Alexey Ogurtsov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 2021



Random actor. This is how you can call now the famous artist Alexei Ogurtsova. His filmography today has more than seventy paintings. At the same time, the cucumbers are not only not a professional actor, but did not even dream about the career of the artist. Nevertheless, the audience love him and mostly do not even guess that Alexey in the theater university never studied.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Nikolayevich Ogurztsov was born in September 1969 in Hungary, where his father served at that time. Then the family returned to Russia and stopped in Yaroslavl. Here the son went to school and began to build plans for the future. Since before my eyes were constantly a wonderful example of the officer's pope, then the boy also decided to go on his footsteps.

Actor Alexey Ogurtsov

If you do not believe in chance, in the 8th grade, fate made Alexey Ogurtsov a tip in which he hinted at his future profession. The guy fell into the extras of the historic picture "Boris Godunov". He even received a fee - 2 rubles, which was immediately spent on sweets. But Alexey was not understood and after graduating from school went to the Military Financial School in Yaroslavl.

After the diploma, Alexey Cucumbers went to serve. For two decades, he in the position of an accountant served in various power structures - counterintelligence, airborne units, border troops. At the same time, the cucumbers continued to play sports that was fond of school years. Soon he became a master of sports in hand-to-hand fighting and shooting from regular weapons.

Alexey Ogurtsov

Who would have thought that in 2003, when Alexey Nikolayevich turned 34 years old, his life would change so dramatically. During his walk in the company of his wife in Arbat, a young stranger approached him. The proposal, voiced by him, turned out to be mildly, unexpected. He handed the cucumber business card and said that he looked like Ivan Poddubny. And if he decides to play in advertising in the image of the legendary fighter, it is not worth slowing.

After recovering from surprise, Alexey agreed. He arrived at the advertising agency, which was located in Ostankino, and after 4 hours he left him with the second in his life fee. Its dimensions significantly exceeded the wage salary.


After the appearance on advertising screens with courageous cucumber-poddubny, Alexey was predetermined. The image turned out to be acutely in demand, and the directors literally covered the novice artist suggestions. He agreed. The first 3 years he trusted episodes or small roles in the "police" series, but each subsequent role turned out to be the largest previous one.

Perhaps, the truly cinematic biography of Alexei Ogurtsova began in 2005, when a dismantive detective film "Male season was released on the screens. Velvet revolution. " The actor got the image of a courageous operative of the anti-drug addict of Oleg Stepchenko.

Actor Alexey Ogurtsov

As the artist admitted, for whose shoulders for many years of work in the power structures, it was not difficult for him to play this image, since it was not necessary to invent anything. He just played himself. Upon reaching the detective on the screams of cucumbers called him with his best project. It is noteworthy that after the end of the defender of the law and order Alexey had to reincarnate in Antiger, that is, the bandit. This required a role in the project "Hunt for the Island".

The current 5 years actor depicted on the screen of guards, special forces and gangsters. But everything changed in 2006, when he was suggested to play Adjutant Komdiv in the painting "Officers". At the shooting platform of this project, Alexey Cucumbers met with real stars of domestic cinema, such as Vasily Lanova, Mikhail Efremov, Alexey Makarov and Alexander Baluyev. From this time, the self-taught artist began to offer the main or key roles.

Alexander Tsurcan and Alexey Ogurtsov as a policeman

From 2006 to 2009, the viewers gladly watched the Isle-free TV series "Club", in which the cucumbers played the Agent of the FSB. At the same years, the artist managed to go beyond one role. He accepted the offer to play in films for children. In the painting "Paradox" he played a good fairy-tale character - Olenevoda Beldieva. In the same 2008, the small spectators saw the actor in the form of a boltosaur in the film "Cinderella Four Four".

His work was successful in an interesting project "Paragraph 78", where Alexey Ogurtsov was lucky to work with such matrays of domestic cinema, like Ivan Okhlobystin, Gosh Kutsenko and Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

Vladimir Turchinsky and Alexey Cucumbers in the film

But critics highly appreciated the increased skill of the actor after entering the screens not this, and another plenty tape called "Wolf Floss". In this picture, the color of the domestic cinema also gathered. But the main thing is that Alexey Ogurtsov managed to convey the depth of feelings of his hero, the complexity and ambiguity of his character.

Today, the best works of the artist of criticism and viewers call the films "Bitch for Champion", "Zvethoy", "Moroi" and "real dad". But beyond doubt that the best role of this talented actor is still ahead. The name Alexei Ogurtsova is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In the first 5 years of his work in the cinema, he, an officer who does not have acting education was able to play in the polustener of paintings.

In 2018, Alexey Ogurov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

From many of their currently actor counterparts, Alexey Cucures is distinguished by a completely "smooth" family life with a single woman, his wife. There are nothing to journalists here, because it's not even a hint of the scandals or treason of artist.

Alexey Cucumbers with family

Personal life Alexei Ogurtsova is a happy family in which he raised two children. The eldest son went in the footsteps of the Father. Igor Cucumbers is also an actor. For the first time he appeared on the screen along with the Pope in the popular TV series "Youth."


  • 2005 - "Male Season: Velvet Revolution"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2006 - "Officers"
  • 2007 - "Beggages"
  • 2007 - "Paragraph 78"
  • 2008 - "Hitler Caput!"
  • 2008 - "Cinderella 4x4. It all starts with desires ... "
  • 2010 - "Dostoevsky"
  • 2011 - "Comrade Stalin"
  • 2013 - "Think like a woman"
  • 2015 - "On Farm" "
  • 2015 - "Tech"
  • 2016 - "Drunk Firm"
  • 2016 - "Cossacks"
  • 2017 - "Love Season"

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