Igor Kvasha - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, "wait for me", death



Igor Vladimirovich was a permanent leading program "Wait for me", sincerely competing by the participants of the program. Thousands of spectators went on performances with the participation of Kvashi. The artist loved, he believed.

Igor Kvasha was born on February 4, 1933 in the family of a physician-defectologist and a chemical scientist. Father died under Leningrad when Igor was 9 years old. The childhood of the future artist had a hard wartime.

Igor Kvasha

The school in which Kvasha walked was on Arbat. Then girls and boys still studied separately. Igor Vladimirovich often recalled, as a hooliganil with boys, fought, exploded the cartridges. Up to grade 7, the future actor studied well, but then scored lessons. The only passion was the theater studio in which the boy was engaged.

In 1941 they were evacuated to Siberia. There Igor first felt the taste of the scene, when played a major role in the Morozko fairy tale. The performance was walking with anchlage, he was shown to the wounded fighters in the hospital. In evacuation, Igor had dreamed of helping to help fighters. Once, teenagers fled from the lessons to go to the front: fortunately, the fugitives stopped. In school years, the boy did not differ, was the starting and constantly broken the lessons.

Igor Kvashi's mother worked a lot, time to keep track of her son, a woman did not remain. Therefore, the future actor grew on the street. After the war, the mother and her son returned to Moscow, Arbat's alleys became the second home for Igor. It is today Arbat - a calm prestigious area, and in the postwar years the area was a gangster. To somehow distract your son from the street, mother drove a boy on performances. Dora Zakharovna knew the hobby of Igor. The hooligan habits left themselves when Kwasha signed up in the studio at the House of Pioneers.

Igor Kvasha in youth

Igor no longer doubted the choice of a future profession. In the 1950s, he became a student of the School-Studio MCAT MASTERSKA A. M. Karev. Study took 12 hours a day, but students managed to find time for rest. In addition to the theater, Quasha managed to visit the racetrack, where he took the lessons of riding, which was useful in the future: most tricks in the movie Artist performed himself. Together with Igor, Galina Volchek, Lyudmila Ivanova, Irina Skobseva, Leonid Armored, Anatoly Kuznetsov. After five years, Igor Kvasha became a certified actor.


In the same 1955, Quasha came to work at MCAT and worked there for two years. In the creative biography of Igor, a new period began after acquaintance with Oleg Efremov. Efremov then caught fire the idea of ​​creating a "contemporary", and Quasha and like-minded people with enthusiasm supported the leader.

In 1956, young graduates of the Studio school made their own performances on the play by V. Rosova "Eternally Live". The first performance of an independent group of actors took place in Mkate. Shocked viewers did not leave the actors from the stage for a long time, the creative conversation lasts until the morning. Theatrical team decided to call the "Studio of young actors."

Igor Kvasha, Lily Tolmachev and Oleg Efremov in the play

Soon like-minded people provided their own premises. The theater was called in honor of the literary magazine, founded by A. S. Pushkin - "Contemporary". Igor Vladimirovich played in the "contemporary" from the first days of the foundation, this theater, the artist remained faithful to the end.

The production of the "contemporary" of steel and a breakthrough, and challenge, censorship often wrapped in performances. In the theater, Igor Kwasha performed more than 50 diverse roles. The artist was playing Gaeva in the "Vishnevian Garden", Leicester in "Playing ... Schiller!", Moliere in Kabaloe Kolas, "Karamazov's" Karamazov and Hell "play, Verkhovenskiy in" Beams "and other heroes. In the native theater team, Igor Kwasha implemented the director's talent, putting the performances of Sirano de Bergerac, "Turbine Days", "Cat homemade Middle Freshness".


Igor Vladimirovich his debut as a movie actor in 1961 in the movie "Sergeant Fetisov". In the same year, the artist starred in the picture "In a difficult hour". In 1965, the actor fulfilled the role of Karl Marx in Kinolent "Year, as a Life." After a number of episodic roles, Igor Kvasha fell into the main acting drama "they live nearby." Tamara Semin became a partner for the work site of the actor. In the multi-sieuled film "Strokes to the portrait V. I. Lenin", the artist was reincarnated in the revolutionary leader of Yakov Sverdlov.

