Barbara Brylsk - biography, personal life, photos, news, "Irony of Fate", films, in youth, daughter 2021



Barbara Brylsk - Polish actress, which became famous in Russia after filming the comedy "Irony of Fate, or with a light steam!". But at home she was a star even before participating in this picture, because a lot of bright images presented a lot.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born in 1941 in the town of Cumms near the city of Lodz. Parents of the artist were working people: the mother worked as the seamstress, and the father worked as a mechanic. They brought up the daughters of the bass, as affectionately called Barbara, and her younger sister Yadvigi in rigor, which is why the girl grew quiet and modest. She suffered from complexes because of her appearance, but her opinion about himself changed the teachers who considered that the student would grow by a real beauty.

The abilities of creativity were discovered in Brylsky, in the early years of the biography, but at first she was painful for drawing. Parents decided to develop the ability of her daughter and gave it to the artistic lyceum. Once there was a director's assistant, who was looking for a suitable actress on the role in the film "Galoši happiness." So at 15, Barbara was first turned out to be on the set.

The work process lasted 3 days and made an unforgettable impression on the schoolgirl. The girl was sure that the suggestions would fall down, and she would become a famous artist. But when the scenes with her participation were captured, she received the fee and returned to the desk again.

Brylsk felt disappointment, but acting art did not leave anyway, attended the theater circle. And once, having seen her game in the play "Mother" at Maxim Gorky, the director advised to choose the actress profession.

A future celebrity came to the Filk School exam after an operation to remove appendicitis, so the plastic etude could not fulfill that it was hardly worth it. But after that, one student offered to work out with her, and still managed to enter the Lodz Higher Theater School. She didn't finish her studies in it, and later received a diploma of the Warsaw Higher School of Theater, Cinema and Television.

Carier start

Already in the youth of Brylsk actively starred, playing in Polish cinema. Popularity came to actress in 1966, after the director of the director of Jedi Kavarovich was released on the screens. In this film, she got a small, but noticeable role of Kama - Priestess and the concubine of Ramses.

In some scenes, Barbara had to be filmed nude. She worried about this, but was ready for everything, just to participate in the creation of the painting. Everything around only and told that shooting in Pharaoh - her chance to become a star. So it happened, the girlfriend quickly fell off suggestions.

In the same year, the performer first appeared in front of the audience. In the picture "Boomerang", she played Polka Euva Likhosik, in which the German fell in love, who came to the Polish city of Wroclaw.

Invitations for samples and foreign directors were followed. The artist was waiting in Yugoslavia and GDR, where they were offered a large fee. The 1968th was marked by the release of Western "Falcon Trail", where Brylsk embodied the beauty of Catherine Emerson, which had an imitation model for many women. In the same role, it appeared in the "White Wolves". At the site, Goyko Mitich and Slobodan Dimitrievich became partners.

Remember the audience and a convincing game of artists in the drama of Jerzy Hoffman "Pan Volodaevsky". In her, she appeared in the image of Christina Drohoyvskaya. In subsequent years, the star filmography continued to be replenished with new projects in which she performed mainly the main roles.

For the first time Barbara visited the set in Russia when she worked on the mini-series "Liberation". Then she came to Moscow again, at Mosfilm to play in the painting "Cities and Years". During this period, the actress was pregnant, as he learned, already when it was on the 5th month. The director was horrified as the work process was barely disappeared. As a result, I had to shoot all the scenes with the performer close-up.

The new wave of popularity came to Brylet with the release of melodrama "Anatomy of Love". A lot of frank scenes are a lot of frank scenes, because of which later condemned the star. In the USSR, she was shown in the edited version, but even it was enough to the audience to remember her heroine Eve. Drew attention to the Polish actress and Eldar Ryazanov.

"The Irony of Fate"

The director of the picture spent a lot of time, looking at the candidates for the role of Nina Sheveleva. They were among them and recognized beauties of the Soviet Union, but none came. Then Ryazanov remembered Barbara and found her room to call and invite to samples.

According to Brawn, the call has become a pleasant surprise for her, because usually the directors do not call the actors personally. After that, she got acquainted with the script and went on audition where she was quickly approved.

According to the memoirs of partners, the actress site was strict and demanding. She always came to shoot in advance and paid a lot of time to educate each scene, so he demanded from other same. For this reason, the star even happened to the conflict with the executor of the leading role Andrei soft, but later they began friends.

