Lick Nifontova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Lika Nifontova - Russian actress Theater and Cinema, the Star of the Satirikon Theater, as well as the director of Sergei Ursulak director.

With a talented actress, nifionate TV viewers got acquainted after entering the screens of the popular TV series "Liquidation". Then there were a number of rating projects. But it is difficult to call the star of Russian cinema nifiona of the star of Russian cinema in a greater extent the theater artist.

Actress Lick Nifontova

Lick (Liana) Nifontova was born in March 1963 in Kazan. The family where the girl grows up, came out from place to place more than once and not two. This frequent change of accommodation was dictated by the work of parents: both worked by theatrical actors. It is not difficult to guess that the daughter grew behind the scenes of theaters, where Dad and Mom worked. For the first time, the face went to the scene when the girl was barely 3 years old.

Today, the actress no longer remembers who she was entrusted to play, but the scene itself and hundreds of directed eyes made an indelible impression. Probably, then the little Liana realized that he would grow and would certainly be released on the stage.

Face Nifontova.

At the time when the family lived in Tbilisi, Lika Nifontova visited the choreographic school. But soon the family moved again, this time in Rostov-on-Don. There is a girl and graduated from school. And immediately tagged into the capital to enter the theater university. It cannot be said that the parents who knew the outstanding of the acting profession were delighted with the choice of her daughter. But they did not hinder.

In 1984, Lika Nifontov graduated from Boris Schukin's WTU and was adopted in Satiron's troupe.


The theater biography of the Lick Nifionet began at the wonderful period of the formation of Satiron, the kingdom of Konstantin Raykin. The director immediately appreciated the skill of the young actress and began to trust the nifionate role at first the role of the second plan, and then the main ones.

Face Nifontova on the theater scene

"Mnimy patient", "Hercules and Augee Stores", "What is our life?" - All these performances, of course, would have lost a lot if Nifontova did not play in them. Konstantin Raykin trusted her roles in a wide variety of role and at the same time was confident that the artist would certainly cope. The most valuable game in its manner is an amazing truthfulness and deep penetration into the psychological image of their heroines.

Whether Mrs. Baker from the play "Such free butterflies", Gertrude from Gamlet or the court lady from the "Naked King" - Lika Nifontova was excellent.

Together with Arkady Rakein, she played in the production of "Persons", "What is our life?" And "Signor Todero - the owner." The last performance made a celebrity nifontov. About her game Theatrical critics wrote reviews in the most excellent tones. The role of Fortunate turned out to be so bright that he almost overshadowed himself the main character - Todero himself, whom Rykin played.

Face Nifontova in the theater

Lick Nifontova and today comes to the scene of the legendary Satiron, being one of the leading actipers of the theater. By the type of actress - a fragile woman (growth of the face of nifionic 163 cm), which does not interfere with actress to play in a variety of role. For her career, she played almost two dozen roles. Today, in her repertoire, 3 characters at the "Seagull" at once. Special success in theatrolls is used by the production of London Show, in which Nifontova plays Mrs. Higins.


The cinematic biography of the Lika Liki began in 1983. After a small role in the movie "To your!" A long-lasting 10-year break was followed. The actress worked only in the theater.

Popularity to nifionate as a film actrix has come after the release of remarkable multi-sized projects of her husband actresses, Sergey Ursulak. The first was the sensational series "Summer People", where Nifontova played a prominent role.

Lick Nifontova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19606_5

But the real glory came to the actress after entering the screens of the series "Liquidation", where the actress had the role of a hole, the beloved Kopinersonge Vladimir Mashkova. Immediately after the release, the series became a real hit. All the actors who played in it instantly ended up at the top of popularity.

The series is removed in retro style. The detective action unfolds in the summer of 1946, when the referee marriage of Zhukov arrives in Odessa. During this period, Odessa is a terrible place: thieves, murderers, extortionists, ruthless gang "Steppe Wolves", which robs military warehouses, a German spy "Academician", which, according to rumors, stands for organized crime - from all these troubles should save the city criminal investigation.

Lika nifontov on filming

Successful can be called the works of nifionta in the paintings of Ursulak "Failure Poiro", "Isaev", "Life and Fate" and "Quiet Don". In the last tape, the actress went albeit a little, but a vivid role is porn. But even more interesting and brighter was the heroine of the Lika Nifone in the drama "Life and Fate". Here the artist played Lyudmila Stcum, the wife of the main hero of the tape.

