Vadim Kazachenko - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The songs of Vadim Kazachenko in the "Lidh 90s" the whole country was heard. Fans bought a charming singer with bags of letters. Casachenko's hits sounded from all windows and, as they were joking, even from irons.

Vadim Gennadievich Kazachenko was born in Ukrainian Poltava in July 1963. In this colorful antique city, his children's and youthful years were held.

Singer Vadim Kazachenko

And yet, here Vadim began to dream of a big scene. Nature endowed the guy with excellent hearing and a beautiful voice. When he sang, the crowds of the guys and adults were going around, who were gladly listening to the young singer and applauded him.

Once, Vadim Kazachenko was seriously thinking, why would a favorite passion not turn into a matter of all his life. At first, the guy organized the school VIA, with whom he began to perform on discos and various festive events in his native Poltava. Success inspired Casachenko and suggested that he was correct.


And in 1985, Vadim Kazachenko went on a professional scene. He changed one after another several philharmonic - Kursk, Amur and Barnaul. But his success was waiting after the meeting with the Frestyle group. Their cooperation, although it turned out to be short-lived - from 1989 to 1991, but very fruitful. "Freestyle" with soloist Vadim Kazachenko recorded four albums, in which there were "golden" hits "Goodbye forever, the last love ...", "Red Girl", "Last Candle", "White Metelitsa", "God will punish you," "I hurt me, hurt ..." and others.

In 1992, Vadim Kazachenko's creative biography made a steep turn: the singer began the solo career. For the following 7 years, he recorded three albums of his songs and several collections consisting of new and old hits. At that time, such well-known composers as Vladimir Matsky, Arkady Ukknik and Vyacheslav Maluge were collaborated with Kazachenko. The authors of the lyrics that were performed by Vadim were Alexander Shaganov, Julia Kadysheva and Grigory Belkin.

The tour schedule of the artist in the 90s was such that it did not have place for any weekend over long months. During these years, the fans of the singer heard his new hits, among whom were the most vivid "yellow night", "Cinderella", "Alien", "blessing to the far way", "at the flying horse". Music clips even came to some of these songs. Also Vadim performed the popular song "On the White Cover of January", which was originally sang by the group "Sweet Sleep".

But in some period of time, the media forgot about Vadim Kazachenko. Fans of the singer even seemed to have disappeared somewhere and put the point in creativity. There were rumors about severe illness and even the death of the singer. But in 2005, Kazachenko reminded himself and went on stage again.

In 2007, his new album "Two shores of one destiny" appeared, received high media assessments and warm fans reviews.

In 2008, Kazachenko became a member of the popular TV show "Superstar-2008. The team of dreams ", proving all that he is not only alive, well, but also full of strength.

Vadim Kazachenko

In 2011, Vadim Kazachenko was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In the same year, a fresh disk of his songs appeared on the shelves of music stores "... and I do not hurt."

Personal life

Vadim Kazachenko married pretty early when he was 21 years old. His wife became Poltava Marina. The couple officially signed when Marina learned about pregnancy. Little Marianna was born in a rather difficult period of life of his parents. Vadim had only a difficult career climb began. In the mid-1980s, Kazachenko went to conquer Moscow. The wife and daughter remained in Poltava, as the means to remove the expensive apartment in Moscow, the family did not have at that time.

Olga Martynova and Vadim Kazachenko

Life in different cities did not contribute to the strengthening of the family. The couple broke up. In the life of Vadim Kazachenko, a new beloved, which was called Zhanna. Five years old, the couple tried to poison the family nest, but unsuccessfully. Building a career, a dense touring schedule and a crowd of fans, too badly combined with family life.

In April 2014, Vadim Kazachenko married Olga Martynova, the girl is much younger than artist. After the wedding, the wife of the singer took the surname of her husband and became Olga Kazachenko. In 2016, problems began in the family.


New love Vadim Kazachenko met in America. Irina Amanti is a business woman of Russian origin and co-owner of the "Russian Radio" in the United States, made a singer concert in America. At first they were just colleagues and good friends. Irina was married. But then the friendship turned into a feeling that demanded complete dissolution from this pair of each other and the abandonment of previous connections.

Vadim Kazachenko and Irina Amanti

In December 2016, Olga Kazachenko learned about this situation, after which the tightening conflict began. Olga said that the main cause of the conflict was not the marriage of the musician, and that Vadim Kazachenko threw the baby born in the spring. Olga also claims that the musician threatened a woman.

In response, Vadim Kazachenko said that he threw his wife because of the continuous drunkenness of the latter, as well as what doubts his fatherhood.

In the new novel, Vadim Kazachenko did not embarrass the position of a married man. The singer took advantage of the loophole in Russian legislation and officially registered the relationship with Irina Amanti, becoming twit.

Singer Vadim Kazachenko

Olga Kozachenko not resigned to the position of the second wife, he has found legal support in the face of Katya Gordon and submitted to the court a claim for recognition of marriage to Vadim Kozachenko Irina Amantea invalid. Olga was recognized as journalists that he did not want to return to a person who had betrayed his wife, but wants to restore legal and human justice.

The scandal came out on television. Vlad Casachenko became a member of the "Fate of Man" program with Boris Korchevnikov. The singer spoke about the relationship with Irina Amanti, and at the end of the transfer met with the second wife.

In October 2017, Vadima Kazachenko's heart did not stand the litter scandal. The singer suffered a heart attack, since then the state of health of the musician agitated both fans and doctors. Experts have a suspicion of scarsing a change in the lower wall of the left ventricle and at the speedy strong heart attack.

This incident has further strengthened the enmity between the musicians's wives. Irina Amanti accused the problems of the singer with the health of Olga Kazachenko, who started the scandal and the trial. There were also rumors that the singer is paralyzed, but Vadim Kazachenko denied them.

In November, Olga Martynova, Irina Amanti and Vadim Kazachenko became the heroes of the new issue "Let them speak." While two wives of Kazachenko argued, Vadim became bad, and the help of doctors took. After the show, Olga turned to his fans in "Instagram" and asked for forgiveness from subscribers for "worried" and rudely behaved on the air.

To finally decide the question with an abandoned child, the artist agreed to DNA expertise. Also, another DNA test confirmed that Vadim Kazachenko already has a daughter. For the TV show "Let them say" came the girl named Vlad, who announced himself an extramarital daughter singer. According to the girl, Vlad I knew my father since childhood, but I decided to tell only after the death of my mother. Olga Kazachenko helped Vlad DNA expertise.

In the summer of 2018, Kazachenko and Olga formally divorced.

According to Vadim, the former wife is trying to reduce the musician in the grave and does not give to work, although in the fall, the musician still presented the song "Eyes in Eyes".


  • 1989 - "Get!"
  • 1989 - "Get! Dubl-2 "
  • 1990 - "Get! Dubl-3 "
  • 1991 - "Get! Dubl-4 "
  • 1993 - "All first"
  • 1995 - "Bless"
  • 1996 - "Tablecloth Road"
  • 1996 - "Goodbye forever ..."
  • 1999 - "Night Care"
  • 2007 - "Two shores of one destiny"
  • 2011 - "... And I do not hurt!"

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