Aristarkh Livanov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Igor Livanov, Brother, Movies, Wife 2021



Aristarkh Livanov - Soviet and Russian actor and movie actor. His career began in kindergarten and continues to this day. Furious and decisive, "he can trust the army" - so described the artist is one of the colleagues.

Childhood and youth

Aristarkh Livanov was born in Kiev two years after the end of the war. The boy received his name in honor of his grandfather's grandfather, who was shot in 1938, during repression. His father Yevgeny Aristarkhovich and the mother Nina Timofeevna led the children's circle with the house of the pioneers in which they taught the guys to create dolls, and then put the performances with them. The family was brought up with another son, the younger brother of Aristarha - Igor Livanov, later became the famous actor.

Aristarkh began to dream about the scene from about the 5th grade. Of course, he visited his parents studio, but he himself decided to be an artist of a dramatic, not a puppet theater. After school, he went to St. Petersburg and entered the local institution of theater, music and cinematography.

Theater and films

After graduating the training institution in 1969, Aristarh began working in the Volgograd Tyuze, after which she changed about a dozen theaters of Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and Moscow, while at the end of the 80s did not get into the metropolitan art academic theater named after Maxim Gorky.

In the year of release from the Theater Institute, Aristarkh Lebanov first starred in the cinema. He played a costa in the youth film "These innocent fun" on the story of Anatoly Rybakov "Vacation of Cross". A year later, the young actor appeared in the Military Drama "Green Chains", and then in his film engineer there was a long pause.

In the late 70s, he returned to the cinema and starred in the production picture "And the day will come ...", as well as in the philosophical fairy tale "Black chicken, or underground residents."

The main success was expected by Livanov after the start of the demonstration of the central television of the multi-sized film "State Border". After that, Aristarkh woke up by the famous, and his role was for a long time - an aristocrat, whitewardian or a foreigner, that is, any character, intolerantly related to the working class.

Initially, Livanov wanted to play Vladimir Danovich, but the director saw a high actor (height - 180 cm) in the image of Serzh Alekseev. Livanov recalled later that he was then offered to "the roles of scum" for a long time.

Astakhova from the Melodrama "Calm" on the story of I. S. Turgenev Aristarkh Evgenievich calls a serious character. The film appreciated in other countries, in the USSR he passed almost unnoticed.

Shooting the historic series "Mikhail Lomonosov" took place in Solovki. Local residents actively helped, preparing objects and participating in the crowd. The artist appeared in the secondary role of Cyril Grigorievich Razumovsky.

Character Shakhov from the social drama "Right to choosing" close to Aristarchu Evgenievich "and acting, and human", noted Livanov. The main role went to the actor and in the spy film "Password knew two", whose French scenes were filmed in Sukhum.

One of his most powerful works of Livanov believes Captain Voronov in the militant "thirtieth destroy!". By the way, there he played with the younger brother. Shots were accompanied by surprises. When it remained quite a bit to the end, financing ended, and the director had to look for a new source of funds. The film was completed in Damascus, with a heat of 40 degrees - this was the condition of the new producer, Ganem. The picture entered the top five of the best films of Europe.

The actor worked in voicing foreign paintings. Back in 1939, Livanov voiced the Son of Ashley in the "Gone by the Wind". His voice is spoken by the magician Saruman, the King of Angmar and Sauron in films "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses" and "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King." In addition, the rings also voiced Livanov.

In the XXI century, another wave of popularity came to Aristarchh Livanova, and he starred in a huge number of serials. For example, the actor appeared in the episode of the most popular Sitkom "My beautiful nanny" and played the role of the father of the main hero of Maxim Shatalin (Sergey Zhigunov).

The most fully, the talent of Livanov showed the "paper heart" in the melodrama, the film, the play of the play of Inhu Garucaw and Peter of the Piece of Inhu. The film tells about the actor who comes on tour to the North city and meets in the dressing room a long-standing love.

In the adventure militant "Sarmat" Aristarkh Evgenievich spoke not only as an actor, but also as a singer - he performed the song "On the far shore".

Another interesting role was the work on the Family Saga "Boomerang from the Past", where Aristarkh Lebanov played a man living under a stranger name. The series is filled with both acute criminal scenes and the average social and household problems of today's Russia.

In 2011, the actor appeared on the screens as director of the La Scala Theater Antonio Geeringli in the Biographical Melodrame "Furtseva" about the life of the Minister of Culture of the USSR. The character of Aristarha Evgenievich voiced the Italian, but where Livanov had to speak Russian with an emphasis, left his voice.

In 2015, the actor joined the film crew of the popular youth sports series "Molodezhka". Aristarkh Livanov was playing the role of Chairman of the Moscow Hockey Federation Anton Sergeevich Loktev. In the same role, the actor appeared in 2016.

The expressive character went to Aristarchu Evgenievich in the detective TV series "Investigator Tikhonov", in which he appeared in the "Medication against Fear" as Professor Panafidine. The action of the series unfolds in Soviet Moscow in 1979-1980. This period corresponds to the preparation and holding of the XXII Summer Olympic Games, which makes the fight against crime especially intense.

The father of the main character, who played Glafira Tarkhanov, Aristarkh Evgenievich became in the melodrama "Tinchka". Sergey Gubanov, embodied the image of the investigator Igor Loevin, called the mini-series by a unique detective - on the screen for the first time showed the method of disclosing offenses, exploring the handwriting and drawings. Then another 3 seasons came out.

In 2020, a sign film appeared in Livanov filmography. "Santa Morozov" is based on real events. Aristarh Evgenievich was carefully prepared for the role, having studied the biography of the Honorary Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The picture shows Nikolai Alexandrovich and in youth, and in adulthood.

Personal life

Aristarkh Livanov was married three times. The first and second spouses were actresses - Olga Kalmykova and Tatiana Anischenko. In marriage with Tatiana, the Son was born, which he called in honor of his father - Eugene.

The personal life of the actor was formed with the Third Wife, with which he lives now. Her name is Larisa, and she is a professional philologist. Their joint daughter is named after Mother's actor - Nina. Children gave Aristarchu Evgenievich the opportunity to nurse with grandchildren.

In March 2021, Aristarkh Livanov became the guest of the author's program of Tatiana Ustinova "My hero".

Pages in "Instagram" have no actor, a photo with him is laying out devotees.

Aristarkh Lebanov Now

The actor appeared in the picture of "former no happens", the filming of which were announced for 2021.

I participated Aristarkh Evgenievich in the island drama "Clean Hands" directed by Dmitry Gaitan. In the ribbon about the work of the Agents of the KGB Livanov appeared in the image of Anthropova.


  • 1980-1982 - "State Border"
  • 1981 - "We, below,"
  • 1985 - "Password knew two"
  • 1985 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1986 - "The man who took interviews"
  • 1992 - "Thirtieth destroy!"
  • 1993 - "I am guilty"
  • 2006 - "Just lucky"
  • 2007 - Quartet for Two
  • 2008 - "A woman wants to know"
  • 2009 - "Boomerang from the past"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2011-2012 - "Bloodforn"
  • 2015-2016 - "Molodezhka"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"
  • 2018 - "Marusya"
  • 2018 - "Sichka"
  • 2020 - "Wolf"
  • 2020 - "Santa Claus"

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