Igor Kvasha - biography, photo, personal life, filmography,

In the 60s, Quachu had many roles, but on a wide screen films did not appear. It was associated with a tight ban that existed at that time. In the "black list", the actor fell for acquaintance with Opt Vasily Aksenov, Viktor Nekrasov and for subscribing to the introduction of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia.

"Warming" has come for him in 1970. The artist was remembered by the works in the adventure detective "the property of the republic", in the drama "Premature man", the sports film "Lot". On the account of Igor Kvashi roles in the musical comedy "Straw Hat", the children's films "Princess on the pea" and "fairy tales of the old wizard", in the television film "Before the exam", the Drama "Hat", the comedy "acceleratchka".

Artist's filmography includes 100 roles. Among the works of Kvashi there are films that became the classics of cinema - "the same Munchhausen", "man with Kapuchin Boulevard" and "three hearts".

Igor Kvasha - biography, photo, personal life, filmography,

In 1995, Igor Kvasha once again reincarnated in a political figure. This time I tried the image of Joseph Stalin in the drama "under the sign of Scorpio". From the beginning of the 2000s, the actor was not often shot in the cinema. Igor Vladimirovich appeared in the series "Marsh Turkish", the Melodrame "Another Woman, another man", the family television film "Moscow Saga". In 2005, he received a major role in the Leningradets film.

The last work of Igor Kvashi became the role in the documentary belt "Eye of God", which saw the light in 2012. The film describes the history of the emergence of the Museum named after A.S. Pushkin.

Igor Kvasha - biography, photo, personal life, filmography,

In 1998, Igor Kwasha accepted a proposal from the Creators of the Transmission "Wait for Me", which started on the RTR TV channel, and in a year - on the "First Channel". Mary Shukshin became Mary Schukshin. The artist in the heart was experiencing someone else's pain, as his, so I tried not to miss the issues, even when it was already very sick. Igor Vladimirovich until the last days remained the leading "wait for me."

Personal life

For the first time Igor Kvasha married the actress Svetlana Miseri. Young people were familiar from youthful years, together attended the theater studio in the House of Pioneers. Then both enrolled in the Studio School of MCAT. In the first year they got married, but soon divorced.

In 1956, Igor Vladimirovich married the second time. The artist's wife became X-ray Tatyana Putivskaya. Young met on vacation in the Crimea, a resort novel rose. Igor came to a friend of Galina Volchek, who starred in Koktebel. At the same time, Tatiana Putivskaya arrived at the sea with Mom artist and stepfather Alexander Shatte, famous Soviet playwright.

Igor Kvasha and Tatyana Putivskaya

On the way to Moscow, Igor confessed to Tatiana in love and made a girl an offer at the subway station. When the wedding celebrated, Putivskaya was already in position. Walked noisy, with a scope. In the same year, their son Vladimir was born. The young man received a medical education, but in the troubled time of restructuring due to financial difficulties engaged in business - restoration of Soviet cars. Natalia Lifatova became his wife Vladimir. Vladimir Kvashi has two children. In 1991, young nastya daughter was born, four years later, Mikhail.

The personal life of the actor was happily. Tatyana Putivskaya and Igor Kvasha had a happily lived in marriage for 52 years, until the death of the actor. On family photos, the couple always looked happy.


In recent years, Igor Vladimirovich seriously ached, he had problems with bronchi. In August 2012, the actors were hospitalized in the Moscow clinic, operated on. COPL - a disease that does not give to treatment has caused the death of the artist. On August 30, 2012, Igor Kvashi did not.

Grave Igor Kvashy

The funeral was held on September 4th. Farewell to the actor took place in the native "contemporary". The grave of Igor Kvashi is located on the Troecorsky cemetery.


  • 1961 - "Sergeant Fetisov"
  • 1967 - "They live nearby"
  • 1972 - "Therent of the Republic"
  • 1975 - "Straw Hat"
  • 1976 - "Princess on the pea"
  • 1979 - "That Munchhausen"
  • 1984 - "Tales of the Old Wizard"
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1992 - "Three Hearts"
  • 1995 - "Under Scorpio Sign"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "Leningradets"

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