Tolgahan Saolyman - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Tolgahan Saolyman is a Turkish actor and a fashion model who became famous in his homeland after the victory at the beauty contest "Mr. Turkey". International glory to the artist brought melodramas "between the sky and the Earth" and "time of tulips".

Tolgahan was born in Istanbul in the family of immigrant from the Greek city of Thessaloniki. Mom actor - Turkanka. The boy since childhood seriously and responsibly approached his own classes. Tolgahan was happy to study at school and spent a lot of time self-development. In addition, Sayshman began to work as a 10-year-old, and it was a boy's initiative, as the family could provide the demands of the Son.

Actor Talkhan Saolyman

But for Tolgahan, labor was a necessity, mental need. Until now, the actor says that as soon as he stops working, he happens stress or even depression. Therefore, from orphanage, the future actor worked in a neighboring hairdresser, and also sold water on the market.

After school, the young man comes to the Istanbul University of Dogush and becomes a student of the Faculty of Business Management. But the mega-active young man was only alone. Therefore, the young man concludes an agreement with the model agency and begins to go to the podium. At 19, Talkhan Saichman participates in the beauty contest and receives a special prize "model of the future". A year later, on the same competition wins first place and becomes Mr. Turkey.

Tolgahan Saolyman.

For such success, the invitation was followed in the capital of fashion - Paris, where Tagahhan became the first Turk overlooking the most prestigious podium of the world. And in 24, Sayshman again wins the beauty contest, this time an international scale. This fact influenced the development of the creative biography of Tolgahan. After that, the triumph is a young man and comes the offer to film. Of course, Tolgahan agreed with pleasure, since, hiding all this desire, secretly dreamed of acting career in adolescence.


First, Tolgahan Sayshman was invited to one of the episodes of the Turkish TV series "Captive Hearts". The experience though was small, but turned out to be successful, since the young man was called to other projects - the melodrama "form for macho" and the comedy "beginner witches." The historical drama "Farewell, Rushelia" forced the viewers to pay serious attention to the young actor, and the first success in the movie was waiting for Tolgahan after filming in the romantic comedy "Goal of My Life". In the role of the beloved Hero of Tolghana, the other Star of the Turkish screen was appeared - Fakhria Eugenz. The painting was broadcast in Turkey, Germany and Holland.

But the real popularity came to the artist when the story of love "between heaven and land" and the family Saga "time of Tulipov" came to the screens. After that, the producers and directors literally poured Sayyshman in a variety of suggestions, from which the actor himself could choose the most interesting.

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Since then, the actor decided to be removed only in the lead roles and participated in the creation of a comedy "Mazlum Kuzey", the historical picture "Tiger". In 2013, the show of the melodramatic series "Exile" on the tragic love of the daughter of wealthy Istanbulians and the son of Kucher was started. The time of the film is the mid-60s, when it was still possible to evict a citizen by a court decision from the port city. But even at a distance, beloved remains true to each other. A young star of Said Axa played a pair with Tolgahan.

Actor appeared and in the 2015 Love Drama release "I will never refuse." In the film, the Hero Tolgakhan cannot decide with whom of two girls to connect fate. The participants of the love triangle suffer from uncertainty, but can not change anything.

Personal life

Tolgahan Saolyman does not suffer from the inattention of the fans. Yes, and the actor himself considers himself very loving. The artist often had novels with partners in television serias. Some of them turned out to be completely short-term, others - longer. The personal life of the artist does not stand still.

Seleni Soyder and Talkhan Saichman

So, on the set of melodramas "the time of Tulipov" Tagahhan met and began to meet with the actress, model and vice "Miss Turkey" Serren Sarykaya. But these relationships went on time at time, and Tagahhan plunged into love with a partner for the series "Between Heaven and Earth" Selen Soyder, who possesses the title "Miss Turkey-2007" and participated in the Miss World Competition.

With a selenium, the actor was long enough, but young people broke up after the treason of Tolgahan with a random acquaintance. In 2015, Sysheman's name was associated with Amin Gulhe. The actors were filmed together in a multi-sieuled film "I will never refuse", but this novel turned out to be fleeting.

Almeda Abazi and Talkhan Sayshman

Soon the heart of the handsome was taken by Almeda Abazi - Albanian and Turkish actress, model, owner of Miss Tirana 2007 titles and Miss Albania 2008. The girl managed to light up in the rating project "Magnificent Century", where the heroine of Nomenian Hatun played, the favorite Suleiman I, his daughter's mother. According to the plot of the film, the girl died from Nurban.

About the novel by Tolgahan and Almeda for the first time became known on the eve of 2016. Rumors about the preparing wedding appeared on the network. But the celebration occurred in a year - February 14, 2017, Almeda became the wife of Tolgahan in Las Vegas. The date was not chosen by chance: besides the fact that this is World Valentine's Day, on the eve of the girl celebrated the 25th anniversary, because Almeda's birthday accounts for the 13th month.

Wedding Talkahan Sayshman and Almeted Abazi

The celebration of the marriage took place on the roof of the Beverly Hills Hotel surrounded by close friends and relatives. The outfit of the bride was embellished with decorations, a decolted snow-white dress. Photos from the festive ceremony, both newlywed posted on personal accounts in the Instagram network.

Talkhan Saichman is interested in football. The actor is an ardent football fan of the Fenerbahce Capital Club, the artist does not miss the matches of the Turkish national team.

Talkahan Saichman now

Talkhan ratings increase every year. The actor's name continues to fall on the first bands of the announcements of the country's best films. Such a picture was the comedy "Byzantine Games" on the incredible resettlement of the Maya's people into the territory of modern Turkey. To get rid of the uninvited neighbors, the killer killer has to arrange competitions, according to the results of which the defeated side will have to submit to the requirements of the winners. The role of Adonis went to Tolgahan Sayyshman.

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2017 brought the fans a new meeting with his favorite artist. In the film "Old Love", which was created in the genre of a melodramatic comedy. Tolgahan's hero - Barysh - in love with Ferida (Bada Ishchil), but young people have difficulties and they break up. A year later, lovers are solved on the second attempt.

Now another premiere was held - showing the drama of love "Black Pearl". On the role of the main love couple of the project, the creators called Tolgahan Sayshman and Handa Erchel. The third excess in this story was the hero of Berk Hakman, who is trying to destroy the Union and draw the attention of the girl to herself.


  • 2007-2009 - "Farewell, Rumelia"
  • 2008 - "Love Eclipse"
  • 2008 - "Goal of my life"
  • 2009 - "Game in Love"
  • 2010-2011 - "Between heaven and land"
  • 2010-2011 - "Starting Tulips"
  • 2013 - "Exile"
  • 2015 - "Mazlum Kuzey"
  • 2015 - "Never refuse"
  • 2016 - "Byzantine Games"
  • 2017 - "Black Pearl"

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