Ladzhan Deniz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Turkish Actor 2021



Ludzhan Deniz - Turkish actor, singer, director and screenwriter, whose popularity extends far beyond the borders of the native country. The brilliant career became proof that faith in itself and perseverance fold the mountains.

Childhood and youth

Ladzhan Deniz was born in Ankara in May 1972. By nationality, actor - Kurd. Children's and youthful years of the future artist were held in the capital. It was comprehensively gifted and at the same time possessed model appearance. He also had a wonderful voice as a child. The boy began to sing, and soon this occupation swallowed Denis.

In the middle classes of School, Ozdzhan accepted a risky decision celebrated by relatives in the bayonets: the young man threw his studies and stated that he was going to seriously work in creativity. Not paying attention to the infliction of a mother who believed that the Son was ruined by the future, he did in his own way.

The creative biography of Ozdzhan began when he only turned 13 years old. By this time, the teenager professionally sang. In 16, Denise was toured in Antalya, providing a hazardous existence of himself and relatives, and at the age of 17 he left Turkey and went to Germany. For three years, lived in Munich and worked on vocals, improving the execution manner and working on the image.

Returning home, Denise immediately went to the army. Only after 3 years, demobilized, the artist began a new period in creative life.

Personal life

The actor and singer are successful in creativity and in personal life. Behind the handsome there is a lot of novels and victories. Ozdzhan attribute links to movie and pop stars. But on this topic he speaks reluctantly and behaves like a real man.

The personal life of celebrities is saturated as not surprising. Loving handsome man is extremely popular with the opposite sex. In 1991, the wife of Deniz became the actress Handan Deniz. But in his youth, the artist failed to preserve the relationship - the marriage lasted until the 2000th, and then followed the divorce.

Later, Ozdzhan met with Artist Fakhrye Eugen. They say, it confidently went to the wedding, but in 2013 a couple suddenly announced the end of the relationship. The media wrote that the cause of the gap served as a treason of artist. Allegedly Fahria saw a photo of the beloved, made by Paparazzi, which shows that he returned from the rest from Venice not one, but with a young model named Aich Kuru. Later, the Turkish press attributed to the actor of the novels with models of Arvava Woodi and Busus, the Actress of the Entrance service.

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This provision of affairs was unhappy with the mother of the actor frame. The woman put an ultimatum to the son to marry immediately and give birth to grandchildren, because she has no strength and patience to watch the best years of Ozdzhan, and in his house the only living being a cat remains. It is rumored that the cause of the Mother's Ultimatum served as a gap with the next chosen of Achers Ayshin Turan, who she liked.

Ozdzhan does not advertise romantic attachments. And even on the appearing photos with girls in a personal account "Instagram", most often his partners on the films were attended. Therefore, everyone was surprised, having learned about the celebrity wedding with Fais Aktan, which took place on March 15, 2018.

The marriage ceremony took place in a circle of close friends and relatives in the Deniz House in Istanbul. Even before visualing a question, whether the face was ready to become an actor's wife, she replied from excitement "yes." Ludzhan was modest in emotions, after hearing the speech to the end, he said confidently:

"Yes, with all my heart!"

All those who watched the wedding ceremony, surprised the bride's outfit. Instead of traditional white robe on it there was a fitting black dress. Everything else corresponded to the Turkish traditions, the newlyweds took congratulations, the guests have fun and rested.

As it turned out later, at the time of the conclusion of the marriage of Fais was pregnant. Firstborn was born at the end of April 2018. The son was awarded the surname of the Father, the boy is the name of the Kuzey Deniz. His birth at birth was 51 cm, and the weight is 3.5 kg. Information about other children's children in the network did not appear.

However, a year later, the pair discussed in relations. In the summer of 2019, it became known about their divorce. LJDAN refused to announce the reporters of the cause of such a decision. It was originally rumored that for 15 months the marriage of Faise demands 15 million Turkish lira from the spouse. In fact, everything turned out to be much more modest.

The court appointed a pair of joint guardianship, having ordained the Deniz to pay for a former wife of 10 thousand lire for its content and 2.5 thousand to ensure the child.


Removing the cinema, Ljdzhan continued to develop the performing career. The artist sang songs, filmed clips, gave solo concerts and participated in the national teams, in which the stars of the Turkish pop.

Denise released a solo debut album called "My Angel". The circulation turned out to be huge, but all was instantly excavated by fans. After the first album, the second "Venus star" soon appeared.

A storm of discussion aroused joint work of Ozdzhan with Turkish artist Deniz Chakir in 2011. The listeners enjoy the song "Sonra" in their execution, and after that, a clip on the composition came out.

Films and serials

After the army, Denise unexpectedly received an invitation to star in the film. The series "Mansion with grapes" was the first in the filmography of Ozdzhan. Turkish lovers with interest watched the development of events on the screen and immediately noted the talented actor, whom did not meet anywhere before.

