Nadezhda Kadysheva - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Hope Kadyshev, the soloist "Golden Ring", know in Russia and abroad. The songs of the artist sang, they sing in companies, they love them, because they are close to the people. But the singer's career was not always cloudless.

Singer Nadezhda Kadisheva

Nadezhda is the third daughter, and in total in the family of Kadyshev, four daughters. The girl was born on June 1, 1959 in a simple Soviet family. Father worked as a master on the railway, Mom was engaged in raising children. The first time of Kadyshev lived in the slides, and then moved to the old Maclush. The money was catastrophically lacked, but the Kadyshev lived happily. HOPES Hope with sisters satisfied the theater in which he portrayed a ballerina or singer. Relatives gathered for improvised views.

When Nad was 10 years old, did not make moms. Six months later, his father married again - life began with a strict stepmother. The older sister could not stand and left to work in the city, the middle moved to relatives, and Nadia with the younger, anyone was brought up in the boarding school. There began the musical biography of the singer. The girl was fond of music. Nadia performed at all concerts and holidays, participated in self-concerts. After the end of the boarding school, Nadezhda moved to the Moscow region, where the sister lived, settled at the factory, but the amateur did not give up.

Nadezhda Kadysheva in youth

Soon Nadia decided to enter the music school, but with the first attempt did not work. Then the girl went to the preparatory department to come for sure the next year. So it turned out. Then, Nadezhda decided that the school was not enough for the singer - it is necessary to come to the Gnesin Institute. No sooner said than done.


The singer's solo career began in 1988, largely due to her husband Alexander Kostyuk. The young man organized the ensemble of the Russian song "Golden Ring", in which Nadezhda Kadysheva should sing. Before that, the girl had already performed in the music team "Russian woman". The basis of the ensemble was the musicians of the "epics" team, which was led to Alexander in his student years. The base for the new VIA has become Smolensk State Philharmonic. The costume immediately began to restore authentic tools, the game on which was used in the arrangements of songs.

Ironically, the group often performed and gathered the full halls abroad, and not in Russia. Abroad "Golden Ring" recorded and albums. National music enjoyed in the West great success and earning artists were higher than in their homeland. Musicians visited dozens of foreign countries, including the United States, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Bolivia and Japan. In Asia, the team's performance used the special love of the audience.

So five years continued, but in 1993 the Soyuz Studio concluded a contract with the Golden Ring. In the same year, the hope of Kadisheva found out in Russia and the CIS countries. The first album, which spread in his homeland, was called "if I was guilty." The collection included folk and pseudo-free tracks "Under the cherry window pegs", "suffering", "Ural Ryabinushka", "Where to run, the path is cute."

The composition "flowing stream" instantly became a folk hit. The song fell into the second album, which was released in 1995. The collection within three months was included in the top 10 best-selling discs in Russia. Then, the people picked up the "wide river", "in love", "I am not a sorceress", "I dreamed of happiness." On popular songs, musicians began to create the first clips, which often fell into the transfer of local telestations dedicated to congratulations.

In 1999, the Nadezhda Kadyshev was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The singer also became the owner of the prestigious premium from Vladimir Putin.

For the song career, Nadezhda Kadysheva recorded 20 albums and collections with concerts. Some albums were reissued because they used great popularity. The son of the Gregory is engaged in music to many compositions, and the son of the Gregory is engaged in the organization of concerts and the decision of the administrative issues of the parent of parents.

In 2015, Nadezhda Kadysheva and the Golden Ring ensemble celebrated the 30th anniversary of creative activity. The video of the anniversary concert was collected by the hosting Youtube 3.8 million views.

Personal life

Personal life Actress has developed happily. With the future spouse Alexander Kostyuk, Nadezhda Nikitichna met when he studied at the music school. The girl noticed the fellow students in the student dining room and fell in love at first sight. Kadysheva learned that the chosen was studying at the Institute. Gnesins and decided to do there in order to see Alexander more often. Four years old girl suffered silently, looking at his own adoration. Hope was not solved in feelings.

Nadezhda Kadysheva and Alexander Kostyuk

Closer to graduation, the student decided. Alexander Kostyuk unexpectedly approached the hope and made a proposal. Kadysheva agreed with joy, in 1983 a couple played a wedding. Soon the young was born the son of Grigory.

If there are happy marriage in a creative environment, then you can attribute Tandem Kadysheva-Kostyuk. Musicians work together, toured together, rest together and happy too together.

Spouses tremble relate to their own dwellings. For a long time, young people lived on a removable apartment and were unpretentious in everyday life. Then Gelen Velikanova helped musicians to get the first apartment. Alexander and Hope were happy, as they managed to transport, finally, their own son Grigory from grandparents to Moscow.

Nadezhda Kadyshev with her husband

The second apartment of Kadyshev and the costume received thanks to the special love of Victor Chernomyrdin to the music of the ensemble. For a long time, the spouses lived on suitcases, not paying attention to the quality of repair in the house. But it's time to change. After 12 years, the artists turned a family home to the royal apartments. He helped them in this Italian designer Onofrio Yukulano.

Hope has two hobbies: collect concert outfits and paintings. The singer says that she has over 100 suits, rich and luxurious, because another style on the scene does not recognize. In the future, hope is going to open the museum, in the exposition of which these outfits will be exhibited. In life, Nadezhda Kadysheva dress simply, and in life unpretentious. Star disease passed the artist.

Nadezhda Kadysheva with her husband and son

Nadezhda Kadysheva miraculously avoided death. In 30 years, the artist diagnosed the mammary tumor. Two years, the singer lived in anticipation of death, fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed. For the second time, the physician saved the singer when that was 49 years old. The artist had an attack of acute tachycardia. Now the hope is nikitichna healthy.

Nadezhda Kadisheva now

Recent years, Nadezhda Kadysheva infrequently appears on television. The singer plunged into the work of his own team, with which he regularly leaves for tour. Over time, the image of Hope Kadysheva changed, the actress repainted into a blonde and makes spectacular hairstyles for performances.

Nadezhda Kadisheva

The questions of journalists about plastic surgery say that he never thought to make an operation, since the artist is important to fully manage facial expressions. The husband of the singer completely on the side of the spouse. Judging by the photo, the hope of Kadysheva is enough to use cosmetic skin care products, as the actress still retains the blooming view.

In November 2017, the Golden Ring was attended by the Days of Moscow in Beijing. The musicians made a concert in the pedestrian zone of Beijing - Vanfujin Street. The concert also participated artists of the ensemble "Moscow Region Evenings". In four days, the Chinese managed to visit the ice shows, to enjoy gingerbread, breadcrumbs and bagels, as well as try the forces on master classes in Khokhloma painting. As part of the festival, round tables and friendly meetings of representatives of the Russian delegation with Chinese rusists, students and schoolchildren were held.


  • 1990 - "Kalinka"
  • 1991 - "Golden Ring"
  • 1995 - "Is I guilty"
  • 1995 - "flowing stream"
  • 1997 - "Leave, Mount"
  • 1998 - "Cute Grove"
  • 1999 - "Why is this summer ..."
  • 2002 - "Give, birch"
  • 2003 - "Crying the rain"
  • 2004 - "Shinike River"
  • 2006 - "My love"
  • 2007 - "Dedication to the Earth Russian"
  • 2009 - "And again love ..."
  • 2012 - "And the song pours ..."
  • 2013 - "shine stars"
  • 2014 - "You're near"

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