Andrei Chuev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", "house-2", wife, son 2021



Andrei Chuev is one of the brightest former participants of the reality show "Dom-2". He caused different emotions at the fans of the teleproject - from sympathy to huge irritation. But, it seems, just this, Andrei and sought, because even after leaving the project, he stayed at all hearing.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Chuev was born in Stary Oskol in the first days of the summer of 1980. There is almost nothing about the family of the participant "House-2" and childhood. At school age, the humanitarian disciplines, easily remembered new information, but showed indifference to natural sciences and geography. Higher education received in the modern Humanitarian Academy, which he graduated from 22 years.

In his youth, Andrei began to do business. Although it is too loud formulation. Young man simply selling shoes in the local market. In the army, Andrei was not, since due to violations of the law he had two criminal records and stood in account. Otherwise, the biography of Andrei Chiuye before the appearance on the "House-2" was not enough in the media.

"House 2"

Andrei Chuev came to the popular realistic show in February 2008. Many users of social networks who discussed the events of the Dom-2 project immediately decided that the main goal was chosen not to "build love", but to loudly declare himself and make a showman's career. Chuev often addressed the attention of the audience and other project participants with sharp statements on various topics. There were no such people who decided to argue with Andrei. Many were afraid of the sharp language Chueva.

As for the "Building of Love" on the project, the first choices of Andrei became familiar to the old Oskol girl, also the participant of the show Valery Shevtsov. The case almost reached marriage, but the bride escaped from under the crown. It turned out that the reason was the refusal of Chueva to leave the television show after marriage. It seems, Andrei did attempts to establish relations with the bride. For this, even passed the perimeter. But soon he returned with anything.

It passed a little time, and the place of Shevtsova took another participant of the project - Yana Znight. And again the novel almost crowned marriage. The couple made a cruise in Europe and was going to visit Yana's parents, so that Andrei could meet them. But the plans crossed the Draka Chueva with Roman Tretyakov. According to the rules of the project, the fusion of the fight is obliged to leave the show. So it happened. Following Andrei went and Yana. But the perimeter of the relationship is rapidly ended.

Andrei Chuev returned to the project in February 2009. A young man called on a reality show again, offering to become a new manager of the Moscow Cafe "House-2". Ex-participant returned, but not one, but with a girl Tatiana Kiosa. Soon the couple left the show and played the wedding. The spouses were born daughter Lisa. Chuev and Kiosa lived for some time in America.

After the project

After the departure of Chuv from the project, together with Tanya, Kiosa, it turned out that the ex-participant seriously fell ill. Doctors found from Andrei intervertebral hernia. The first surgical intervention was unsuccessful: doctors operated not that vertebra. During the second operation, blood infection occurred. Andrei Chuev is able to make amendment only after the next surgical intervention in Israel. $ 40 thousand The operation was collected after resonance in social networks. A considerable amount was made by the TNT channel. In the spring of 2013, Chuyev began to recover, the messages appeared on the official website of the TV project.

Personal life

In May 2015, Chuv returned to the TV show and surprised everyone that was going to "build love" again. As it turned out, Andrei officially broke up with the first wife of Tatiana Kiosa. In "Instagram" he posted a photo of a certificate confirming the divorce.

But the "construction" of romantic relationships did not go smoothly. At first, Chius had a connection with Catherine Kolomaychuk, but soon the relationship was interrupted. The same fate has suffered a proposed relationship with Anastasia Lisovo, who recently returned from the Seychelles. The couple parted almost enemies.

Andrei Chiusch's personal life began to improve when the participant of Marina Afrikantova returned to the project. Soon he announced her to his girlfriend. Some viewers suspected Andrei in insincerity, because the contest "Man of the Year" was approaching. In August 2015, Chuev really won the competition, receiving an apartment in a reward.