Personal life

The first marriage of the Lika nifionta was student. The young actress married his colleague Yuri Nifontova. The surname of the first husband of the actress wears today, because the audience, especially theatrical, the artist was remembered under the name of the subject of nifionic.

Sergey Ursulak and Lick Nifontova

In Satirikon, Nifontova met actor Sergey Ursulak. Ironically, Sergey turned out to be a classmate Yury Nifontova. In addition, at one course, the first spouse of Ursulak was studied with them - Galina Nadirly. The pair smasted Alexander Ursulak daughter (today the girl is also the famous actress). But the broken romance destroyed two families.

Since 1986, the personal life of the Lika Nifone is connected with Sergey Ursulak. At first, the lovers just lived together, but then quietly signed in the capital's registry office, without advertising the ceremony. Both were left of the well-maintained apartments and waved for a long time on foreign corners. At one time, I even lived in a friend of Mikhail Shirvindt family. Then thanks to Rykin got a room in a hostel.

Fortunately, today former spouses communicate and do not hold evil on each other. Alexander Ursulak, daughter of the director, according to the Lick Nifontova, a full member of the family. The girl is friends with a consolidated sister, a daughter of nifionic and Ursulak - Darya Ursulak. The director is not removed from his daughter from the first marriage and supports both children.

Lika nifontova with daughter

Native daughter nifionta also went to the feet of parents and became an artist. Daria graduated from the theater school named after Schukin and became the actress of the Satirikon theater, in which the Lika Nifontova shines. In the film Father "Quiet Don" Daria played Natalia Melekhov.

Lika nifontova now

In 2017, Lika Nifontova received a major role in the new play of his native Satiron. The actress plays Masha in the play on the play of the American playwright of Christopher Duranga "Vanya and Sonya and Masha and a nail", which was put on the artistic director of the theater Konstantin Rikin. The performance tells about the Americans who are parents-literary criticism in honor of the heroes Chekhov.

Actress Lick Nifontova

In the summer of 2017, the question of filming the second season of the series "Liquidation" was keenly, where the actress played the role of partners of the main hero of Gotsman. The general producer of the Mars Media film company Ruben Dishdishian confirmed the intention of the film crew to work on the continuation of a popular detective.

The shooting was planned to continue in Odessa, but it turned out that Vladimir Mashkov got into the Ukrainian "black" lists and became an unbelievable territory of Ukraine. After the producer wrote about this on social networks, began to move the shooting. The President of the International Festival of Motivational Cinema in Rostov, Actor and Director Oleg Taktarov proposed to shoot the second season of "liquidation" in Rostov and promised his own help and support.

Today, the second season is only at the stage of work on the scenario, and the exact location of the filming is not yet officially defined.

Lick Nifontova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021 19606_10

In November 2017, the premiere of "Matryoshka on the Ruralness of the Earth", Yuri Grymov, in the "Modern" theater took place. The plot of the play is filled with drama and a nontrivial look at life, fate and death. The formulation is filled with some gloomy and a supervision, but at the same time devoted to light and noble human feelings.

At the heart of the plot lines of the three desperate women tired of life, each of which, for one reason or another, decided to go to the world. At the same time, women drive not the fear of life or the desire to escape from problems - not an independent desire to die. The main characters want to sacrifice their own lives for those who loved and love: one - for the sake of his son, the other - for the sake of her husband, the third - for the sake of her beloved.

Capital roles in the production was performed by People's Artist of Russia Lik Nifontov, as well as Maria Orlov and Nadezhda Meshsov.

Face Nifontova

Men in this formulation played more password roles. But the game of the Honored Artists of Russia Leonid Teregube and Vladimir Levasheva, Alexander Gorleov, Denis Ignatova, Viktor Potapeskina, Alexei Bagdasarov and Shamil Muhamedov also received a positive assessment of the audience.

Theatrians also appreciated the philosophical meaning of the production, and worked out costumes and scenery, and reliable images, and the final monologue made a number of viewers lie in the hall.


  • 1993 - "Russian Regtay"
  • 1995 - "Summer People"
  • 1998 - "Writing to Victory Day"
  • 1999 - "Such free butterflies"
  • 2002 - "Failure of Poiro"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2007 - "Signor Todero - Host"
  • 2008 - AKME
  • 2009 - "Isaev"
  • 2012 - "Life and Fate"
  • 2014 - "Leaving Nature"
  • 2015 - "Silent Don"

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