Mariana Ro - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Fais, Ivangay, broke up, "Instagram", age, "Telegram" 2021



Mariana RO (real name - Marianana Rozhkov) is a famous video unit, one of the leaders of the Russian YouTube, as well as a beginner actress. In a short time, she managed to win a huge army of fans and make her name to famous among blogs. And over time, this passion turned into a career and helped her develop and singel talent.

Childhood and youth

Maryan Rozhkova was born in October 1999 in the Far East near the four successful businessmen. Besides her, the elder brother Miroslav and the youngest daughter Mareza were brought up in the family. According to the blogger, the financial well-being of the family was the cause of bulling in elementary school.

As a child, RO lived in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. When the daughter was 9 years old, the family moved to Japan, to the city of Sapporo, where the parents have its own business. Mariana also took up trade - along with the father they created a site by resale of Chinese goods, on which Rozhkova earned its first 100 thousand rubles at the age of 9 years.


The creative biography of Maryana began in adolescence. In 2012, Rozhkov, who at that time was 13 years old, registered the personal channel on Youtube. After 2 years, in September 2014, there were 30 thousand subscribers on her channel, and a month later, another 20 thousand in July 2015, Maryana RO video clog viewed 1.2 million subscribers.

Some anti-infants (there are also such) RO claims that if it were not for the connection with the video block manager Ivan Rudsky, then her blog would most likely remain unnoticed. But Maryana fans say that, perhaps, the share of truth in this is, but the video of the roger is also very bright and memorable. The charming girl always fills them with emotions. She has an excellent sense of humor and cheerful temper. Thus, it would have gained an audience anyway, but maybe not so fast. The millionth army of the subscribers of Youtyuber considers it the most promising video unit.

The video RO is interested in the guys (most often adolescent girls) who are fond of Japanese culture. The videos of the Rozhkova is an emotional "Girl" chatter, in which the pronounced "faithful" of the author prevails. Her characters, as in Anime, are funny singing songs in Japanese, talk to children's voices, taste the dishes of national cuisine. A couple of times in the video of Maryana appeared the younger sister, which added "Milot" records.

Also RO leads an account in "Instagram". Here it realizes its own talents as a beauty blogger: lay out photos of makeup, hairstyles and outfits. Maryana photos get numerous reviews - both positive and negative. She also leads the official account in Twitter.

The popularity of the blogger is confirmed by several awards. At the Festival "Vidafest" in 2015, 40% of fans voted for Rozhkov, which brought her victory in the nomination "Like Novichka". In the same year, another Videofan festival was held, where RO and IVANGY won in the nomination "The most cute couple of Russian YouTube."

Maryana's anti-foams reproach her in the low informativeness of her rollers, in chatter about anything, and even in the cry, too bright make-up and obsessive advertising. Critics even created a group in Vkontakte, where they scolded it all the frets. The blogger became the leader of the Russian Internet in the number of heighters. Only in the publik "AMR" (Anti Mariana RO) consisted of 50 thousand participants.

In 2015, this public was hacked and moved to the control of the Rozhkova.

In August 2015, Roo arrived in Moscow. In the capital, she met with numerous fans. Soon, the celebrity said that he had the intention to move to the capital, where she really liked. So Maryan subsequently did.

On November 3, 2017, Rozhkov published a video that he called the last. In it, she told subscribers that he wants to devote free time to music, and therefore stops shooting blogs.

Although Maryan's blogger decided to end, she still regularly goes into live broadcasts through special applications and communicates with fans, responds to their questions and talks about the current life. Also, RO regularly appears on its telegram channel.

In October 2020, the blogger laid out on his page in Tiktok video, in which he made an ultra-screwing haircut. Hedgehog on her head she painted in a blond, adding a pink drawing. Not all Folloviers rated bald Marian, comparing it with concluded and Britney Spears. As Rozhkov herself explained his spontaneous gust, she wanted to change and just tired of her hair.


In 2015, RO recorded the song "Idiots", in which she talked about relationships with Ivangham. This is a lyrical and romantic song in which the blogger called them with Ivan "in love with idiots" and with tenderness responded about the chosen.

After 2 years, a clip was released for a collaboration with Fat Cat Megazvit. Another singer recorded the Track "Farewell", in which he sings about parting with IVANGEM. In the video on the sad song, the blogger showed cutting from the video, where they with Ivan together spend time.

Soon the mood in the songs of RO has changed. The performer recorded the composition in the style of Rap "Diss to Ivanga # Vanyaapoca", in which he turned to the former guy. According to Maryana, she no longer suffers because of parting. On the contrary, the gap in the relationship helped her to write a video in the form of a remix, in which the video block manager cries and repeats the phrase "I'm tired". This video brought her new subscribers to her and encouraging comments from old fans.

In 2018, Rozhkova again stated in an interview with fatigue and the protracted depression. At the same time, it was regularly asked about the release of new rollers. At such moments, RO regretted publicity, wishing to remain unrecognizable at least a minute. About problems in personal life testified and came soon the clip on the track "Help me."

In the spring of next year, Mariana appeared in the commercial strips for depilation. It was not just an advertisement, but a whole clip in which the blogger tells through the song "Lzhukh, like it's cool!" How to care for yourself with this product. The roller turned out to be fun and bright. After the network appeared a clip on the song Surprise.

Maryan's first studio album released in the late spring of 2019. The collection was called Princess and consisted of 8 tracks. 2 of them were presented earlier as singles, the rest are new, which fans heard for the first time.