The picture went on screens in 1976 and for all decades has become a symbol of the new year for Russians. Barbara was even awarded the State Prize of the USSR, but it was exactly the reason why turned away from her to their homeland. There the film was shown only several times, and he did not cause an excitement.

After years, the performer gave consent to the shooting in the continuation, for the creation of which Timur Bekmambetov took. In melodrama, she played the mother of the main character performed by Elizabeth Boyarskaya. Due to the fact that in the plot it was also called Nadia, at first there was a confusion. After receiving the scenario, Brylsk began to learn the words of colleagues and was horrified by how much to master. Having learned about the error, she exhaled with relief.

Although the continuation of the "irony of fate" caused a lot of disputes, the film was still successful at the box office and became the most cash register in 2008.


After the "irony of fate", the star continued to actively film, but the main roles were offered to her more and less. She received an invitation and directories from the USSR. In 1991, the film "AU! Robbery of the train ", in which Barbara played Jadvig.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the audience saw the artist and in Ukrainian projects. So, she starred in the "Strange Christmas" melodrama on the play of John Patrick "Strange Mrs. Savage." In Russia, Brylsk visited the shooting area of ​​the series "Admiral", where she played a nanny. There was an unpleasant incident with her: in the plot she had to fall, and during the fall he lost consciousness for a few seconds. The director did not say the performer.

In 2014, the piggy bank of the star was replenished with a family picture "Mystery of the Four Princesses". There she appeared in the form of fairies. The company at the actress site was Sergey Zhigunov, Christina Orbakayte and Alexander Strizhenov. After that, Barbara decided to take a career break to devote himself to the family.

Personal life

The star was repeatedly married, but no union did her happy. The first husband of the actress became Polish mathematician Jan Borovets. They met in the train, at that time Barbara was barely 17 years old, and the age difference with the beloved was 6 years. After goodbye, the guy found the girl, and then she became his wife.

Poland chosen was against the acting career of Brylskaya, so she had to abandon their studies and filming. She led a housewife life, but quickly bored, and the spouse allowed to return to the site. There were no children in marriage.

Soon the feelings were cooled, and the star happened to the novel with Yezhi Zelnik. They studied together, and Barbara proposed to consider his candidacy for a major role in Pharaoh. The actors did not even have to play passionateness to each other on the site, because everything was truly. But this intrigue was not long.

The real love of Brylsk met on the set of "White Wolves." Her chief became Slobodan Dimitrievich, who seemed to be a man's ideal. For the sake of him, the actress divorced her husband. They built joint plans for the future, but their native men were against marriage. Relations ended with disappointment.

After that, the classmate introduced Barbara with a friend, a gynecologist with Ludwig Kosmall. They got married and became parents of two children who were named after each other. But family life was not happy: the spouse drank and changed the artist. As a result, she could not stand and divorced him.

The daughter of Brylet was the same beautiful as she. The girl was filmed in the cinema and was a popular model. But in 1993 she died in a car accident, which was for the star tragedy. She fell into depression and found the strength to live on only for the sake of his son.

Barbara no longer attempts to establish a personal life. She devoted himself to the upbringing of grandchildren - Shimon and Yakuba.

Health status

In 2017, the doctors were discovered on the face of the actress tumor, which was taken for oncology. But the result of the analysis showed that the neoplasm is benign. The star was safely transferred to the operation, after which it quickly restored the physical form. The photo of the shining Barbara posted on the page "Instagram" Russian actor Igor Vernik.

After 3 years, rumors appeared on the net that the performer is sick with cancer. Several sources wrote that she asks for support from fans. But Brylsk denied the speculation in an interview for the Star Channel.

Barbara Brylsk now

Now the celebrity rarely communicates with journalists. In 2021, she responded to the death of Andrei soft, expressing his regret.

Commented on the performer and shooting of the Hollywood version of the "Irony of Fate". She does not believe that the film will be as successful as Russian.


  • 1958 - "Galoshi happiness"
  • 1966 - "Pharaoh"
  • 1966-1968 - "The rate is more than life"
  • 1968 - "Falcon Trail"
  • 1969 - "White Wolves"
  • 1969 - "Liberation"
  • 1972 - "Anatomy of Love"
  • 1973 - "Cities and Years"
  • 1975 - "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!"
  • 2001 - "Down House"
  • 2003 - "Casus Belli"
  • 2007 - "Irony of Fate. Continuation"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2014 - "Mystery of four princesses"

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