Vladimir Zamansky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vladimir Zamansky starred in eight dozens of pictures and regularly appeared on the screens until the beginning of the new millennium. The life of the famous actor and the People's Artist of the RSFSR Vladimir Petrovich Zamansky is worthy of removing the private film about it.

Childhood and youth

Zamansky was born in February 1926 in Ukrainian Kremenchug, in Poltava region. Son brought up only mom. But she did not become when in 1941 the Germans were included in the city. From that moment on, the son thought only about one thing - how to get to the front. It turned out to be a difficult task, because the Zamansky was not 18. The guy had to deceive the commission and go to the front volunteer.

Vladimir Zamansky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021 19573_1

Vladimir Zamansky managed to play, and heroically. In the summer of 1944, he participated in battles under Orsha as a radio line. Having wounded in the head, he managed to save his commander, pulling it out of burning self-propelled. Powered, in February 1945, Zamansky again participated in battles. Together with the crew of his self-propelled, he managed to knock the German tank, destroy fifty enemy soldiers and to hold a strategically important intersection for a long time.

For these merits to the Motherland, the future artist was awarded. At the end of the war, he continued to serve in the army, where an unpleasant story happened to him. In the 1950s, Zamansky, together with colleagues, beat his commander and fell under the Tribunal.

After receiving 9 years of the camps, he worked together with other prisoners on the construction of high-rise buildings. One of them is MSU. For dangerous work, Vladimir Zamansky has reduced the term. He was freed in the 1954th.

After liberation from prison, Vladimir Zamansky became a student of the MCAT school studio. After graduating from a university, a beginner actor began to make the first steps in his career. He changed the two theater, served in each of them for 8 years. At first, the artist went on the scene of the "contemporary", then he spoke on the stage of the theater studio of the film actor. A short time served in the theater named after M. N. Yermolova. In the future, Zamansky did not refuse to work on the theater stage, but moved to the treaty base, concentrating the forces at work in the cinema.


Cinematographic biography of Vladimir Zamansky is almost 80 paintings. The debut became the film "Rink and Violin", released on screens in 1960. The director of the picture is the famous Andrei Tarkovsky. Soon the Zamansky entrusted the main role in the dramatic tape of Grigory Aronov "While the man is alive." During this period - the 60s - roles on the actor were filled as out of an abundance horns. He was very in demand and disappeared on the set around the clock.

Vladimir Zamansky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021 19573_2

In 1971, Vladimir Petrovich played a star role, which brought him incredible glory. This is a military drama "Road Check". The Introduction of Politsa Alexander Lazarev brought not only all-Union fame, but also awards. True, the USSR State Prize for this work, as well as the title of People's Artist, was awarded only in 1988.

The 1970-80s were also fruitful for the creative activities of the ass. The most famous paintings with the participation of the actor appeared in these years. The drama "Here is our house", where Vladimir Zamansky played the main role, "the only one ...", on the site of which he met with Elena Problovaya and Vladimir Vysotsky, the paintings "Tomorrow was war," "Eternal Calls", "Two Captain" and "In the zone of special attention" - many of these wonderful films entered the Golden Foundation of Domestic Cinema.

Also, the actor was engaged in visualing and presented his voice heroes. At the same time, Vladimir Zamansky did not duplicate foreign films, and rewritten voices in the Soviet paintings. The actor voiced Chris Kelvin in Solaris, Ferdinand Lusa in Drama "The Life and Death of Ferdinand Lusa" and Arcadia Garting in the picture "There are no special accepts." In these three films, the Zamansky renounced characters who originally played Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis.

At the sunset of your own creative career, the actor began to be removed very rarely. Nevertheless, in the late 80s, the actor still regularly received the main roles. In 1988, Vladimir Zamamsky fulfilled the role of Paul in the short drama "Mr. Running". A year later, the actor appeared in the drama "ship". This is a complex on the composition and the idea of ​​the work, where the fate of unfortunate suicides, adolescents who stayed in the country village without parents, and a ship that is not going to sail.

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Arthaus drama "One hundred days before order" was published in February 1991. This is an adaption of the authorship of Yuri Polyakova, the first Russian work, the main topic of which was the social problems faced by soldiers in the army.

The last ribbon in the filmography of the Zamansky "Botanical Garden" went on screens in 1997. In this film, the actor played the role of Peter Nikolaevich, the Father of the Main Hero. More Zamansky did not starred in artistic cinema. In 2004, Vladimir Zamansky as a TV presenter appeared in the third series called "Monasticism" from the cycle of documentaries "Earth and Heaven".

Personal life

Vladimir Zamansky in the early 1960s met his future wife - actress Natalia Klimov. Many high-generation spectators remember her in the role of the Snow Queen from the Tale Movie Simony. It was one of the most beautiful acting couples of the Soviet Union. Klimova brightened with the "contemporary". Zamansky was in the zenith of glory after "checking on the roads."

Vladimir Zamansky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021 19573_4

But then misfortunes and diseases began to pursue the spouses. Natalia fell ill with a heavy form of tuberculosis. For frequent hospitals, it was expelled from the theater. And Vladimir Zamansky began to suffer from the consequences of frontal injury: the actor pursued terrible bouts of headaches.

Children at the pair did not appear.

Vladimir Zamansky now

The couple decided to escape faith and retired from worldly life in ancient Moor. There they bought an old wooden house on the shore of Oka. Next to the house there is a church that this couple is regularly visited.

It is known that in recent years, Vladimir Zamamsky almost does not come out of the house due to illness.


  • 1960 - "Skating and Violin"
  • 1963 - "While the man is alive"
  • 1967 - "Priororsia"
  • 1971 - "Road Check"
  • 1975 - "The only one ..."
  • 1976 - "Two Captain"
  • 1977 - "Eternal Call"
  • 1978 - "In the zone of special attention"
  • 1980 - "Do not shoot in white swans"
  • 1983 - "Day of the Division Commander"
  • 1987 - "Tomorrow was war"
  • 1988 - "Citizen Fishing"
  • 1991 - "One hundred days before order"
  • 1997 - "Botanical Garden"

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