Nonna Terentieva - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and latest news



Nonna Terentyev with a light hand of a foreign press called Russian Marilyn Monroe. Sensual and sophisticated beauty did not care about most of the Soviet actresses who played advanced workers and workers.

Nonna Nikolaevna Terentieva (Maiden Name Novosyadlova) was born in February 1942 in Baku. Pope of the future actress, military, gave her a sonorous name Nonna, in which three letters "H". The girl corresponded to the name and grew up a creative child. Her mother was an actress, and Little Nonna had an example for imitation before his eyes.

Nonna Terentieva in youth

After the end of the war, the Novosyadlov family moved to Romania, where the head of the family was recovered. Here Nonna went to school. But soon the family moved again. This time in Kiev, where he stopped for a long time. Then the girl graduated from school and immediately went to enter the Theater Institute. But in the Kiev university, the future actress learned for a short time. After waving with a guy Nonna Novosyadlov, "In the punishment", a beloved, went to Moscow. She was on the first attempt to go to the Schukin school.


The cinematic biography of Nonna Terentteva began when she was still a student "Pike." The young actress debuted immediately in two pictures - Elena Bay and "The slowest train". And if in the first film she played the role of the second plan, then in the second the director entrusted the student a major role.

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After 3 years, in 1966, Nonnet Terentteva simultaneously received two sentences - one of the Heifius, who undertook to screen the story A.P. Chekhov "Ionch" and decided to remove the picture on it "in the city of S.", and the second from Vladimir Motala, who just took the filming of "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha". " Terentieva chose the Hayfi's project because of love for the work of Chekhov.

It was the star role of Nonna Terentteva. A beginner artist appeared on a single shooting platform with such then well-known actors, like Igor Gorbachev, Anatoly Papanov and Lydia Shtykan. After entering the picture on the screens to Nonna Teretyev, such glory collapsed that a student after classes in "Pike" had to run from the university through a black entrance, because a crowd of fans waited near the central central.

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In the same 1966, a decision was made to take the picture "In the city of S." On the Cannes Festival for showing outside the competition. So Terentieva first hit abroad. A beautiful young actress from Russia attracted the unprecedented attention of Western colleagues and directories. At one of the secular receptions, Nonna Nikolaevna was represented by the French stars Simone Signore and Ivo Montana. Signore then frankly admitted that if the film with the participation of Terren was entered into a competitive show, then the Russian movie star would certainly take a prize for the best role.

After Cannes Youth Artist, a lot of proposals were made to take on Western directors. But the leadership of Soviet cinema and ministerial officials each time rejected proposals, stating that Nonna Terentteva and home is in demand and needed.

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And indeed, at the beginning and mid-1970s actress was regularly shot. But to say that the Soviet directories fell asleep by the Terentyev suggestions, it would be wrong. For this decade, she played in several films, in most of which Nonn Nikolaevna got the role of a second plan or episodes.

Perhaps the only significant project of these years was the film "Hyperboloid Engineer Garina". In Nonna Terentyev, Nonna Terentyev played the insidious beauty of the Zoya Monroz. After this role, the artist began to compare with Marilyn Monroe and Greta Garbo. But the "non-counseling" beauty of Terentteva played an evil joke with her. Directors saw in actress only the heroine of a certain role: insidious beauties and cynical adventurers.

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Hence the appropriate roles. Terentieva starred in the film of Samson Samsonova "Fucking Gold", in the "Trans-Siberian Express" of Elgor Urazbayeva and the "adventures of Count Nevzorov" Alexander Pankratova-black. From the same "opera" of her role in the tapes "noble nest" and "talents and fans".

In the late 1970s, Nonna Terentieva returned to Kiev, where parents and a loved one lived. In Russian Drama Theater, she played leading roles than caused discontent and envy colleagues. They believed that the main roles of Terentieva got "in Blat" (Nonna Nikolaevna's husband is the son of the Minister). After the divorce, all the roles from the actress were selected. She returned to Moscow.

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In the 1980s, Nonna Terentieva very rarely appeared on the screen. To somehow bring ends with the ends, she had to ride with concerts across the country. I must say that the actress had another wonderful talent - she sang perfectly. In its repertoire there were popular compositions of Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald. At the same time, Nonna Nikolaevna managed to look great.

Nobody thought that her luxurious stage costumes were sewn by her mother, but a pess manot and ostrich boa, so beautifully looked out of the hall, under the clue turned out to be eaten by moth and trembled from old age.

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Few people know that Nonna Terentieva was not only an excellent actress and singer. She wrote talented poems and scripts. In the last years of his life, Nonna Nikolaevna composed libretto for his rock opera. But she failed to fulfill the dream. Prevented the disease.

Personal life

Nonna Terentieva first married at 23 years. Her husband was Kievian, graduate student Boris Terentyev. But, probably, the couple was very different to live together for a long time. Nonna-suited by nature, living creativity, and Boris turned out to be a man simple and landed. He wanted home comfort and order in the house. The relationship of spouses finally spoiled after the birth of the daughter of Ksenia.

Nonna Terentieva with her husband

In 1971, the spouses were separated. Nonna Terentteva, together with theatrical colleague, Vladimir Skomorovsky went to Moscow. But the romantic connection between the artists was short-lived.

Crowds of fans took care of the beauty-actress. But the personal life of Nonny Terentteva did not become happy. For a while she lived with the poet Igor Volgin, who dedicated the beloved considerable part of his works. In a short time, we dried up and these relationships.


Nonna Terentieva died painfully. After her breast cancer was discovered, no one knew about her illness to the very end. She did not ask anyone about anything and did not complain even his relatives. Daughter Xenia Nonna Nikolaevna sent to America to not see her last days.

The grave of Nonny Terentteva

Death came to Nonne Terentteva as a deliverance. There was no excellent actress in the female holiday on March 8, 1996. Forest the star of Soviet cinema on the Trocerovsk cemetery.


  • 1963 - "The slowest train"
  • 1966 - "In the city of S."
  • 1973 - "Crash Engineer Garina"
  • 1973 - "Talents and fans"
  • 1973 - "Talents and fans"
  • 1975 - "Gasparone"
  • 1976 - "Mad Gold"
  • 1977 - "Trans-Siberian Express"
  • 1982 - "County of Count Nevzorova"
  • 1985 - "Meeting Meeting"
  • 1986 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1994 - "Iron Curtain"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"

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