ENGIN AKYUKH - biography, personal life, photos, news, turkish actor, movies, TV shows, "instagram" 2021



Engin Akyush is a popular and popular Turkish actor, owner of a number of prestigious filmmakers, familiar to the Russian audience, thanks to the participation in the television series "Dirty money, lies love." Seducting millions of fans around the world, Akyuschet more than once recognized as one of the most attractive artists of Turkey.

Childhood and youth

Engine Akyush was born and grew up in Ankara in 1981. By the sign of the zodiac, he - scales. The father of the film actor served as a state official, and Mom led a household and brought up children, as Energin is not the only child in the family. He has a native younger brother Eren.

At school age, the future star constantly changed their hobbies, demonstrating a wide range of interests: from sports and music to social studies. Engine trained in the football section, learned to play guitar and piano, dreamed of becoming a lawyer. As a century is recognized later, perhaps the only thing that the boy did not even have thought, so it is a career of artist.

After graduating from high school with a fairly high middle score, Engine entered the State University of Ankara, where he studied at once in two faculties - historical and linguistic. But just in the student years, the young man began to attend a dramatic studio and play amateur productions. The highest formation was applied to the direct appointment of Akyush, but always emphasized that the study had a positive effect on his intellect and increased erudition.

Soon after the end of the university, the young man decided to participate in the popular Talent of the Stars of Turkey, where Entrine won in the Acting Mastery category. Such success immediately drew the attention of film director's attention to a talented guy, and Akyosuu received a proposal for shooting in television series.


The first appearance in the Gaming film Enthina Akurek had to be "Foreign Groom" melodrama. Behind this film was followed by the tragedy "Fate", which brought a novice artist's prestigious award "The most promising actor of the year", the fighter "Black Snake", the love story "If I became a cloud" and the drama "Farewell, Rumelia."

The Great success of Energin brought the television series "What is the wine Fatmagul?", Based on the novel of the writer of the Turkali Vedat. In the work, the author showed the harsh abuse of Turkish women in the 1970s. In Russia, the melodrama also published under the name "without guilt". The picture was demonstrated in more than 50 countries around the world. Thus, Akyoschez became known both in Turkey and beyond the native country.

2 years old man was concentrated at work in this multi-sized film, then disappeared from screens for another 2 years. But in 2014, the fans saw the favorite artist at once in two new projects - a romantic detective "Little Eulyul problem" and plenty of dirty money, false love ", thanks to which Engine Akyush became one of the most popular Turkish performers.

In 2017, Akyush received a major role in the criminal series "To the very death." The partner of the actor on the set became Fahria Euczen. The script tells about a young man who is lifelongly convicted of a crime that he did not commit. At the same time, the young man was accused of murder, which happened at his own wedding, where the victim of the crime was the father of the bride. The plot is concentrated on a consequence and trial, as well as on the struggle of a lawyer for the truth and justice towards the hero.

Soon Energin Akyush replenished his filmography of the dramatic thriller "Children entrusted to you." The main roles in this picture also got Hilal Altinbilek, Sheriff Seor, Osman Alkash, Birsen Dügrul.

In early 2019, the romantic comedy "One love two lives" came out with the participation of Entry. He appeared in the image of the director submerged in the profession. But once the hero meets a career player (Berguzar Korel), and his world is painted with new bright colors. In the same year, the premiere of the series "Daughter Ambassador" took place.

Personal life

All familiar aquies respond about the artist as a reasonable and well-read man, and as well as a very interesting interlocutor. Parents support the choice of the profession of Eingin and gladly visit the premieres of his films. A celebrity lives in a quiet area of ​​Istanbul, leads a closed lifestyle and does not apply about personal. Such a manner of behavior entails the appearance of many speculations and rumors.

The talent admirers of Akurek's talent said about the romantic relationship of the actor with a partner on the television series "What is the fault of Fatmagul?" Beren Sat, as well as with the executor of the leading role in the film "Dirty money, lies love" Tubyuyukyushun and other beauties.

In both cases, information does not correspond to reality, as Energin with these actresses is exclusively in friendly relations. But from the Tuvana journey, which in the painting "dirty money, false love" performed a secondary role, he really had a novel on the set. However, the girl's wife did not become an Eingin.

At the same time in the Turkish press, information appeared that Akyoschen was secretly found with a girl in the Anatolian part of Istanbul to avoid the attention of the paparazzi and fans and save the novel in the Secret.

In early January 2018, rumors of Ankaurek Ankurek's novel appeared in Turkish media with Jans Dere. Colleagues were noticed at the official event "Golden Butterfly" (Pantene Altın Kelebek). At this award ceremony, the actors received honorary titles and prizes for their contribution to the development of the Turkish film industry. But, by rumors, not together came to the ceremony Energin and Jans.

This news did not receive official confirmation, so he covered with rumors and disputes about whether the message of the press about the new passion of Akurek is true or not. In addition, both artists do not like the attention of reporters and rarely agree to speak with journalists about personal life.

Due to the permanent discussions and the reports of fans, the news about the Roman Eingina and Jansu entered the top list of the most discussed topics in Twitter. In other social networks, such discussions also received great attention. At the same time, part of the media, for example, the correspondents of the Hürriyet newspaper, skeptically spoke on this topic. In their opinion, the actors rather tied the work than a real love relationship, and rumors about the relationship provoked their agents to warm up interest in creativity and future joint roles of the couple.

The press is that and the case attributes to the novels with compatriots. So, in 2019, Turkish tabloids had the news that the celebrity faced relations with the Istanbul designer of Nevbahar Doyuran. Close to the star sources argued that it was nearing the wedding, but Nevbahar did not become his wife. At the same time, rumors went about the feelings of the young colleague on the set Tulin Yazkan. But while Akyuba remains among the bachelors.

Under the name of Eingin, fan accounts are conducted in Twitter and Instagram, as well as a number of pages dedicated to the Turk, on various venues by admirers from around the world. In addition, lovers of fans make clips with fragments from the TV shows. Of course, the hero of the melodram is a rearness in Russia, who are watching his work in a group in Vkontakte.

But the official site on a separate platform from Akurek is not at least in the English-speaking segment of the Internet. At the same time, neither in one social network himself is not divided by thoughts and photos, and records in posts are usually associated with the work of the artist.

ENGIN Akyoschet now

The creative biography of Engin is constantly replenished, but he does not leave the old projects. In 2021, a high charming brunette (growth - 191 cm, and the weight - 85 kg) continued to work in the TV series "Daughter of Ambassador". For several years, the romantic story of Sanjar (Engine Akyush) and Nar (Nesalihan Athagul) managed to insert many Turkish cinema fans.

At the beginning of the year, fans waited for the sad news: Athagul is forced to leave shooting due to health problems. Rumors appeared in the press that actress and models did not like the ratings and criticism of the "daughter ambassador". Nesalihan's decision was reported by subscribers in his instagram account.

But the producers did not fell in spirit and decided to continue working. Tuba Buiukustun will be a new partner of Akurek on the series. The celebrity has already gave its consent. After 7 years, the Turkish stars will again become partners in the shooting area.


  • 2004 - "Foreign Bridegroom"
  • 2006 - "Fate"
  • 2007 - "Farewell, Rushelia"
  • 2007-2008 - "Black Snake"
  • 2009 - "If I became a cloud"
  • 2010-2012 - "What is the fault of Fatmagul"
  • 2014 - "Little Eulyul problem"
  • 2014-2015 - "Dirty money, false love"
  • 2017 - "To the very death"
  • 2018 - "Children entrusted to you"
  • 2019 - "Daughter Ambassador"
  • 2019 - "One love two lives"

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