Anya Women - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 2021



Anya Bulchtein is an Israeli actress, singer and fashion model. In his own country, she became famous in the 12th age after filming in the Drama "New Earth", but for the whole world, the tag was much later. Mostly movie lovers know her for the role of the Red Priestess Kinvara in the popular TV series "Game of Thrones".

Actress Anya Bulvtein

Anya was born in Moscow, in the family of doctors. Her father was engaged in neurology, and Mom was a speech therapist and Survyopodagogogo. When the girl was not yet 9 years old, parents decided to repatriate in Israel, where the remaining childhood was held. By the way, she still remembers Russian and speaks quite well on it.

In Israel, Anya began to study at the school of art "Telma Yalin" in the city of Givathaima, where he received the first knowledge of acting skills. And it was from there that the director of the Dramatic Film "New Earth" was invited to work on the set. Then the girl was only 12 years old.

Anya Westene in childhood

After graduating from the school, Any Zuventein called on the army, since mobilization in Israel is also obligatory for men, and for women. True, a girl served in a specialized military unit for artists - an ensemble of air force.

After serving the actress began to perform in the theaters of the country. She played in such performances as the "mistress of the Palace" and "Ghetto", which were witness. They talk about the oppression of the Jewish people during the Second World War. As Anya assures, participation in such productions is its clear civil position.


As mentioned above, Debuted to the cinema Anya Zonevtein at the age of 12 years in the historic drama "New Earth", for which the young actress was nominated for the main Israeli film "Ophir". Once again, she was included in the list of nominees for this reward in 2005 after filming in the Schwartz Dynasty Social Drama.

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But between these films, Anya managed to appear in the painting "Gift from Heaven", also published in Russia called "Heavenly Dar", and the youth music television series "Our song", where was considered the main star of the project.

One of the most famous films of Israeli production for our compatriots is the "Secrets" melodrama about the daughter of orthodox rabbi, which builds same-sex relationships. This scandalous role was played by a lettell. She also took part in the work on the first Israeli film of the horrors "rabid" and the Russian melodrama "conductor".

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From the last works of Ani, the romantic history of "Friends from France" and the criminal-political tape "Fake Flag" are distinguished. Well, of course, it is impossible to bypass the very stellar role of the actress - the Red Priestess Kinwaru in the fantasy series "Game of Thrones", in which she appeared in the sixth season.

Personal life

Ani, the busthenin always had a lot of fans among his colleagues who cared for her, gave gifts, invited to restaurants and theaters. But in the end, she chose all the actors and musicians of the programmer. However, the girl, meeting former workers, can safely start a friendly conversation with them, as it always endanted the relationship on a good note.

She married Dothan Weiner in 2013 and believes his spouse not only the most caring, but also the smartest man. In one of his interviews, the actress has told that they have a mandatory in the family, you can say, Ritual - Anya and Dothan every night discuss all the events of the day and are defined by plans for the near future. Without this summing up, their day cannot be over.

The main fear of Ani by Tsunami. Therefore, it is quite difficult to meet on the beach, although she lives in the seaside city.


  • 1994 - "New Earth"
  • 2003 - "Gift from Heaven"
  • 2004-2007 - "Our Song"
  • 2007 - "Secrets"
  • 2010 - "Mad"
  • 2012 - "Dead Europe"
  • 2012 - "Conductor"
  • 2013 - "Friends from France"
  • 2015 - "Fake Flag"
  • 2016 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2017 - "Genius"

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