Pasha Mikom - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, YouTube Channel 2021



Pasha Mikus is called an atypical blogger. 6-second rollers (Vaine), created by a young man, are mostly kind and positive.

Pavel Mikon was born the capital in November 1988. Some sources indicate 1989. Pashina last name went to the young man from the Father, which has Lithuanian roots. Nevertheless, Paul considers himself 100 percent Russian man.

Blogger Pasha Mikus

There is no information about the child's popular blogger. The biography of Mikus Pasha Before the start of the rapid activity in the blogosphere, it fits into a concise definition: "Normal Life". But some miser information still can be dug. The young man graduated from the Faculty of International Rudn Relations. It is known that Mikon was engaged in a model business. Apparently, as a model. The growth of Paul 189 cm is quite model. Appearance either did not fail.

But the first work, which brought Pasha Mikuus earnings, was the sale of literature in the subway. Later, the guy managed to establish a small business - a student has a shopping point where the accessories for iPhones were sold. Cumiles of youthful years Pasha Mikusa became Zherez Zhark, Logan Paul and Marcus Jones - Foreign Bloggers engaged in the creation of rains in a humorous style.


Pasha Mikom's path to popularity began with a short video - Vainov, who filmed for pleasure and laid out on the network in Vkontakte, then moved to "Instagram". Subscribers became more and more, and Pasha approached the need to create its own channel on YouTube. And since Paul was among the first Wainers of Russia, it managed to become popular. Mikon's rollers shot on the 5th and 6th iPhones.

Pasha Mikus

The topic for Vainov blogger chose the relationship between girls and guys. Then came the rollers about the life of Pasha, long videos shot while traveling. As the author notes, huskies bring rollers about diets, communicating inside the family, with friends. It happens, Paul parods the maneer of the girls to impose makeup, to do Selfie. Pasha depicted how he performs songs in the soul, eating tangerines, visits karaoke. Fans of Pasha Mikus, as a rule, are children and adolescents, the main users of the entertainment content of the Internet. Often schoolchildren are watching humorous Vaines along with their parents.

On the videoclog of Pasha Ruvlog over 1 million subscribers. Fans and fans blogger calls Mikusami. The number of views of Mikuovskiy rains is shrinking - exceeds 140 million.

Paul managed to download about 220 rollers to his own channel in Yutube. One of the most popular, which beats Records on the views is called "Anemone". The video watched more than 3 million people. According to the Internet host, long videos on YouTube are out of themselves, Vains with short laconic phrases, not devoid of humor, are becoming more popular.

Bright and positive videos of Mikus Pasha can be viewed several times, while receiving a portion of good mood and joyful emotions. The blogger does not hide what is engaged in advertising on its own channel. According to analysts, advertising on the Internet is much more effective than advertising video on television, so advertisers ordered it often and willingly.

Paul has colleagues with whom the blogger cooperates. This is Nikita Lol, Sasha Spielberg and Julia Pashman. Even the Olympic champion in figure skating Adelina Sotnikova, even the olympic champion of figure skating Adelina Sotnikova, was subscribed to the Mikuuses. The fan of Pasha Mikus was also his grandmother, who gladly looks like Vain grandson.

Sasha Spielberg and Pasha Mikon

With fans, "Mikusami" Pasha loves to communicate with the help of "Chat-roulette".

Personal life

Up to the short model career, Pasha Mikus was excessive weight. But the guy sat down on the diet and led himself to that shape that allowed to be filmed in photo shoots. But not only the restrictions in eating made Mikus man. The young man engaged in sports, began to run and swing the press at the home simulator. And the popular YouTube is fond of snowboarding.

As for criticism, Pasha Mikom, like most people, does not like her. And fights critics in existing ways. For example, together with Sasha Spielberg, the blogger managed to close the channel Dmitry Larina, who unflattered himself responded about him and some other video blocks.

Blogger Pasha Mikus

But the personal life of Pasha Mikus, it seems under the castle. In March 2016, the blogger posted a video on YouTube, which is called "Pasha shows his girlfriend." At first, the young man intrigued the public, calling the girl Anna and saying that he had been found with her for a long time and would also show his beautiful friends. But the disconnection was unexpected: they showed a curious Paul showed her own hand.

Of course, it is a specific Mikusovsky humor. Rooking that the girl at the blogger really is.

Pasha Mikom now

In addition to the blogging, now Pasha Mikom develops business. In Moscow, a young man opened a number of hookah "Easy Smoke". Paul is indifferent to the appearance of his own photos in glossy magazines and reports about themselves on television. Such things are more pleasant to his relatives, not a young man.

Since 2014, Pasha Mikom began publishing a video about his own apartment, plans for its design, on the repair. The topic was supported by channel subscribers. The Roller Paul "Results of Repair" from "Vloga about the apartment", which was published in February 2016, scored 1.2 million views.

Pasha Mikom cooperates with a colleague IVANGEM. Together, young people remove comical rollers. Last video bloggers came out in March 2017. Pasha and Ivangai staged a number of tests for themselves: used funds for depilation, ate lemon and red burning peppers, breathed Wasabi, attached clothespins to parts of the body.

In the summer, Pasha Mikom, among the popular Russian video blocks, received an invitation to the "Council of Bloggers", organized by the State Duma, but also, as well as colleagues, ignored this meeting. Only the editor of Lentach, Elizaveta Peskov, Artists of Big Russian Boss and representatives from the LDPR party came to the "advice".


  • 2013 - Ruvlog.

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