Nikolay Burlyaev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Actor, Writer, Director Nikolai Burlyaev Born on August 3, 1946 in Moscow. He could be an architect, but fate ordered otherwise.

The Burlyaev family is closely connected with the theater since pre-revolutionary times. The grandfather and grandmother Nicholas performed in the mobile theater troupe under the pseudonym Filippov. Grandfather Diomid performed comedy roles, and Lyudmila's grandmother used the talent of a dramatic actress.

Actor Nicholas Burlyaev

The Burlyaev family lived in a communal apartment, in the house on Gorky Street. In the apartment everything was general: kitchen, corridor, toilet. Actor Boris Livanov lived in the neighboring courtyard - colorful, artistic, unmatched in any role. Kohl, looking at him, dreamed of scene. But at age 5 survived a strong fright, since then began to stutter.

The elder brother Gennady was engaged in chess, and Nikolai was driven in tournaments - he wrote down the moves, the figures rearranged. Another brother Boris starred in a movie with grade 4. With him Kolya for the first time and came to samples the painting "Lesson of History". The role got a brother. Since then, Burlyaev has decided that with the dreams about the cinema, it is better to be an architect. But life ordered otherwise.

Nikolay Burlyaev

In 1964, Nikolai graduated from school and entered the second course of the Schukinsky school. By that time, the experience of working in the theater and the movies at the young man was already. At one course, Nikita Mikhalkov and Anastasia Vertinskaya studied with Burlyaev. Star course completed training at the university shiny productions. The first was given "Wolves and Sheep", the director of whom Evgeny Simonov became. In the play, Burlyaev got the role of Apollo Murzavetsky.

Soon the second work was followed - "12 angry men" on the play R. Rose, which was put in Nikita Mikhalkov. Nikolai was born into the image of the main jury, architect on education.


Kinebet Burlyaev took place in the 6th grade. At that time, Andrei Konchalovsky ended VGIK and wrote the graduate work. Somehow the director walked along Broadway (so Muscovites were called Gorky Street) and the cafe "Rest" saw a local guachian - it was Burlyaev. Konchalovsky offered a teenager role in his own picture - the boy agreed. The film "Boy and Pigeons" turned out to be sad and poetic. In 1962, in the Venetian festival, the picture received a prize. Photo of the young artist appeared in a map of Mosfilm.

On the set of Bullyaev, he met Vladimir Sculpov, who worked at the Mossovet Theater. Screws and brought a teenager in the theater. The next four years Nikolai played grandson in the play "Leningrad Prospect". Vasily Pavlovich Baszynin became the main hero of the performance of Nikolai Mordvinov. Young Kolya played the grandson of an elderly man.

An important role in the creative biography of Nikolai Burlyaev was played by cooperation with Andrei Tarkovsky, who invited a young artist on a major role in the film "Ivanovo Childhood". The director got a talented boy back in 1960, two years later, after Andrei Konchalovsky invited the young man to record prosaic passage from the story of Vladimir Bogomolov "Ivan", which was the tests of the actor to the role in the film Tarkovsky.

Nikolay Burlyaev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19676_3

The actor all his life considered this acquaintance with fateful. The hero of Burliyev is a blubber boy, the victim of war. During the filming of the film, Nikolai went to the pool, because according to the plot, the hero of the actor was to twist the Dnieper in the late autumn. Again the film was in Europe - in Venice, the director of the film was awarded the Award "Golden Lion Sv. Mark. The work of young dating highly appreciated Jean-Paul Sartre.

In the future, Nikolai had to be engaged in figure skating, fencing, horse riding. As Burlyaev says, the actor does not have much to be able to, but should learn this.

When Tarkovsky shot "Andrei Rublev," he invited Boriska Nikolai Burlyaev to the role. Unfortunately, a long five years, the film dust in the shelves. The audience saw the picture only in 1971. In 1972, the actor played a small role in the picture "Road Checks". In the hire of the film was allowed 13 years later. In the picture "Player", which was removed on the novel by F. Dostoevsky, Burlyaev got a psychologically difficult role - the artist played Alexei Ivanovich.

Nikolay Burlyaev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19676_4

In 1976, Nikolay Burlyaev began to shoot his own films, by this time the artist had a diploma diploma. The first independent work is "Vanka Cain". In the painting "Lermontov", shot in 1987, Burlyaev was the director and screenwriter.