Without a doubt, this series has become for Denise Spridin into the world of Turkish cinema. A wide fame and new proposals from directors came to the young man.

After the Kinebut, Denise often participated in new projects. The audience saw him in the pictures "Now he soldiers," June night "and" Where are you, Firuza? ". All named films received high ratings in their homeland. The broadcast rights of some were sold to other countries.

The greatest popularity came to Ozdzhan after going to the screens of melodrama "Dangerous Love". Here, the actor got the role of non-service, in love and passionate young man who managed to carry a wonderful feeling through dozens of incredible obstacles. This romantic tape had a deafening success in Turkey. Ozdzhan turned into a idol for the audience and the most highly paid actor for directors.

In 2011, the artist decided to try forces as a director. Debut picture "And then?" Brought Ozdzhan a new wave of success. The film highly appreciated critics and warmly met the audience. He became not only the director, but also the screenwriter of the film, and also wrote music to a telephone.

The success of the first work inspired the novice director to the second project. Melodrama "You, My Home" came out in 2012 and also received high ratings. This time, the love duet Deniz flew together with Fakhrya Euczen. A young girl manages to melt the heart of a man who has known bitterness of betrayal. But on the way, the lovers get a new test - the incurable disease of the young spouse.

In 2013, the Turkish television was published a picture "Water and Fire" about obstacles on the path of two lovers, who played Ludzhan Deniz and Yasman Allen. The project turned out to be a rating. There was an actor and in the Drama "Black Flower", and again in the title role. This time, he embodied on the screen the image of a deceiver, who risks the well-being of the family.

In 2014, the artist starred in the melodrama "Day, when my fate is written" about a wealthy pair, which resorts to the help of surrogate motherhood. Then the "Cute and Dangerous" melodrama was released on the screens, for which Ludzhan wrote a script and musical accompaniment, and also became the director. The role of the main character Zelish Denise invited Aich Ayshin Turan, who was playing the girl from a secured family who lives with a rich father and does not suspect that she is not his native daughter.

Zelish is going to marry, but on the day of engagement in her house, a young thief is closed, with whom the bride faces face to face. The meeting was fleeting, but the girl cannot forget him. The very "cute and dangerous" played Shyukrew Lamyldyz.

In 2016, the Turkish series "All because of love" came out with the participation of the artist, where Ludzhan appeared in the image of a wealthy businessman. The plot of the film, telling about the young girl who learned the day before the wedding about the treason of the groom turned out to be popular in his homeland.

High ratings received another melodrama with the participation of the actor, which appeared this year. In the film "The second chance" of Deniz and Nurgul Eshilla, executed the role of lovers whose relationships start with a quarrel. He is a baloveman of fate, a wealthy businessman, she is a simple teacher who experienced an unsuccessful marriage. The paths of the heroes intersect in an unexpected way. The tape is also interesting because the director and the screenwriter spoke Lzhasen himself.

In 2017, the premiere of the next director's and acting work of Ozdzhan - Thriller "Other Party" took place. In the film, we were talking about a love triangle, in which one of the girls is solved for a crime. In addition to Denise, the acting trio, in addition to Denise, entered Merini Uzerly and Asl Enver.

Another job is the series "Stanbulian Bride", in the center of which the story of the love of the heir of an influential family and a girl from the poor district. And again in the foreground, the acting duet of Ozdzhan Deniz and Asl Enver. Course over the course of two seasons proves the right to love and happiness.

Ladzhan Deniz now

Deniz and now pleases fans with new roles in the movies. At the end of September 2020, the premiere of the series "Love against Fate" was held, where he got a key character. In Turkey, the series was released back in 2014, but Russian spectators were able to see it only after 6 years on the TV channel "Home".

Deniz has played a rich Turkish businessman who builds a happy life with the girl Eliff (Hatice Shandil). After another reception, the doctor will find out that he will never be able to become pregnant. To know the happiness of motherhood, the couple decides to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.

To bear the baby agrees a poor girl who is very necessary money for the help of the mother and sick sister. But after passing the procedure, Eco it falls under the closer control of relatives of the couple and in time begins to feel like in prison. One day she decides to escape to meet with loved ones. This step leads to fatal consequences and for a couple, and for a poor girl.


  • 2003 - "Now he soldiers"
  • 2004 - "June night"
  • 2004 - "Where are you, Firuza?"
  • 2007 - "Fate"
  • 2009-2010 - "Dangerous Love"
  • 2011 - "What then?"
  • 2012 - "You, my house"
  • 2013 - "Water and Fire"
  • 2014 - "Day, when my fate is written"
  • 2016 - "Second Chance"
  • 2017 - "Istanbul Bride"
  • 2017 - "Other Side"

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