At the end of the summer of 2019, an incendiary clip was released on the song "Snow", in which Maryan was shot alone, walking around the city and shopping centers. Especially fans liked the chorus with the words "where I bought these crossings - the colors of the apricot color", and in a week she spoke at the St. Petersburg club.

In the 2020th discography, Rozhkova replenished the mini album "Malaya".

Other projects

In 2016, the video block service tried his hand as an actress in a full-length picture. In November, the premiere of the film "Hack of bloggers", in which she starred along with Ivangham and other popular bloggers: Julia Pushman, Sasha Spielberg, Jan Gordienko and Karina Kasparianz.

In January 2017, RO starred in a frank photo session of Dmitry Krikun # nude Bloggers. The appearance of photographs of the naked Marianan in "Instagram" caused a contradictory response. But it is worth noting that before that blogger often published snapshots in a swimsuit and underwear. Her slim figure (growth of 155 cm, weight 45 kg), as commentators noted, does not have flaws.

After the announcement of the termination of the blogger, Rozhkov did not cease to periodically appear in different transmissions on television and on YouTube Show. And when its popularity reached a peak, representatives of the male magazine Maxim offered a blogger to play for the summer release. Mariana accepted him and soon appeared partially naked on the pages of the publication. The pictures turned out to be gentle and touching and had references to childhood spent in Japan.

At the same time, the intervention in the personal space of Marianana. Network users hacked her phone and posted in a public in Vkontakte, famous for immorality and scandalous reputation, "exclusive" snapshots without censorship. Apparently, she exchanged with her boyfriend, whose photos were also "merged" on the Internet.

In the spring of 2019, the blogger appeared on the Nastya Ivelva channel in its Agent Show (Agensou). The release met negative comments, even those who love Rozhkov, accused her to lie. On the air, she touched upon many famous people, including Vlad Sokolov and Pranker Mikhail Litvin, with whom it allegedly associated the history of romantic and intimate character.

In February 2020, Mariana became an involuntary participant in the transfer of the Comment Out overlooking "Yutubee". Its participants on that day were Egor Cre and blogger Vlad Paper. The goal of the show is to write an unpleasant commentary in the photo in the "instagram" of a famous person, whose name participants do not look stretch out of the total stack. The one who refuses to write is performed by one of the sentences that also contradict common sense.

Randomly crude got the name of the Rozhkova. The singer, without thinking, wrote RO the text in which "reproached" Maryan for the fact that she alabaya was ate without him taken from the shelter. The blogger appreciated the joke and answered the artist in the same comic form, writing that the next time I would definitely invite Egor to the barbecue.

Maryana's name and now regularly pops up in the headlines of news feeds. In mid-February 2020, she attended a party on the occasion of the opening of the beauty salon Anna Jube. Together with her, Julia Baranovskaya, Irina Nelson, Natalie Yaschuk, Julianna Karaulova and others visited.

Personal life

Ro got acquainted with Ivan Rudsky completely accidentally. Somehow she saw his photo in social networks and, without suspecting that it was her colleague-video cell, placed his picture on the page in Vkontakte and signed: "Oh, my God, I fell in love with".

Information in social networks applies instantly. The spicy news was brought by IVANGY, and he immediately found a colleague. Word for the word, and the Internet romance has ringed. And a couple met in Japan, where Ivan arrived. In the summer of 2015, they returned to Moscow together.

There was even rumor about their marriage. Ro herself drove the firewood in this bonfire, posing a photo where they and Wanney choose wallpaper. In fact, the relationship of young people were far from the ideal, in an interview with the video block service told about aggression and fights between them. When Ivan went to Kiev, throwing a girl in Moscow, Mariaan brazed the tablets. Save it from poisoning mother and brother who knocked the door to the apartment. On December 27, 2016, Ivangay announced that they broke up with Rozhkina.

After that, some time passed, and the fans began to find out who will become a new worker Maryana. On September 28, 2017, a public on the social network "VKontakte" called "Rhymes and Panci" said that the musician Ivan Dremin, known under the nickname of Face (Face), meets RO.

Another rumor about new relations provoked Maryan's herself, which posted its correspondence with the Norwegian actor by German Tommeras.

Later, Rozhkova stopped hiding relations with Fais, but at the same time did not stop generating new rumors around his own person. Posted by a snapshot in "Instagram", where her interesting position was clearly traced, the singer caused a lot of comments.

And after a short term, RO laid out a roller on the Yutiub-channel, in which hearing dispelled that she was pregnant, demonstrating a belly overlooking. According to the blogger, it was an experiment proving that people climb not in their work and give advice on which they were not asked.

In May 2018, Fais beat Timur Sorokina. According to Timur, before the beginning of relations with his dormant and Rozhkov tied romantic feelings. Ivan attacked Youtyuber because of jealousy. Mariaan Relations with Sorokin did not confirm.

In July 2020, Rozhkova made Caming Out, stating his pansexuality. According to the blogger, she is important to her, and the floor does not matter.

Mariana RO now

In June 2021, Mariana became a guest of the program "Visiting Dmitry Gordon," where he told about his personal life and creative plans. According to Rozhkova, she would like Sakhalin to belong to Japan.

The discography of the singer was replenished with a single "red chalk" and a clip to it.


  • 2019 - Princess.
  • 2020 - "Small"

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