Nikolay Slychenko - biography, personal life, cause of death, photos, songs, son, family, children, age 2021



Nikolai Slichenko - Soviet and Russian actor, director, singer. He became the only gypsy awarded the title "People's Artist of the USSR". He was loved not only by ordinary spectators, but also members of the Soviet government. Talent Slichenko especially Valled Leonid Brezhnev.

Childhood and youth

Nikolay Alekseevich Slichenko was born in December 1934 in Belgorod in the family of a sedentary Gypsy Sirvov, where, besides him, four more children were adjusted. When Nicholas was 7th year, the Great Patriotic War was killed, who had fallen a life of young Slichenko forever. In the eyes of the boy, fascists shot their father. Mountain, pain, hunger and destroy - unforgettable children's impressions of Nikolai Alekseevich.

After the end of the war, the Slichenko family stopped for a long time in the collective farm under Voronezh. Adults and children worked along par. Peaceful life was revived, and at the same time the desire to sing and dance. In the young Gypsy Nikolai Slichenko, it turned out better than the rest. Not once, the guy heard about himself that such a talent can not be gone, it would be necessary to send the boy to Roman.

This one in the Soviet Union Gypsy theater, whose origin of the Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky himself stood, began to appear more often in the dreams of a young artist. In the end, the thought became material: in 16 years, the guy was adopted in Roman. In the same 1951 and the creative biography of Nikolai Slichenko began.

The head of the theater Mikhail Yarshin did not even assume that this artistic dark parenchy will once again change him and become the People's Artist of the USSR.

However, before that was a long way. At the time of arrival in Romen, Nikolai Slichenko became the youngest artist troupe, but very quickly he learned by heart the texts of male roles from theatrical repertoire. Soon Nicholas, who spent in the crowd, began to trust noticeable roles.


One day, Nikolai Slichenko went to the adventure, in which he was supported by the mentor and leading actor Romenan Sergei Shishkov. In 1952, the theater toured with a brilliant stage of "Four Bridegroom". Shishkov played the main character Lex. Slichenko, who has long been learning the texts of roles and secretly rehearsed the main thing, rejected Sergey Fedorovich "get sick." He agreed and gave way to a talented student of "his" lex.

So Slichenko made his debut in the first major role, immediately brought recognition and who became a trampline for further career. Soon he was offered the role of Dmitry in the dramatic performance of "Grushenka" on the story of Nicholas Leskov. The actor played brilliantly. Together with him on stage, the leading artists of Romena Lyalya Black and Ivan Rom-Lebedev appeared on the scene.

From this point on, the actor began to introduce into many performances of the theater repertoire. Nikolai Slichenko played Cango in the television formulation of the "broken whip". Then he got the role of age-grandfather in the play "Dance".

Playing on stage, and successfully, the young actor understood that without education could not do. Nikolay Alekseevich read a lot and visited the evening school. Without a separation from work in Romene, Slichenko entered Gitis by choosing the Director of the Faculty. He fell to the course of Andrei Goncharov and in 1972 he received a diploma of higher education.

During the years of study, the artist played many noticeable roles in the native theater. Debut independent work was Vasil in the formulation of the "Gypsy Aza". Then there were the roles of Marco in the "daughter of the Shatrov", Nikolai Alekseevich in "I was born in the Tabor", Barbaro in "hot blood", Yashka-king in the "Mackerel Zucchka". As a director, he set a number of performances, the brightest of which - "we Roma", "Neocoklonov", "Fire Horses", "Birds need the sky", etc.

Special place in the creative biography of Slichenko occupied the song. Nikolai Alekseevich sang since childhood. Once in the theater, the young man often recalled the gypsy songs and romances heard near the fire. Performed musical compositions masterfully, forcing the listeners to survive in a few minutes the life of the hero. Most of all the listeners were remembered performed by the singer of the composition "Letter of Mother", "Black", "Ah, River, River" and "Semastrne Guitar".

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In November 2017, 2222 shows the show "We Roma", the premiere of which took place 40 years ago. The formulation is officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records in the category of the Russian spectacle-long-liver.

The artist overcomed the crisis associated with the deterioration of health that occurred with him in the summer of the same year, and continued to speak with his beloved troupe. Slichenko preserved the form worthy for his age and become worthy - with a height of 183 cm, the weight reached 85 kg.

At the end of 2019, a festive concert was held at the Roman theater dedicated to the 85th anniversary of his artistic director. The actor and director came to congratulate not only the artists of the creative team, friends and relatives, but also the stars of the Russian pop. Among the guests of the evening were Olga Yankovskaya, Nikolai Sergienko, Lev Leshchenko.

