Andrei Cherkasov - biography, photo, personal life, news, "house-2", son, wife, "instagram", songs 2021



Andrei Cherkasov - a perennial participant in the popular Russian television show "Dom-2", which later became a TV presenter and a curaitor of long-distance castings. On the project, he found his love, became his father and built a career, so I joy returned to work after restarting the telestroy on the channel "Yu".

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born in the Kemerovo region, later with his parents moved to Moscow. The boy's father served in the army, was a military officer, a veteran of the Afghan war. Mom worked as secretary. In childhood and adolescence, Andrei walked Samoravsky's father's surname, but in adulthood, he replaced the name of Mother's name - Cherkasov, as she considered such an option more colawing.

Andrei Cherkasov

Andrei from childhood was fond of sports. After graduating from the school at the insistence of parents, he entered the Military University of the Ministry of Defense, where he received a military specialty and a diploma of the civil profile - the manager in the socio-cultural sphere.

In the rank of lieutenant Cherkasov served in the military unit of the airborne troops, where, in addition to direct official duties, was engaged in the affairs of the local club of culture. There Andrei met and made friends with Alexander Gobozov, who later got into the TV project "Dom-2", and then called a comrade for himself. Participation in Telestroyka forever changed the biography of the military.

"House 2"

Finding in 2007 on the reality show "Dom-2", Andrei Cherkasov began to build relations with Olga Agibalova, but quickly switched to her younger sister Margarita. The mother's candidacy was supported by the mother of the girl, Irina Agibalov, but Rita chose Andrei Evgeny Kuzina. After parting with the girl Cherkasov began to build relations with other participants - Darya Pynzar (black), Evgenia Guseva (Feofilakta) and others. So often changing the beloved, Cherkasov acquired the fame of the main lifestyle of the project.

Andrei Cherkasov and Natalia Varvina

Andrei's longest relationships were formed with Natalia Varvina. But although Cherkasov also called himself "the last romantic of the Dom-2 project, their communication was not always possible to be called romantic, because young people often behaved in relation to each other incorrectly, even resorting to the hands-positive. Finally brought out Andrei Discussion of Natalia Varvina of their relationship with her friend Elena Bushina. The scandal and a fight followed, which led to the fact that Andrei Cherkasov left the TV show on June 1, 2009.

Behind the perimeter, the young man was not lost, but began the career of the Showman. Andrei performed in disco bars, clubs, the "House-2" participant was invited to weddings and corporate countries as a lead.

Andrei Cherkasov

As it turned out, the beginning of the summer of 2009 was not the last day of Andrei at the perimeter of "House-2". In 2013, the Translation Organizers declared a "revolution" and returned a number of retired participants to the project, among whom Andrei Cherkasov turned out to be. The showman even got to a new shooting platform located on the tropical Seychelles.

In the second period, Andrei Cherkasov declared itself as a pros in love affairs and began to train new participants in the art of a pickup. Soon the young man became the finalist of the competition "Man of the Year 2013" contest, which takes place annually on the TV project.

When a man returned to the Moscow "frontal place," began to build relations with new participants, one of which was Christina Lyaskovets. The paratrooper experienced a real passion for the girl and in a rustling of feelings sacrificed his own place for the rescue of the Participant Sergey Sicara. But the girl act Andrei did not appreciate and after the return of a young man in a month of the project chose the DJ of Gabriel, who was not afraid to go after the perimeter.

Andrei Cherkasov and Christina Lyaskovets

Andrei's broken heart did not have a hurt from his insult, since the 18-year-old Anna Kruchinina attracted the attention of Lovelas, who answered the former military reciprocity. In parallel with the novel on the project, Andrei conducted correspondence with the girls behind the perimeter, which was persuaded on dates. Having learned about the loving character of the guy, Anna tried to escape to Bogdan Lenchuk. After a short-term truce, Andrei and Anna finally broke up.