Andrei Chuev did not use the metropolitan housing, and sold an apartment and began the construction of houses for the project. The success of the business for the construction of cottages in Naro-Fominsk, many were questioned, but the businessman brought the case to the end. Distributing the keys from a number of houses to the participants of "House-2", as well as settling for free of charge in one house Olga Vasilyevna Gobozov, the most adult participant of the teleproekt, a number of mansions, the entrepreneur left behind him. Real estate Chuyev redeem wishing and receives a monthly rent.

Together with the Marina in 2016, he visited the Arab Emirates, which Folloviers learned from the Instagram account of the enterprising participant "House-2". But not everything so simply developed in the relationship of the pair Chuev - Africantov. A love triangle has emerged in this union, in which the third party appeared - the participant of Alexander Kharitonov. Chuev offered the girl to become his personal secretary and help in building houses. Many spectators shared suspicions that thus Chuev was going to start with a charite service novel.

Despite the rumors, Andrei and Marina became the participants of another competition on the project - "Wedding by Million". The final of the competition fell at the beginning of February 2017. Six participants came to the finishing straight line: Konstantin Ivanov and Alexander Gosic, Andrei Chuev and Marina Afrikantova, Evgeny Kuzin and Sasha Artemova. The last couple by visual voting took the place of the winner. In March, Andrei Chiyev left the project. Marina Africantova did not follow the chosen one.

In mid-2017, a new scandal broke out on the network with the participation of Andrei Chuyev. The audience did not believe in the devotion of the act of showman in relation to Olga Vasilyevna and suspected that the entrepreneur knocked out the fee with Gobozova, regularly interested in the state of the transaction for the sale of a personal apartment of Olga Vasilyevna in Lermontov. In addition, the newly-made groom began to terrorize the former beloved Marina Africant, remembering the debt of 500 thousand rubles.

Behind the perimeter, Andrei did not suffer alone, and soon got a beloved, which was the younger native of Donetsk Victoria Morozova for 17 years. Together with the girl Chuev decided to create a family, give birth to children. In October, young announced the preparation for the wedding. And in early December, a photo of the marriage certificate Andrei Chiuye and Victoria Morozova appeared in Instagram-Account of Showman. After the wedding, the girl left his maiden name. Honeymoon newlyweds went to celebrate on the sea coast.

Andrei Chuev with love refers to his relatives, regularly visits the grandmother. Now the relative is located in a modern boarding house in Valuev, where it gets for an elderly medical care. At the criticism of the subscribers who accused Andrew in the fact that he gave grandmother to the nursing home, Chuyev posted a roller on the pension in his microblog.

Andrei Chuev now

In February 2020, Andrei and Victoria Chiuv announced that they would become parents. Before that, the spouses did not have to conceive a child for a long time. They appealed to various specialists who revealed that Chief had inactive spermatozoa. With this diagnosis, it is almost impossible to conceive the child.

In October, a boy appeared on the world.

"Alexander Andreevich Chuev, 26.10.2020, 12 hours of afternoon! Thank you, Lord, for my family. Lizonka, daughter, you had a brother! Thanks to all of you, our dear friends !!! Will be celebrated by a thankful prayer to our Lord and his son Jesus Christ! Thank you, Mother Matrona, your miracles and ways of righteous and people who sent us! " - Shared a joyful event in "Instagram" happy father.

Andrei's wife told subscribers to gave birth to itself and without painkillers. The process lasted almost 8 hours. However, a happy mother noted that it was the best day in her life, despite pain and fear.

However, family happiness lasted long. It turns out that since the birth of Choys doubted his fatherhood. The businessman suspected that his spouse was pregnant with Eco and used the biomaterial of another man - the friend of Andrei, Konstantin Ivanov, who was in the house.

To understand the situation, Andrei and Victoria in February 2021 came to the transmission "in fact." On the ether Chuev said that the spouse saw the application, which contained information about the fact that embryos was performed.

Same, Victoria denied that I did Eco. This information was confirmed on a lie detector. Also, the truth turned out to be the fact that the girl was not treated.

At the end of the transfer, leading Timur Eremeev announced the results of the DNA test. It turned out that Andrei Biological father of the child. After that, the man apologized to his wife.

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