About the events of the creative team, fans learned from the page in "Instagram", where they placed video footage from concerts, photo of artists.


Wide fame came to Nikolay Slichenko after the appearance on the screen. In the artist filmography not as many roles in the cinema, as the theater in his work dominated. However, these films are worthy of attention.

For the first time on the big screen, Slichenko appeared in 1958 in the picture of the Joint Soviet-Yugoslav production "Oleko Dundic", describing the activities of the Serbian revolutionary against the White Guards. Nikolay Slichenko fulfilled the role of Gypsy. Valentin Gaft also played in the film and Mikhail Pugovkin.

In the same year, the artist littered into a film "Hard happiness", where again fulfilled the role of compatriot. The plot covered the events of the Civil War, the main character - Roma Nicholas Nagorno, who fell off from the coagus, played young Mikhail Kozakov. In 1960, the next meeting of the star of the Gypsy theater with viewers from the cinema screen was held. This time Slichenko appeared in the film "In the rain and in the sun."

Nikolai Alekseevich received the following role in 1967. An already popular actor was approved for the role of Red Conne Dincue Petri in the Kininomedy "Wedding in Malinovka". The film brought the creators a success, taking the 2nd place at the rental of the year, and a year later at the All-Union Film Festival in Leningrad, the picture received a premium in the nomination "Best Comedy Ensemble of the Year".

The film was dismantled by quotes, photos of Vladimir Samoilova, Lyudmila Alfimova, Evgenia Lebedev, Zoe Fedorova, Mikhail Pugovkin, Nikolai Slichenko, starred in Cinemates, have long decorated the covers of magazines about cinema.

In 1972, the premiere of the musical film "My Island of Blue", where Nikolai Slichenko spoke director and the executor of the leading role. In 1986, the artist participated in the creation of a film "We - Roma" film, where all the actors of the Roman theater also starred. In 1998, Slichenko, the last time appeared on the big screen in the Military Field Romance Music Picture, created in the format of "old songs about the main thing." The release was dedicated to songs that sounded on the roads of war.

In early December 1998, the registered star of Nikolai Alekseevich Slychenko appeared on the metropolitan area of ​​stars. This event turned out to be a bright confirmation of the nationwide recognition of the artist's talent and a holiday for Roma.

Personal life

Personal life of Nikolai Slichenko has undergone changes twice. In his youth, the actor became interested in his colleague in the "Roman" theater with Setara Ahmedovna Kazymova, which later passed into the Burevestnik ensemble. In 1952, the girl became an artist's wife. In the first marriage, which lasted 8 years, the son of Alexey Slychenko was born.

In the early 60s, Nikolai Alekseevich re-played the wedding. The second wife of Slichenko once again became the artist of the Theater "Romen" Tamilla Sudajevna Agamirov, who later received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. In 1963, Tamilla's daughter was born. Soon the wife gave birth to a spouse for two more children - the sons of Peter and Alexey.

The daughter went in the footsteps of the parents. At one time Tamilla Slichenko lived in New York, where he left to receive education. She wanted to achieve everything herself, without the help of the parent surname. Having lived several years in the West, Tamilla returned to Moscow and started service at the Roman theater.

The family of Nikolai Slichenko has been replenished with five grandchildren over time, one of which is Nikolai Slichenko - the youngest - participated in the TV show "Factory of Stars - 3", and later graduated from Gitis.

In early 2020, the program "Hello, Andrei!" The program was released, the guest of which was Jubileee Nikolai Alekseevich. The daughter of Tamilla's daughter was on the air. She told about the life of the family and the further fate of the son of Nicholas, who, after participating in the "Factory of Stars", decided to engage in self-development and became interested in philosophy.


Despite the old age, the "most famous Roma of Russia" continued to lead the native theater. In 2021, the theater noted the 90th anniversary, without interviewed by the artistic director. Nikolai Alekseevich told about the history of creating a cultural institution, and also shared the troupe managed to survive a pandemic.

And in the middle of May, Nikolai Alekseevich in ambulance was taken to intensive care of one of the Moscow hospitals due to problems with the lungs. The media wrote that before this Slichenko passed the therapy, which turned out to be ineffective. July 2, Master died. The causes of death were not voiced.


  • 1958 - "Oleko Dundic"
  • 1958 - "Hard happiness"
  • 1960 - "In the rain and in the sun"
  • 1967 - "Wedding in Malinovka"
  • 1969 - "Abduction"
  • 1972 - "My Island of Blue"
  • 1986 - "We Gypsy"
  • 1998 - "Military Field Romance"

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