Sergey Stepin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Series, Tula, Soldiers 2021



Sergey Stepin - the Russian actor and cinema actor, the popularity to which came in adulthood. But the artist is only rejoicing the circumstance. In an interview, Sergey Vasilyevich argues that the Glory received in the early years "flies the roof".

Childhood and youth

On October 3, 1965, the future actor Stepin was born in Tula. The childhood of the boy passed in the city of gunsmiths and little differed from the lives of other Soviet schoolchildren. Sergey studied, went to the mugs in the Palace of Pioneers, participated in self-conceiving. Serge's passion was musical instruments. Stepin tried to play guitar, saxophone, balalaica and even clarinet - could not choose something one. In the future, Skills came in handy.

Stepin graduated from the culture school and received a diploma of the director of mass events, after which the guy was called to the army. The service was held at the Russian-Chinese border, played in the military orchestra. Then the young man for the first time and thought about the future profession, deciding to tie fate with the scene.

Sergey in winter was demobilized when there was no admission to universities. The young man got into local Tyuz, worked as the illuminator. Then he switched to the theater "At the Tolstovskaya Opportion" in Tula, where she worked for another 3 years. At the same time, he entered the Saratov philharmonic, where he studied on the artist. In 1993, Stepin graduated from the university.


In the youth, the certified actor wanted to work in a small Dramaater of St. Petersburg and went there to try his happiness. It turned out that troupe - on tour. Then Stepin came to get settled in the Satira Theater, worked there for several months and returned to Saratov.

In Saratov, Sergey Vasilyevich settled in the Tyuz, where he worked until 2001. The artist participated in a number of productions, among which "bankrupt", "Kroashka Tsakhs" and "humiliated and offended". With each new play, the celebrity received a new experience and honed the skill. In 2001, Stepin realized that was ready for the metropolitan scene. The man gathered things and moved to Moscow.

In the same year, it was settled to work at the theater of the stage, then began to cooperate with Oleg Tabakov theaters, they. V. Mayakovsky and Ramt. In addition to the metropolitan scene, the actor worked on the entrepreneurial ideas, going with touring all Russia. So, in 2019 he visited Vladivostok with a comedy "Anemone". Easy and cheerful plot viewers appreciated.


The creative biography of the artist in the cinema began in 2001 with an episodic role in the Ovidi tape, where Olga Pogodin played the central character. Then followed work in such series as "Russians in the city of Angels" and "Turkish Marsh", created according to the books of Friedrich Neznansky.

In 2004, Sergei Vasilyevich appeared in the Drama "Driver for Faith" to dig in the Safe of General. But the film remembered the star, because I managed to meet and see how the director Pavel Chukhray works. The shooting of the paintings took place in the Crimea, the whole 2 weeks of Stepin spent in Sevastopol. At the same time, the performer first appeared in the episode of "soldiers".

In 2006, Producer Konstantin Kikichev invited a man to the "Cadet". Mioror Murashko, in which Stepin was embodied, became the first big role in the movies. I had to play a negative character, but in an interview, he admitted that it was interesting to be filmed in this image. After the release of the series on the screens of Sergei Vasilyevich began to be recognized on the streets, however, called the name Murashko.

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In the drama "Simple things", where Sergey Pustopalis and Leonid Bronvory played the main characters, the artist reincarnated in the anesthesiologist Paul. In the tape, we were talking about the relationship between the elderly actor and the young doctor who go to the mutual deal. The picture received the Grand Prix at the Kinotavr Film Festival.

In 2008, the Celebrity replenished the filmography of the Main role in the "Election" project. Stepin played the deputy head of the city of Olga Morozova (Vera Sotnikova). The woman barely outwarded the post of head of the Presnensky district, as immediately received an offer for a bribe, which rejected. The shooting took place in a friendly atmosphere at the plant in Moscow - office decorations were created directly in the workshop.

In the rating youth ribe "Ranetki", Sergey Vasilyevich portrayed a school guard. Despite viral marketing in a number of scenes, the multi-sieuled picture has held high ratings for a long time. And the song "Angels", created by heroines, received a premium of the "MUZ-TV" channel in the nomination "Best Soundtrack".

