair on the head, Gosh Kutsenko, on the contrary, got the hair, and Mitya Crustalev was specifically especially for filming.

In the same year, the artist appeared as a second plan in the TV series "Neighbors". A successful project telling about neighboring wars, stretched out for 5 seasons.

Personal life

In the life of the artist there were 2 official marriage. For the first time, Sechkev married in early youth, when he lived in his native wolf. His wife became a teacher Julia Panova. In marriage, the son of Kirill was born. But the appearance of a child did not save spouses from the divorce.

Alexander's personal life has changed after meeting with Lyudmila Voronova, who worked as an artist in the costumes. In 2005, a couple had a son of Fedor. Some time, the family lived happily. Sechhev turned out to be a wonderful father, but in the end and this marriage collapsed. Alexander Lvovich cares about the Son and takes an active part in his life. As the actor says, he has mutual love with Fedya.

Artist has an extramarital child, Paul's son. Returning after the army, Sechchev began a novel with Tatiana Mozhinova, but marriage, like joint children, was not in plans for a young man. Upon learning of pregnancy, the guy insisted on abortion, but the girl did not agree, and the couple broke up.

Paul and Kirill first met in June 2018 on the ether of the program "In fact", the theme of which was the past novels of the actor and his children.

Later, the artist once again became a party to the TV show "In fact," during which it turned out that he had severely received in relation to Cyril. Alexander "Having" with his son Anna Tarasov's son and kicked the guy from the apartment where he had previously invited to live. Later, the actor admitted that the transfer was staged, no conflict in his family speech.


Sechhev began to fly at the age of 23. Over the years, the weight has reached 200 kg, Alexander has a 2-type sugar diabetes.

In 2013, the actor looked sharply. He dropped 30 kilograms for the year, but not for the sake of the correction of appearance - overweight began to cause inconvenience and illness. The audience of changes in the appearance of the artist was not noticed, because Alexander's weight was 150 kg with 170 cm height.

Over time, the actor decided on a more cardinal change. In 2019, he sat on a protein diet, began to eat more water and engaged in sports. At the same time, Sechekhev did not consult specialists and did not give any analyzes.

The result was not forced to wait: Soon Alexander lost 100 kg. In addition to the reduction of the weight of the artist pleased the fact that diabetes began to retreat. The photo of the actor before and after weight loss appeared in "Instagram" and various media.

In October, the gravity of Sechkev appeared in the transfer "Let them say" on the first channel and spoke about weight loss, a circular face tightening and a shameless health, complaining about dizziness.

Alexander Sechov now

Now Sechkev continues to appear on the television screen. In 2021, the Belarusian-Russian drama "Fate of Diversanta" directed by Dmitry Astrakhan was published. The plot is based on the real events - the largest land diversion of the Second World War, when the Soviet underground Fedor Krylovich destroyed 4 echelon with ammunition and 16 German "tigers" and "panthers" with only 2 minutes. To prepare for the role, actors got acquainted with historical documents. The picture is released in 2 formats: a full meter and 4-serial television.

In addition to comedies and detectives, there are family films in the artist filmography. In January, the audience saw fantasy "The Last Bogatyr: Evil's Root" - the continuation of the fairy tale "Last Bogatyr" (2017). Sechchev played a miracle yudo. To create patterns of characters in the pictures, used as plastic makeup, which was superimposed to 5 hours daily and computer technologies.

The "Last Bogatyr" became the most cash film 2017, since it received 1.7 billion rubles at a budget at 370 million. The second part of the tape beat this record and collected 2.1 billion in cinemas, breaking the cost of 650 million rubles.


  • 2000 - "First Million"
  • 2002 - "Railway Romance"
  • 2003 - "Goat in Milk"
  • 2003-2004 - "Illustrated History of the Russian State"
  • 2003 - "Plot"
  • 2004 - "12 chairs"
  • 2006 - "Enchanted Plot"
  • 2007 - "Happy together"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2007 - "Election Day"
  • 2012 - Dragon Syndrome
  • 2015 - "Pennsylvania"
  • 2017 - "Last Bogatyr"
  • 2018 - "Godunov"
  • 2018-2021 - "Neighbors"
  • 2018 - Fitness
  • 2020 - "Wolf"
  • 2020 - "Ugryum River"
  • 2020 - "Good man"
  • 2021 - "Fate of Diversanta"

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