The 80s were marked in the Creative career of Burlyaev near brilliant roles. The actor appeared in front of the audience in the form of composer Volodya Kostos in the Children's film "Camila", reincarnated in the father of the boy Misha Bullyaev in another film for children "Live Rainbow". In the comedy "Pechniki" played a school teacher, and in the film "Evening on the farm near Dikanki" performed the role of Ivan Fedorovich Shpongly. In 1983, Burlyaev again got into the star project - played front-line Alexander Netubilin in the Drama "Military Field Romance", where Natalia Andreichenko, Inna Churikova, Victor Proskurin, were played by the actor partners on the work site. The film was nominated for Oscar.

Nikolay Burlyaev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19676_5

During the career, the artist appeared in front of the audience in various amplua. The best work of the mature period of the actor is considered to be the role of Yeshua in the film "Master and Margarita", which was removed in 1994 by Yuri Kara. The film went on a decade after the completion of the filming. In kinocarthine, the stars of Russian cinema - Victor Rakov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Mikhail Ulyanov, Valentin Gaft, Alexander Filippenko played.

In 1995, a new on-screen meeting of fans with Nikolai Burlyaev took place. This time in the film Peter Todorovsky "What a wonderful game", where the artist appeared in the image of the painful front-line of Mikhail Mikhailovich. The story of the film was based on the tricks of four students of the Arts School, who forgot about that terrible time, in which they live - in the courtyard stood 1950.

Nikolay Burlyaev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19676_6

The next time, Nikolay Burlyaev appeared on the big screen in 2003, fulfilling a major role in the biographic drama of Natalia Bondarchuk "Lyubov and Pravda Fedor Tyutchev". The film was close in the brilliant female acting ensemble, where Natalia Bondarchuk, Irina Bezrukova, Anna Mikhalkova.

In 2008, Nikolai Burlyaev's name appeared in the credits of the historic drama "Admiral", dedicated to the life of the Russian commander Alexander Kolchak. The artist appeared in the form of Emperor Nicholas II. The main roles were performed by Konstantin Khabensky, Elizabeth Boyarskaya, Anna Kovalchuk.

Nikolay Burlyaev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19676_7

The last filmmaker in the filmography of the actor was the role of Alexander Tolstoy in Drama "Gogol. Nearest ", which appeared on screens in 2009.

Personal life

Nikolay Burlyaev was married three times. For the first time, the artist married 20 years at Natalia Varley. The actress was for a year younger husband. Relationships were not charged from the very beginning, both were too unsuitable for everyday life. Soon the spouse broke up.

Nikolay Burlyaev and Natalia Varley

The second wife of the artist was the director and actress Natalia Bondarchuk, a friend Natalia Varley. This marriage turned out to be longer. The couple had two children - Maria and Ivan. Ivan from childhood was fond of music, graduated from the conservatory and became the composer. Maria went in the footsteps of the parents - she studied in Gitis, then he entered the actress at the Mayakovsky Theater.

Natalia Bondarchuk and Nikolay Burlyaev

The third spouse of the actor - Inga Shatov, too, actress, but after marriage helps her husband and heads the film forum "Golden Vityaz". A couple have two children - the son of George and Dasha's daughter.

Inga Shatova and Nikolay Burlyaev

Dasha was born when Burlyaev was already 50 years old. The actor says he is happy in his personal life: Children of Nicholas Talantlivy, and with former wives managed to maintain friendships.

Nikolay Burlyaev now

Now the actor pays the main time to public works and promotion of the film "Golden Vityt". Nikolay Burlyaev visits Russian cities where creative meetings spend. On the eve of the 65th anniversary, the actor released a book of life in three volumes dedicated to the work of Mikhail Lermontov. The artist popularizes cultural and moral values, speaks against the Zasil of ignorance and rudeness on television screens.


  • 1961 - "Boy and Pigeon"
  • 1962 - "Ivanovo Childhood"
  • 1966 - "Andrei Rublev"
  • 1969 - "Mom married"
  • 1972 - "Player"
  • 1979 - "Week in September"
  • 1983 - "Military Field Roman"
  • 1983 - "Evening on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 1986 - "Lermontov"
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1995 - "What a wonderful game"
  • 2003 - "Love and Pravda Fedor Tyutchev"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2009 - "Gogol. Nearest"

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