Chagatai Ulusoy - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The ascending star of Turkish cinema Chagatay Ulusoy appeared on the screens not so long ago, his filmography does not exceed ten paintings, but the artist is already considered one of the promising young actors. And courageous appearance (Chagatai is a professional model) made a guy with a cumier of Turkish girls.

The artist was born in September 1990 in Istanbul. The Bosnian origin of the mother and the Bulgarian father blended in the Son. Probably hence the bright and memorable appearance of the actor. In addition to Chagata, another son, younger atalai, smashed in the family.

Actor Chagay Ulusoya

Chachatai from an early age was a moving child. The boy adored the sport and always turned out to be in the spotlight, wherever appeared. High growth led ulus to basketball, where the guy did considerable successes. The young man could become a sports coach. But everyone was read the acting or model career chhat.

Why, after graduating from school, the ulus was leaned at the faculty of landscape design, it is not clear. But the advice of friends and loved ones to try themselves on the acting field Chachatai did not forget. The young man began to take skill lessons in the theater school.

Chagatai Ulusoya

In the student years, the guy noticed representatives of the capital modeling agency. It happened that the school teachers were predicted: Chagatay Ulusoy became a model. Moreover, the career on this field promoted rapidly. In 20 years, the guy won the title "Best Model" among men in Native Turkey. This work brought the student the first earnings. However, now, with the current employment on the set, the ulus did not throw the model.


Cinematic biography of Chagatai Ulusoya began in 2010. The actor starred in an episodic role in the 3rd season of the Comedy "Regep Ivdik" about a young man who was depressed after the death of his beloved grandmother, who comes to the aid of a distant relative. Chagatai performed the episodic role of the dancer.

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But Chagay himself considers the film "Eagles Anatolia" by the debut. The artist got the role of the fearless pilot of the Turkish air force, a charismatic guy who does not bend under the severity of problems and the mountain costs friends. The film received high spectator ratings and broadcast in seven countries of the world, including Japan.

This fame came to the young actor after the release of the series "I called her Ferich". This melodrama carried the Chagata to the top of popularity in his homeland and abroad. The tape tells about the difficulties and obstacles on the way to reunion with beloved. Hero Chagata - a wealthy young man living in luxury and pleasures. Ferich - a girl from social bases, but dreams of a bright future and makes efforts to this. The role was performed by Khazal Kaya.

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After the release of this tape, Chagatai Ulusoy, one after another receives several offers from famous Turkish directors. The fans saw the artist in the rating projects "to the house dropped zipper" ("Lightning, piercing the house") and the "path of Emir".

From 2013 to 2015, the actor was filmed in a popular "Tide" series popular in his native country. Chagatay got the main role. Hero Ulusoya - an honest young man who earns heavy labor. But his older brother is a criminal. According to the fault of the relative, the main character turns out to be behind the bars. An experienced lawyer comes to the help of a young man who played the Barysh Falai in the film.

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The new comb of popularity of Nastign Chagata Ulusoya after the appearance in the continuation of the rating historical series "Magnificent Century" about the life of the Ottoman Empire. The rights to broadcast this tape bought 5 dozen countries. The continuation of the first film was called the "Empire Keshe". Chagatayu got the role of Osman's second, born Makhfire Sultan. In this role with a young artist and met the viewers of Russia. On the official website of the television series, the actor appeared his own page dedicated to the biography and work of Chagata.

In 2015, the artist appeared in another melodraman "Wild Honey". The hero of Chagatai is crazy in love with a young student who plays Leila Lydia Tugulla. But the girl is passionate about only the career. Large work Junior should pay attention to his beloved. But after the long-awaited wedding, the young man does not stand the coldness of the spouse and leaves her.

Personal life

It is known that the young actor is not going to bind himself to marriage in the near future. Chagatai is busy on the set, is in the zenith of popularity and in demand in cinema. The actor's work schedule is scheduled for the clock.

Nevertheless, the personal life of Chagatai Ulusoya under the closer attention of the paparazzi. After all, the ulus is a star in his homeland. Each step of the actor and all satellites of the handsome records the blank journalists and fans. The actor had two novels with colleagues, none of which was completed by the wedding. The first one with the actress Serena Sarykaya - laptop lasted.

Serena Sarykaya and Chagatai Ulusoya

Then there were romantic relationships with crap skens. The novel overshadowed rumors that the pair was caught in sharing marijuana. But the artist claims that the career develops so well that it makes no sense to put a cross on work, using drugs.

At one time, Chagatai Ulusoya met in the society colleagues Leyla Tugulla in society, but the artist himself assured that the actors are extremely friendly relations, and Leila is not going to become a wife's wife. This is a confirmation of the photo on the personal page of the ulus in "Instagram". On your own account, the actor introduces fans with the announcements of films, in which participates, and also places pictures with colleagues and friends.

Chagatai ulus now

In the spring of 2016, Chagatay Ulusoy began to be filmed in a film project, based on the plot of Martin Scorsese "Apostates", in which Leonardo di Caprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson played the main characters. For persuasive character, the ulus was in America, where he studied the skill of the use of small arms.

Fans waited for the start of the show showing the name "inside", by autumn. Together with Chagatham, who appeared on the screen in the image of an experienced policeman, Aras Bulut Yoremli and Bennce was shot. The creators connected in the film a number of genres - detective, criminal film, thriller, melodrama.

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The plot tells about graduates of the Police Academy, among which two main characters are in fact to be their own brothers separated in early childhood. And the youngest lucky less - he fell into a criminal group and was engaged at one time. But the love of the girl forced the young man to change the views on life.

Now in the European Unit of Media Holding Netflix, work began on the scenario of the series dedicated to one of the superheroes. The film will be filmed in Turkey. According to the vice-president of the company Erica Barmak, the candidate of Chagatai Ulusoya is considered to the role of the main character. Netflix is ​​interested in creating original European serials, and Turkey did not exception.


  • 2010 - "Recep Ivdik 3"
  • 2011 - "Anatolian Eagles"
  • 2011-2012 - "I called her Ferich"
  • 2013-2015 - "Tide"
  • 2015 - "Wild Honey"
  • 2016 - "Magnificent Century. Empire Keshe
  • 2016-2017 - "Inside"

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