The new passhelas passion became Victoria Romana. Young people reached the peak of relationships and already intended to get married, but disagreements were injured in love in love. With the wedding, the young decided to wait.

In January 2016, a regular contest "Man of the Year" took place on TV Trestrophka, which showed that Andrei Cherkasov's position on the project was shaken: the participant took only the 4th place. Andrei, this state of affairs did not suit, and he left the project. Parting was short-lived. Soon, the man began to perform the functions of the teleproject mentor. At the beginning of 2017, the competence of Showman began to enter into a long-distance selection of participants. In April, the project management offered him a TV host place, to which he happily agreed.

Andrei Cherkasov and Victoria Roman

Andrei began to appear in the meadow together with the new leading show by Olga Orlova, the ex-participant of the popular group "Brilliant". In the amplua mentor, the participants perceived Cherkasov well. He managed to confirm his authority to solve conflicts and give valuable newcomers. Therefore, the most former military was not easy to say goodbye to the project: the news about the closure of "House-2" was shocked at the end of 2020 without exception, including the audience.


Andrei Cherkasov - a creative person, from childhood he is interested in music, writes poems in his free time. He became the author of the song "Lips on the Body", which failed to fans of the TV project "Dom-2".

Also showman performs the musical compositions of Asta La Vista, "Tiny", "My Happiness", "be with me" and others.

Personal life

Andrei Cherkasov for a long time was not officially married and did not have children. This circumstance commented simply:

"You need to marry only once and for all."

During the break between participation in the Dom-2 project, the personal life of a young man did not stand in place. Andrei had a serious relationship with a girl named Evgeny Kuzina. Young people met at a party for general friends and 3 years were together. When Cherkasov was offered to return to Telestroyku, Zhenya did not object, but asked to declare into all that the beloved was waiting for Andrei perimeter. In this life period, the girl and her family experienced difficulties and needed male support. Cherkasov made as he asked Zhenya, but when Christina Lyaskovets came to the project, he began to show excessive attention to it, and had to place points over "I".

Evgenia arrived to clarify the relationship to "Dom-2", and on the ether of the show the couple accepted the mutual decision to break up completely. The novel with the new chief did not last long, and soon a man got the "free" status.

Andrei Cherkasov and Christina Silver

Andrei did not stop looking for a soul mate. She became Christina Ostil. On July 7, 2017, a joint photo with a girl appeared on the Cherkasov page in "Instagram", on which both appeared in white wedding outfits. Suspicious of Follovover is that they got married in Seychelles, soon indirectly confirmed Andrei himself with a comment: "Everything like you wanted."

December 12, 2018 Cherkasov and Sillya officially became her husband and wife. Information confirmed Andrei on December 25th. After the wedding, the newlyweds went to the honeymoon to Europe. The couple wondered about the birth of children, so no one was surprised by the rounded belly of the showman's wife.

On April 22, 2020, the firstborn of spouses was born - Son Svyatoslav. The appearance of a child only brought his parents. Cherkasov regularly exposes the photo of the younger heir and admits that it is already missed by that time when he was small.

A man maintains a good physical form by combating martial arts. In his free time, the TV presenter goes on the racetrack, where he is engaged in horse riding. At home he lives a dog nicknamed Monica. Cherkasov tries to pay attention and abandoned four-legged friends. Together with Christina, he visits animal shelters, where the hotels will bring. Frames with happy dogs TV presenter accommodates in "Instagram".

Andrei Cherkasov now

After the closure of "House-2" TV presenter returned to the Event industry, organizing festive events, including weddings. In instagram account, he admitted that he was not easy to accept the loss of work on the project, but the presence of a small child makes moving on.

When Cherkasov learned about the restart of telestroy, he could not come to himself from joy and, of course, agreed to the proposal of the organizers to return to the role of the mentor. The new history of the popular forge of happiness began on April 19, 2021 on the channel "Yu".

Discography (songs)

  • "Lips by body"
  • "Tiny"
  • "My happiness"
  • "Be with me"

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