Julia Pashman - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", "yutube", clips, guy, growth, age 2021



Julia Pashman is one of the most popular Russian bloggers, and in addition, a beginner singer and actress. Julia has achieved success and recognition due to stubborn work and a firm character. Those who face obstacles, beauty advises not to go from the road and not to lower his hands.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born in Moscow in December 1997. The Pashman's childhood mentions rarely, therefore, the details of the early biography of Yutubeych are unknown. According to some reports, the future celebrity grew in a big family. The secondary education received in the 417th metropolitan school, visited musical classes.

The network has information about the fact that the real surname of Yulia - Gogitidze, which speaks of the Georgian roots of the video unit. Pashman had a warm relationship with Mama Elena, who was subsequently shared by culinary secrets on the Yutiub-Channel of his daughter.


Popularity came to Yule Pashman after the author started a personal account on the world's most popular video hosting. The first roller star placed in August 2013.

It all started trite. Julia shot on a mobile phone walks with friends and girlfriends. Pashman was fascinated by mounting, began to study uncomplicated programs. Soon the girl was already able to impose music for funny frames, draw up collages and slicing.

I did Julia it so fascinating that the clips were visible again and again. Pashman herself said that he did not know, after which roller became famous. But the period when the charming blog has acquired unconditional popularity, is known - this is winter 2014.

Video Julia filmed to a variety of topics without tied to one. These were the frauds about their own weekdays, travel and adventures - in general, all that the average bloggers are removed. But in the rollers, Pashman was present something that did the clips of the girl more popular. This was told the number of Julia subscribers - already 2 years after the start of blogging the number of admirers exceeded 600 thousand.

Julia Pashman is happy, which in such a young age has a passion that brings and glory and money. Star status "Yutiuba" flashes by the author's pride. But, although the network you can find a lot of candid photos of Muscovites, seasoned with delighted comments, about the career of the model Julia until seriously thought.

It is worth noting that the celebrity profile in "Instagram" is no less popular than the channel on "Youtyuba". Pashman loves to photograph. For this purpose, the Russian woman bought the Canon 60D chamber, which was used regularly. Julia argued that the process of improving reality and the processing of images act in peace.

In the career Pashman there were even unpleasant events. In October 2017, Julia accompanied the girlfriend Sasha Spielberg on the TV show "Let them talk." After the TV presenter asked Sasha to comment on the scandalous video, in which she could not answer the questions of the school program, Yutubera donatedly left. Later, the girls recorded a video, which explained the act that the director of the show lay out about the topic and violated the agreed scenario to show bloggers in the negative light.

Julia spoke not only on topics, popular in a youth environment. So, in August 2020, Instadiv participated in Fleshmobe in support of the Sociologist Maxim Schugawa, which was sharpening in Libya.


In 2016, Julia starred in the fantastic comedy of Timur Bekmambetov "hack bloggers." In addition to Pashman, the main roles were performed by other Yutiubers, including Sasha Spielberg, Ivangai and Mariana Ro. Beginner actors depicted themselves.

The film is demonstrated by the viewer as the capture of the computer's desktop. Video blocks are removed on webcams, so the live artists appeared only in the windows of Skype and browser programs, the animated figures replaced the fiction stars in the fantastic plot.

The tape received extremely negative feedback films. The plot was recognized as weak and monotonous. Part of the experts considered that the very topic was swirling around bloggers, not worth attention, and the picture is an advertising video shot for the PRAY of Yutubembers and to promote the games used in the frame, browsers and programs.

But most of the questions caused schedule. Even critics, positively belonging to the actors, this minus film was noted. The portal Film.ru wrote that "Instead of one and a half hours in the company of favorite bloggers, the guys received about an hour of the simplest computer animation."

Evgeny Bazhenov (Badcomedian) in his film border clearly demonstrated the same animation on which he spent only a couple of thousand rubles. Later, in an interview with the "Rain" channel, Bazhenov shared his own estimates of the cost of the tape and stated that under the budget of 35 million rubles. It can be seen that only 100 thousand are spent on this. At the same time, the comedy failed at the box office, having collected less than 8 million rubles.

Because of the questions about the animation and quality of shooting, "hacking bloggers" caused a scandal associated with the accusations of the creators in the misuse of the budget provided by the state. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky criticized the picture, and besides, he instructed to check the feasibility of financing the film.

More than more success had another comedy Bekmambetov - "Trees-5". New Year's novels traditionally collected from the spectators' screens and earned at the festive mood of cinema halls over $ 13 million. Here, Julia Pushman again appeared in the form of itself.


Pashman tried strength and as a singer. Yutubols seriously enjoyed music and in 2017 presented the song "Why", which is available for both downloading and to view the video on the Yulia Channel.

After the release of the clip, Danil Kashin took off the parody, where criticized both the illogicness of the video and the work of bloggers. But the video did not dismiss Pashman from creativity. Julia shot a video with a response, in which he told about the work done on the track.

In addition, by the shoulders of Instairk, Pop singer Maxim. The musical composition of the fans of Yulia Pashman took warmth.

At the end of 2020, Julia presented a new track "Cannon" to the fans court. Although critics noted that the text is uncomplicated, and the motive reminds simple pop melodies from the 90s, Pashman's admirers praised the favorite.

Personal life

The growth of the popularity of the blog increased the army of fans of young Muscovite at times. Fans make a lot of effort to find out candle pictures of beauties. Often Julia and herself heats the interest, exposing seductive photos in a swimsuit.

For the first time on the details of the personal life of Pashman, the admirers found out when the performer began to meet with a colleague-blogger Faru Rajabov (the network is more famous as a headlight). The guy also has a canal on Yutubeub. The couple often appeared together and did not hide the novel.

Julia and Faruh studied in the same school, shared the desk and fell in love with each other in the 4th grade. But long-term relationships, tested by time, broke in 2016.

Forgetting about the former, Pashman was launched a love connection with the finalist of the project "I want to Meladze" by the glory Basulu. Celebrities met for about 5 years, and on June 15, 2021, Glory made Julia's offer on a golden beach in Abu Dhabi. Happy Yutiubsha immediately shared emotions with subscribers.

It is worth noting that, although the Internet has a whole army of friends on the Internet, in the life of Instadiva prefers to communicate in a narrow circle. Of course, Julia is seen with colleagues and acquaintances, but it only becomes close to those who are tested by time.

Julia Pushman now

Now Muscovite continues to share in its own channel short stories about life. Pashman makes the subscribers together with the best friend of Kaparianz Kasparianz, who also leads his own channel on Yutubeub, makes purchases, walks around Moscow with his beloved glory. And also continues to frankly answer questions using the site "ASK.FM".


  • 2016 - "Hack of bloggers"
  • 2016 - "Trees-5"


  • 2017 - "Why"
  • 2020 - "Cannon"

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