Directors have more than once offered an average growth (178 cm) stepin the roles of bandits and antiheroev, and he tried each time to move away from stereotypes and put the characters with human emotions, their own inner world, experiences. Sergey Vasilyevich tried to see the "man" in the "villain", even when Heinrich Himmler played in the spy film "ordered to destroy. Operation "Chinese Casket". "

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In 2015, the audience saw the new TV series "Chop", in which the actor was born into the key image of Lion Borisovich. The project talked about the weekdays of private security officers. In the second season, the plot has undergone changes. Stepin had a lot of tricks. Extreme shooting of celebrities a lot had a lot of young colleagues, which told Denis Buzin in an interview.

Over the film "Year of Pigs", Sergei Viktorovich completed the work back in 2018, but the comedy telepremiser took place in January 2020 on the TNT channel. After the time, the audience was joking that the dramatic line indicating the coming period, full of unpleasant surprises, was a prophetic.

But the main event in the 2020th for the actor was the start of the project "Peace! Friendship! Gum!". Slogan - "For those who have grown in the 90s." Ribbon received positive critics reviews. TV MAG Observers responded about the picture: "Romanticism in the series is really present, and not even in the suspension of Buslovsky" Boomemer "or Balabanovsky" Brother ": both Sanka, and the tricky father-nerd is ready to oppose the rough strength creative gust - and win a fight "

Personal life

The star rarely speaks of a personal life - does not want to mix work and house, so the photo of the native artist does not often fall into the media. It is known that from the first marriage at Stepin the daughter of Glafira will grow up. The girl, like father, "sick" theater.

In 2012, the son of Miron was born from the new wife of Natalia from Sergei Vasilyevich. Close spoke about Stepin as a family man who loves to walk in the park with children, reads books in his spare time and tries to come to Tula to spend the mother, sister and nephews.

But in 2019, the happiness of the artist turned out to be under threat due to the Tver Workers named Sergey Huds. The man aggreed aggressively, claiming that he had long been in a romantic relationship with Natalia, and the Miron was actually a NOTOR Son Stepin.

The worshi fan appealed to the program "actually" to tell the world the truth. As Hudz admitted, there was a desire to destroy the beloved marriage. In the course of the transmission, it was possible to find out that the celebrity raises a native child, and Tiberian was just distraught from the feelings rejected by the cavalier.

The steppes have not taken time from the TV together, but sometimes Sergey Vasilyevich and Natalia find time to see any movies or TV shows. The actor admits that he loves good paintings, and says that the cinema raises good taste.

Sergey Stepin now

Now Stepin remains in demand by the artist, which is invited to rating projects. On March 4, 2021, a fantastic ribbon "Couple from the Future" came out with the participation of the star to rental. The plot of a couple who wants to submit on a divorce, the director Alexei needed invented during Quarantine while sitting at home.

"The film" Couple from the Future "is a classic Dramati, but humor here is inferior to the Cardiac business, tangled for the debris of which heroes will have to overcome along the course of action," said the "Cinema" project.

On April 8, 2021, the premiere of the comedy melodrama "Be My Cyril" took place, where Sergey Vasilyevich played the father of the key character (Anastasia Evgrafova). Screen spouse Irina Rosanova for the sake of the role changed the image - he was driving and repainted her hair.


  • 2004 - "Driver for Faith"
  • 2006 - "Cadet"
  • 2006 - "Simple Things"
  • 2008 - "Brief color of the snowfall"
  • 2008 - "Two sisters"
  • 2008 - "Employ"
  • 2009 - "Wild"
  • 2009 - "Isaev"
  • 2009 - Churchill
  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2011 - "Lovel Method"
  • 2015 - "Chop"
  • 2017 - "Youth"
  • 2017 - "Operetta Captain Krutova"
  • 2018 - "Sichka"
  • 2020 - "Actors of the sunken theater"
  • 2020 - "Peace, Friendship, Zhwum"
  • 2020 - "Dyatlov Pass"
  • 2020 - "Project" Anna Nikolaevna ""
  • 2020 - "Predators"
  • 2021 - "Be I Cyril"
  • 2021 - "Ip Pirogova-4"
  • 2021 - "Firefly"

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